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Everything posted by R3vo

  1. R3vo

    init.sqf not found

    Hey, that is a known issue on Profiling Branch which will be fixed tomrrow afaik.
  2. [ "", format [ "%1 Downloading!!", name player ] ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_showSubtitle", 0]; Try this code.
  3. boxcount = { params ["_transportertype", "_cargotype"]; private _boxcount = 0; private _cargos = []; private _full = false; if (isClass (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _transportertype >> "VehicleTransport" >> "Carrier")) then { _transporter = _transportertype createvehiclelocal [0, 0, -1000]; _cargo = _cargotype createvehiclelocal [0, 0, -1100]; while {!_full} do { if ((_transporter canVehicleCargo _cargo)#0) then { _success = _transporter setVehicleCargo _cargo; _cargo = _cargotype createvehiclelocal [0, 0, -1100]; } else { _full = true }; }; _cargos = (getVehicleCargo _transporter); _boxcount = count _cargos; {deletevehicle _x} foreach _cargos; deletevehicle _transporter; deletevehicle _cargo; }; _boxcount }; 0 spawn { startLoadingScreen ["Test"]; for "_i" from 0 to 10000 do { private _result = ["B_Truck_01_cargo_F", "Land_metalBarrel_F"] call boxcount; //diag_log format ["%1: %2: %3", diag_tickTime, _result, _i]; progressLoadingScreen (_i / 1000); }; endLoadingScreen; }; Cannot reproduce the performance degradation. Even after 50000 runs.
  4. Simple Conversation Script (APEX Edition) A simple conversation script for Arma 3. For the documentation as well as the download visit GitHub. Demo Video
  5. Thanks for sharing. Here are three more extensions that I find really useful. Tyriar.sort-lines (Sort lines with various settings) moshfeu.diff-merge (Compare two files and merge differences) bux578.vscode-openlastrpt (Opens latest RPT with ALT + R)
  6. R3vo

    Extend/reset sleep timer?

    Create a new variable and add 5 sec sleep to it for every additional kill after the first one. After 3 kills: Sleep 5; sleep TimeForAdditionalKills; //Reset counter I am at my phone so it's kinda tedious to write it down more detailed.
  7. private _ammo = "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells"; { _x addItemCargo [_ammo, selectRandom [1, 2]]; } forEach [box1, box2];
  8. Also read: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Shooting_Targets
  9. Very interesting. Some of the lights really looked better in the Alpha. However, light shining through objects has always been the case as far as I remember.
  10. "ModuleCurator_F" createUnit [ //Save the module in a global variable known to the client getPosATL player, createGroup sideLogic, "myCuratorModule = this; this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false, true];" //We assign the module to a variable via its init ]; // Creating Zeus module on the map at player's position. myfnc_addZeus = { params ["_player"]; [_player, myCuratorModule] remoteExec ["assignCurator",2]; systemChat "You have gained access to Zeus. Press Y to access Zeus."; }; myfnc_removeZeus = { params ["_player"]; [_player] remoteExec ["unassignCurator",2]; systemChat "You have lost access to Zeus. To gain access to Zeus, select Become Curator from scroll menu." }; player addAction ["Become Curator", {_this select 1 call myfnc_addZeus}]; player addAction ["Leave Curator", {_this select 1 call myfnc_removeZeus}]; //This select 1 is the player who activates the action Issue fixed. You were using the createUnit syntax that does not the created unit/object. I am assigning the module to a variable now via its init.
  11. units _group findIf {alive _x} == -1 Should work as well.
  12. You are already doing that.
  13. It's group. You make it a string first but then you assign a group to it. The string is kinda redundant. What I noticed is, you are potentially creating a new group every second so you need to keep track of the number of groups and either delete them if needed or make sure you are not exeeding a certain threshold.
  14. If it works then it's good. I see no issue here for a mission that will not run 24/7.
  15. myCuratorModule = "ModuleCurator_F" createUnit [ //Save the module in a global variable known to the client getPosATL player, createGroup sideLogic, "this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false, true];" ]; // Creating Zeus module on the map at player's position. myfnc_addZeus = { params ["_player"]; [_player, myCuratorModule] remoteExec ["assignCurator",2]; systemChat "You have gained access to Zeus. Press Y to access Zeus."; }; myfnc_removeZeus = { params ["_player"]; [_player] remoteExec ["unassignCurator",2]; systemChat "You have lost access to Zeus. To gain access to Zeus, select Become Curator from scroll menu." }; _myCuratorPlayer addAction ["Become Curator", {_this select 1 call myfnc_addZeus}]; _myCuratorPlayer addAction ["Leave Curator", {_this select 1 call myfnc_removeZeus}]; //This select 1 is the player who activates the action
  16. Try with format then. It could also be that initPlayerLocal.sqf is executed before initServer.sqf thus your variable does not exist when the briefing code is executed. See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Initialization_Order ("order is not guaranteed")
  17. Briefing.html is not valid for Arma 3 and thus not needed. See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Briefing.html Execute your briefing script via initPlayerLocal.sqf. This will ensure it's added locally for each player that joins the mission. See also: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Briefing.html
  18. PC_fn_compass_direction = { params ["_direction"]; private _sector = round (_direction / 22.5); [ "north", "north-north-east", "north-east", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_153", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_154", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_155", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_156", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_157", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_158", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_159", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_160", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_161", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_162", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_163", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_164", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_165", localize "STR_PC_groupchat_166" ] select _sector; };
  19. R3vo

