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Everything posted by Maff

  1. Why would you want to escape Malden? Anyway. I conducted a quick and dirty check... It seems the entire mission relies on BIS_grpMain being alive. To solve headaches, try grouping your Alpha 1-2 group to Alpha 1-1 so they are in one big group.
  2. I haven't done much testing but, It appears to be just PRR headset on the Mk7 helmet. I am running ACE and 3CB mods and I don't see any entry for "ace_hearing_protection" or "ace_hearing_lowerVolume" on "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_A". Have a look at the ACE3 Hearing Framework if you are looking to add hearing protection.
  3. Still no joy. @Dedmen @killzone_kid Apologies for the summons... Any ideas?
  4. Maff

    Disable interactions

    Hang on. Are trying to remove all player actions so they cannot get in vehicles or pick up items off the ground? You might have to post in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING. I may be wrong, but your ask cannot be done with scripting.
  5. Have a look at these: Limit player's vehicle speed fnc_speedLimiter.sqf
  6. Vehicle supplies are determined by the config value. To return the value, use one of the following depending on Ammo, Fuel or Repair. // Vanilla ArmA 1.90 values. // BLUFOR HEMTTs. getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "B_Truck_01_ammo_F" >> "transportAmmo") // 1e+012 or 1000000000000! getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "B_Truck_01_fuel_F" >> "transportFuel") // 1e+012 or 1000000000000! getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "B_Truck_01_Repair_F" >> "transportRepair") // 1e+012 or 1000000000000! To change those values with scripting, use the relevant command to limit the supplies. setAmmoCargo setFuelCargo setRepairCargo _truck setAmmoCargo 0.5; // Limit the supply amount to 50% of the config value. _truck setAmmoCargo 0.25; // Limit the supply amount to 25% of the config value. _truck setAmmoCargo 0.1; // Limit the supply amount to 10% of the config value. That's a little too much math for me. So... Have fun.
  7. You have the code in your script already and have used it in your previous script creation. I am not 100% sure if say3D will play a sound if _target is dead. You MAY need to use player. Give it a test.
  8. Unfortunately, nearEntities doesn't detect rockets, shells, or missiles. There are other ways to increase performance in your scripts. If you haven't already, have a read through Code Optimisation. Line 13 - 15 jumped out at me. Your nearObjects typeName is an array. I wasn't sure if this was correct or nor, so I run a test in the Debug Console and I couldn't detect any incoming artillery. I have amended it for reference. _rondas = _radarpos nearObjects ["ShellBase", _rango]; // Removed square brackets and added semicolon. _rondas = _rondas + (_radarpos nearObjects ["RocketBase", _rango]); // Removed square brackets. _rondas = _rondas + (_radarpos nearObjects ["MissileBase", _rango]); // Removed square brackets and end of block comment error. I wish I could help more but it is late here. Buena suerte.
  9. Another approach... Better than my last attempt anyway.
  10. @cb65, I looked at my attempt a few hours later and "instantly" saw that it would not work. Serves me right for not testing!
  11. Would this be a better method? Do not use - It will add the action every time you put or take from for an inventory! 🤪
  12. * sits down * What if you do... widthRailWay = -1;
  13. Don't use either playableUnits or switchableUnits unless you want to kill all playable units depending on MP/SP. Not right now. You need to return the unit you want to inflict the damage on which would be the unit you are looking at. Maybe experiment with cursorObject. Also, do a search on the forums for "melee".
  14. Maff

    Get Camera Position

    Ah! I have been playing around with addMissionEventHandler quite a bit recently, I didn't even think of suggesting PlayerViewChanged!
  15. You are not referencing the unit you want to destroy/damage. Read up on the following commands: playableUnits switchableUnits cursorObject Those should get you in the right direction... Using playableUnits or switchableUnits is not a great idea. Good luck.
  16. Maff

    Get Camera Position

    Do you want to check if the player changes view? Have a look at cameraView.
  17. Maff

    Advanced AI Command

    This is probably not the answer you are wanting to hear. Tell the pilots where to go. Communication is extremely important.
  18. Where are you placing this? I just gave it a test in debug console with ACE. I killed 3 civilians and got the "XXXXXXXX" hint. Update: Copying and pasting from the forum for me means the code doesn't work. It adds in hyphens before semicolons. Weird! This is working from the debug console. I will add a pastebin link also. FNH_civilians_killed = 0; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if (side group _killed == civilian && {side _instigator == west}) then { FNH_civilians_killed = FNH_civilians_killed + 1; if (FNH_civilians_killed > 2) then { hint "Too many civilians have been killed."; }; }; } ]; https://pastebin.com/XC2KWpjh
  19. What do you mean by "freezes"? Is the vehicle refusing move orders or waypoints? I'm away from ArmA and I can't recall if createVehicle spawns a vehicle empty or not. Is the vehicle empty by any chance? Experiment with these: createVehicleCrew BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle < Spawns crew if I remember right. BIS_fnc_initVehicle < Can right click on editor placed vehicle and "Edit Vehicle Appearance". Should be able to export your configuration. Give this a try: _veh = createVehicle ["rhsusf_m1025_d_m2", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; comment "Try removing the below line. I doubt that is causing problems though."; _veh animateSource ["IFF_Panels_Hide", 1, true]; _veh setDir _dir; _veh setPos land_SPWN; Hopefully that'll get you in the right direction.
  20. Sometimes you can get away with opening the same terrain as your mission is in the editor and merge... Alt + M, if I'm not mistaken, or file and click merge. The objects that are/were in the missing addons will be gone but it will save you a lot of headaches and heartaches. Editing a mission.sqm can be quite unforgiving.
  21. @_marvin_ I'm doing this from memory... Esc... Addon Options... Look in User Interface for either "Group Bar" or "Command Menu". You may need both actually.