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Everything posted by markussr1984

  1. Since 1.60, there is any Problem with VON Channel config. I tryed old and new config system in description.ext and config.cfg Its working for the most players how i configured it, but not for all. A few players has Global Channel and can talk over it. ^^ Just a Hint ^^
  2. Why this title? 1. I saw that Bohemia makes a free Arma 3 weekend. It´s a good idea, but not at the moment. Invictus Load is active and undetected right now, many servers has 5 or more attacks from Hackers per day. This alone is bad enogth to steel the fun on this game. now comes a free weekend and new players can see how nice hackable is arma. and hackers does not worry about banned accounts, becouse its free! Why u don´t fix the current hackable parts and then make a free weekend ?????????? 2. Monitizing Rules: Yes i like the control and limitation of real money. That was a good idea. But its hard to get enogth money to pay servers. The system is good as is atm. I only had one wish, please allow it to sell ingame money. Players want to be able to buy it. They buy it! if allowed or not. but now. they buy it from other players for worse prizes and servers does not get anything from this. have a nice weekend bohemia. i have to protect my server manually against the fucking hackers now. and please don´t answer something about battleye filter. its not possible to detect the most fetures of this hack
  3. markussr1984

    Bohemia, why you want to destroy your Community ?

    HI, thanks for the lot of comments, but you can be sure, i know how to use battleye and the be filters. and i know the pros and cons of infistar. infistar is not useable on servers with high player count because it needs a lot of performance AND is useless against Invictus Battleye does work in the case, the "Hacker" or better named ScriptKiddy uses any Script command, but if he is staying EngineBased there is nothing what be filter is able to detect. The Engine Based fetures of Invictus are enoth to fuck up a server or the players. Password and whitelist systems does maybe work if you completly lock out new players. Whitelist is ner useless because Invictus is able to fake the player id AND has an optin to reed all ids from players on the server before join it. What i meaned with the monitizing commend was missunderstanded!!!! I wrote that the current rules are ok for me. I only wanted to show a pont what PLAYERS want to have. i agree with the point that someone wants to earn money with servers, and mean that this is bad and should not be supportet. But yes, we have a approved monitizing system working but earning money is far far away. we reinvestigate ALL the money in our server to give the player the best possible expiriance. I also know that the "real" arma 3 community does not like life mods but please dont forget that the life community is the biggest part of all players who are playing arma 3.
  4. ATM we don´t have any crashing Problems with v4. But nearly complete Database Connection is running over HC. AND The Perfomance valus are mutch bader as it was with 1.54 But ok, its better to run Stable as to have better Performance.
  5. With v4 i registered many Simulation Thread freezes. with v3 i do not have this Problem. logs in PM to dwarden
  6. Start testing v4 on 0:00 o´clock let´s see whats happen ;)
  7. Hi, this happens if the .dll file is not signed(whitelisted) from Battleye. And only Client side. The both mallocs in Dwardens dropbox are for server side using, so it´s not possible to use it clientside with active battleye. The dll itselve does work also clientside, but if you want to do this, you have to send it(or a link to dwadens dropbox) to Bastian Suter from Battleeye, than he can whitelist this file and all is working fine. @dwarden, yesterday we had a servercrash at 1.56_perf.v3 but server was not writing any logs. there is nothing in rpt and he does not generate mdmp or bidmp files. so i´m sorry, but i have nothing to send to you.
  8. 156_perf_v2 was just crashing on our Server. Crashlogs was send via pn to dwarden
  9. Sorry Dwarden, i cant´t report any Crash. just this one crash with 1.56_perf_v0 on HC with i reportet to you. but this was only this one. sice this our server and hc runs without any crash. Good job Dwarden :) Time for Holydays for you :P
  10. Sorry my fault :( i didnt realized that this is depending on ALIVE Addon. and KK i had eaten your blog :P i know how callExtension works :rolleyes: OK, then i have to serach whare the freezes come from on my server :ph34r:
  11. Right, this is what i mean. Dwarden tells a few posts before that the fix is not includet in the 1.56 release, but its a terrible bug. So i hoped that dwarden is able to tell us when there come out a fix for this issue. I think this bug is priorized nearby the left crash fixes.
  12. Hi Dwarden, is known any time when the callExtension Bug gets fixed ? since 1.56 it feels that this happens a lot more than with 1.54. Our players are crying because the get killed when they are in Helicopters when the Simulation Thread freezes. (Helicopters drops down like a stone)
  13. Hi everyone, I saw that there are a out lot of servers running on extDB2 v64. OK. its a bit older, but works with 1.52. So comes my question WHY stoppet so many servers at extDB2 v64. :blink: Right, is was the last version that was running with Fred41´s malloc. :rolleyes: I have written a custom malloc on tbb44u2 (latest stable from intel) and includet something (not all) changes from Fred. It´s supporting huge Pages, etc... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- atm i search 5 - 10 people how want to test it. If you want to test it then you should - have a stable server without crashing atm. - did work with Frd41´s malloc and know how it is to use. - know how you can monitor server performance right, to see if there is a positive or negative effect. - your server should have 50+ Players(NOT SLOTS!) Please PM me here if you want to try it out!. (I don´t answer on each pm!!! i contackt only the servers i think they are good for test) In your PM i want to see: - ts3 ip - Gametracker link of your server - your Arma3 Gameserver(s) ip and Port(s)
  14. v16 & extDB2 v70 looks good. Was running yesterday with up to 150 Players without Crash on Server and HC. v16 is the first version of 1.54 that can run our HC without crashing every 30 minutes. today i try to reduce the performance brakes(that i have build in to reduce crashes) step by step. And take a look on what is happening. And a BIG thaks to dwarden for his work !!! He is a little wizzard :P
  15. On our server, Altis Life with 120+ Players on evening did run following: Restart periods between 4 and 6 hours. v12 no runtime crash, only crashes at startup. v13 terrible crashes every 30 - 90 minutes and startup crashes. v14 stable since release yesterday 16:00 o´clock good work dwarden, good work (anyone working in background and i don´t know)
  16. markussr1984

