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Everything posted by POLPOX


    Contact Expansion Feedback

    Assume because you're using some particle MODs such as Blastcore. Did you tested it in Vanilla? It shows up when the game is loading the lens flare effect texture.

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    Because play First Contact without MODs is highly recommended.
  3. POLPOX's Artwork Supporter just got an update, “First Expressions Contact”! This one's a big one so might contains problem. Don't forget to send feedbacks! Changelogs are in Workshop page, also frontpage post will be up soon.

    Simple script shows error

    You pass no argument to the script so _this select 0; throws an error. The script is intended to used for an unit right? You need to throw an unit as [unit] execVM "scripts\Auto_Rearm.sqf";.
  5. Contact is out! But, as you might noticed, there's a major bug that interuppts the camera while using Contact data, sorry for killjoy. I already assumed why is happened. Please sit patient, there will be an update ASAP on Stable Branch of Artwork Supporter (which includes a lot of brand-new things) so won't anymore! SIT TIGHT, PLEASE, POLPOX OUT
  6. this instead of _this.
  7. Important: Project Argo Rearmed is not available anymore due to Agreement violation. I'm terribly sorry to Bohemia Interactive, and you. Currently there's no plan to make a MOD to import assets from Argo Community Kit.
  8. Important: Project Argo Rearmed is hidden now.
  9. Question: Will the new functionality of parseSimpleArray that KK wrote in the BIKI make into the next Dev-Branch update and/or next Stable Branch update? I'm looking forward to use it.
  10. I've contacted with floating waterwell at 019071.
  11. TBH I'm cosnidering that script is obsolete, and need refactoring. A lot of garbage codes which is never tweaked for years. Also, (changed my mind,) thinking about releasing the script as a plain .sqf is not a good idea, which is really hard to up-to-date. I'm planning to make my functions MOD and want to implement the new and better counterpart into it, but no ETA nor actual works yet. So, this is why it's not here.
  12. POLPOX

    Romance Scam

    Got the same. Also reported.
  13. AFAIK, it is based on the model location. In fact, HEMTT (Cargo) which is changed to the platform recently, model location is: model = "a3\Soft_F_Gamma\Truck_01\Truck_01_cargo_F.p3d";
  14. Changelogs are usually posted after minutes-hours after an update.
  15. In Arsenal, after click on a MOD item after you clicked on a DLC/Expansion item and mouse over the MOD/DLC icon at left of the item info, the icon will show the DLC/Expansion icon shown last, even it'll show the DLC Preview menu if you click it. Probably Event Handlers "mouseExit", "mouseEnter" and "buttonClick" weren't reset in Line 2399-2401 caused this problem.
  16. Eddie's right track shadow won't disappear even if the right track is completely broken, but when left track is. Left track's shadow doesn't have this problem.
  17. I might saying a wrong thing, but I think cover of the Offroad is not AO'd properly.
  18. Is there any specific reason that synchronizedObjects can't handle regular objects? I think it's odd behaviour since we can synchronize objects in Eden Editor very easily.
  19. Why a lot of structures pbos got an update to reduce their filesize? What are removed? Does this mean everyone who owns Arma 3 can use them without restriction? Absolutely lovely change! Sorry, misreading. I thought these turn retextureable, but mostly means the same with above? Also... still no Enoch musics?
  20. POLPOX

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    He clearfies. You've no reason to be insulted at all.
  21. POLPOX

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    Contact (Platform) aka f_enoch is fully canon, while Contact aka f_contact itself is non-canon. Which means, those contents from the Expansion are canon Armaverse: Livonia and Nadbór region, and the map Livonia LDF and Spetz Weapons, vehicles and any other assets Military Exercise between NATO and Livonia Any other things that added to the Development Branch right now And aren't: Those guys who came to Earth in a silver chrome U.F.O, to probe your ass and see how deep it can go lmao AFAIK.
  22. Y32 setAirplaneThrust 0.449 V44 setAirplaneThrust 0.647 This is enough to hover those VTOLs hover somewhere fixed position, but this is handwritten number. I want some code/math to calculate this value from getMass or any configurations like envelope[], thrustCoef[], throttleToThrustLogFactor or anything, but I've really no idea how. Thanks for your idea. //Test code vehicle player setVehiclePosition [[0,0,0],[],0,"FLY"] ; vehicle player setAirplaneThrottle 0.647 Also: is there any way to detect engine direction/enabled or disabled auto vectoring?
  23. One question: Will the Spectrum Device available in contact or enoch, and when they hit Dev-Branch? (IKR the answer may be an “no ETA”)
  24. That's such a FAQ and they never explained us AFAIK. I also wondered why and wish there's a way to do setFriend also for factions. Of course and I know is an engine restriction.