    Query about layers

    Also read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Layer.
  20. R3vo

    AllControls check

    Exactly how you did it but as 7erra said, lbText does only return the text of a listbox. So you need to first get the type of the control with ctrlType and then get the text with the appropriate command e.g tvText, lbText, lnbText etc. In addition to that, you need to also go deeper if ctrlType return a controlsGroup because allControls will not return these.
  21. One way to do this would be: Condition: (allPlayers findIf {_x distance thisTrigger < 50 || _x inArea thisTrigger}) == -1 //Check if all players are far enough away and no player is in the trigger area Activation: (nearestObjects [thisTrigger, [], triggerArea thisTrigger # 0 max triggerArea thisTrigger # 1]) apply {deleteVehicle _x}; //Get all objects in the area of the trigger. Trigger area is not precise here. Could be done by an addional check though.
  22. R3vo

    OGV Video File Paths

    All .ogv files in Arma 3 v2.04 a3\data_f_argo\video\preview_argo.ogv a3\data_f_curator\video\preview_curator.ogv a3\data_f_exp\video\preview_expansion.ogv a3\data_f_heli\video\preview_heli.ogv a3\data_f_jets\video\preview_jets.ogv a3\data_f_kart\video\preview_kart.ogv a3\data_f_mark\video\preview_mark.ogv a3\data_f_orange\video\preview_orange.ogv a3\data_f_tank\video\preview_tank.ogv a3\map_altis_scenes_f\video\previewvideo.ogv a3\map_malden_scenes_f\video\previewvideo.ogv a3\map_stratis_scenes_f\video\previewvideo.ogv a3\map_tanoa_scenes_f\video\previewvideo.ogv a3\map_vr_scenes_f\video\previewvideo.ogv a3\missions_f\video\helicopters.ogv a3\missions_f\video\infantry.ogv a3\missions_f\video\scuba.ogv a3\missions_f\video\supports.ogv a3\missions_f\video\vehicles.ogv a3\missions_f_beta\video\combined_arms.ogv a3\missions_f_beta\video\commanding.ogv a3\missions_f_beta\video\defend.ogv a3\missions_f_beta\video\night.ogv a3\missions_f_beta\video\supports.ogv a3\missions_f_bootcamp\video\boot_m05_sometime_later.ogv a3\missions_f_bootcamp\video\vr_boot.ogv a3\missions_f_bootcamp\video\vr_generictransition_1.ogv a3\missions_f_bootcamp\video\vr_generictransition_2.ogv a3\missions_f_bootcamp\video\vr_generictransition_3.ogv a3\missions_f_curator\data\video\showcase_curator.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_hub_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in2_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in2_two_hours_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_m01_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_m02_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_m03_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_m04_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_m05_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_out_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_out_some_time_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_out_to_be_continued.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_hub01_10_days_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_hub01_few_hours_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_hub01_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_in2_12_hours_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_in_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_m01_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_m02_1_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_m03_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_m05_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_m06_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_out2_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\b_out2_sometime_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_ea_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_eb_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_in1_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_in2_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_m01_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_m02_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_out1_quotation.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\c_out2_sometime_later.ogv a3\missions_f_epa\video\fixed_wings.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\endgame.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m01_v01.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m01_vbohemia.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m01_vlogo.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m02_vin.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m02_vtimeline.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m02_vtitlecard.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m03_vin.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m03_vtimeline.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m03_vtitlecard.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_v01.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_v02.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_v03.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_vin.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_vtimeline.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_vtitlecard.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m05_vin.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m05_vtimeline.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m05_vtitlecard.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m06_v01.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m06_vin.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m06_vintel.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m06_vtitlecard.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vin.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vtitlecard.ogv a3\missions_f_exp\video\vtol.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\arma.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\drones.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\faction_blufor.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\faction_independent.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\faction_opfor.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\gunships.ogv a3\missions_f_gamma\video\tanks.ogv a3\missions_f_heli\video\slingloading.ogv a3\missions_f_jets\video\showcase_jets_intro_01.ogv a3\missions_f_mark\video\ffv.ogv a3\missions_f_mark\video\marksman.ogv a3\missions_f_orange\video\faction_idap.ogv a3\missions_f_orange\video\laws_of_war.ogv a3\missions_f_orange\video\laws_of_war_establishing_shot.ogv a3\missions_f_tank\video\tanks_destroyers.ogv a3\props_f_argo\items\electronics\data\oldlaptop_video.ogv a3\ui_f\video\preview_dlcbundle.ogv a3\ui_f\video\preview_dlcbundle2.ogv a3\ui_f\video\spotlight3.ogv a3\ui_f\video\spotlight_1_apex.ogv a3\ui_f\video\spotlight_1_bootcamp.ogv a3\ui_f\video\spotlight_1_eastwind.ogv a3\ui_f\video\spotlight_1_old_man.ogv a3\ui_f\video\spotlight_2.ogv a3\ui_f_oldman\video\spotlight_a.ogv a3\ui_f_oldman\video\spotlight_fd14.ogv a3\ui_f_orange\video\spotlight_a.ogv a3\ui_f_orange\video\spotlight_b.ogv a3\ui_f_orange\video\spotlight_c.ogv a3\ui_f_tank\video\spotlight_a.ogv a3\ui_f_tank\video\spotlight_b.ogv
  23. R3vo

    Lock object transformation coordinates

    Hello, I've looked into the issue with rotating objects around z axis and I'd like to forward it to the devs first since @Dedmen recently also fixed the translation widget. Depending on the answer I'll then try to investigate if that is reliably fixable via SQF. Here's the Ticket. Feel free to add some more information.
  24. Nice idea. In case you still work on this it would be nice to have a filter which allows one to hide certain file extensions (.paa, .jpg etc.)
  25. Sick. I've always wanted to write something like but never got around to do it. Thanks for your effort!