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi, one question to BI devs: do you have already a date to release Apex on dev branch ? Or its possible to get the map on any other way a bit earlier ?
  17. Dwarden needs the MD5 checksum of a few files in your arma3server/addons folder. For exqample for anims_f.pbo, anims_f_bootcamp.pbo, anims_f_data.pbo, etc. from each file that starts with anims_f and ends with .pbo NOT from the .bisign files you can do this for your files at http://onlinemd5.com/for example Copy the hashcode from field. File checksum and copy this in your post. WITH the name of the file you checked!
  18. 1.54 is a good point to fix your scripts. I reduced from crash every 30 minutes to crash 1 to 2 times per day. Watch your scripts and all other around you server. reduce the memory usement and useless running scripts. Try the Mallocs and explore witch is the best and stablest for you. flaming helps nobody. But yes, sure its frustrating, because player tell ever only this server is crashing all others don´t do this. And why are the admins on this server to bad to get this running. I know this comments! i hear this every day when server was crashing. I donn´t know if you ever lerned any programming language. But let u tell, memory leakes are realy shitty to address in sourcecode. And it needs Time and lots of Crashlogs to find them. So keep cool. send in your logs and all get better with time. If you have a crazy player send him to google and let him search about "Arma3 1.54" The answers are Arma3 crash servers. So he can see that this is not depending on our server.
  19. The developers are humans as you and i and no wizzards. The hace to find the Source of the Problem before they can fix this. Bohemia is working very hard on this Crashes and i think your Post is unfair. You dont want to spend a few hours to switch to linux ??? Why.?? You get a stable server if you make all right !? AND if you Server is Crashing at 20 Players, then take a look into your Scripts. Our Server is Crashing Randomly. but this is not based on PlayerCount. Please have respekt for the BI Devs, Crying helps nobody.
  20. Yes servers are Crashing, but 1.54 has a lot of good stuff includet. The error why servers are crashing is an Old error and was includet before 1.4 but don´t get shown. Since 1.54 there is a combination from 2 error and this brings servers to crash. p.s. you can switch to linux if you want a stable server. @dwarden: You have PM with Serverlogs
  21. markussr1984

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Hi there, i try to setup a HC on a Linux dedi machine atm. There is NO other Server or HC on same box. 1. Problem. I can´t find any rpt logs 2. Problem. HC doesn´t load MPMission File from Server 3. Becouse fault 1 and 2 the HC cant take action and Stops at Loading Profile. Can anybody tell me what folders i have to create to get this working ??? I Think the fault is, that arma3server can´t create the folders themselve. so it is not able to save the files. And NO, there is no -noLogs switch in startparameters Arma3server binary is at ./home/serverfiles/
  22. Hi, a very lage count of Servers have the Same Problem. Take a look here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view_all_bug_page.php I hope Bohemia will fix this and roll it out in a mini update asap. It´s not funny to see hc crashing every few minutes. and when hc is down the server crashes also in a few minutes. @adam, can u tell us some information about fixing timeplans, please ? @ SERVERADMINS Please take a look into feedbacktracker and place our Infos in an !existig! Thread about this Problem! its so mad, that nobody takes a look to other postes and there are 10 threads about the same issue within 2 Days. :huh:
  23. Hi dwarden, Thanks for your great work!!!! Lets talk about malloc. i tryed out the malloc with and without SSE, system(W2012R2) and arma default. BUT the best values i get with fred41´s malloc based on tbb4.2. Ok its outdated but the performance values doesn´t lie. I have running a autolock system on my server thats monitoring the serverFPS and lock the server if he is overloaded. The difference are arround 20 Players. I think this depends on the Large Page´s what fred´s malloc is using. So can you build/offer another malloc with LP enabled an using 4MB pages instead of 4KB pages ??? I think this helps a lot of servers to get adressed performance issues with large player counts.
  24. Hi there, Im seraching about a way to modify some Variables in Vehicle Classes from Mission file. i want to change maxSpeed, fuelConsumation, and a few other values. BUT i dont want to use a Addon for it. Is there any way to get access(r/w) to this values? Background: I search about a better way than script this. Scripts always need a loop to do this, but i wand to get a better performanche so i want to take the way with config Patches
  25. HI there, ATM I create a little addon. I need a export to file Function and this is not possible with sqf. So i wrote my own dll an placed it correctly. the addon will work if BE is disabled but if enabled then BE block the loading of my dll file. i serched the Internet about this issue(ok its no issue) but i cant find how to get my dll working with BE Has anyone an link or Information how i get it working ? Thanks