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Everything posted by ruPal

  1. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It is a pity. Because not only RHS mod incompatible with ACE3, any other mod that uses CBA Extended Event Handlers incompatible with RHS too. And problem is not in CBA, ACE3 or any other mod. Hope you understand this because if it will go further and RHS will be incompatible somehow with other CBA features... Really, it is very bad. Most of other mods use CBA and all of them will become incompatible with RHS.
  2. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No, I don't use it because it decrease performance. That is why I hope to see native support from RHS mod.
  3. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Put any Russian soldier in editor and try to open ACE3 menu. You will not see it. Probably new version 0.3.9 is incompatible with CBA XEH and that is why incompatible with ACE3, but I am not sure. Hope, you can make a hotfix. ACE3 and RHS are two must have mods.
  4. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Looks like ACE3 is not compatible with 0.3.9 russian units. May somebody confirm?
  5. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thank you for clarification, Mistyronin.
  6. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I know, sorry. Just want to know should I believe third party infromation or not. Maybe this information is fraud. They ask for donations in the same post :huh:
  7. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I found strange information on russian social network that the release of RHS 0.3.9 was planned on 12 of September. But because of some issues it was moved to 14 of September. Is it true and will it be released in 1-2 days? They tells that infromation was from RHS developers. Here is the link on this group: https://vk.com/redhammerstudiousfanat
  8. I found a script in ACE3 that adds ear ring when your are near explosion. But I didn't hear any ringing or ear deafness with explosion near. May somebody confirm this bug?
  9. Does this mod work with JIP? If I reconnect to the server, will it work?
  10. Noticed very annoying bug on stable - no sounds of explosions in first person view in vehicles. Here is the bug report: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=25586 May somebody check it on dev-branch with Hunter GMG/Scorcher/Sandstorm, please?
  11. ACE3 do the trick with parachute landing to prevent sliding. I checked this moment on github.
  12. Laxemann, any news about this mod? Is it MP compatible? Btw, is it possible to show debug window?
  13. ruPal

    RH Acc pack

    Don't know was it mentioned but there is a problem with comp m4s sight. I found that it has two modes: first - with 2x standard FOV and second - with standard FOV but bad tunneling effect and strong mesh effect. Just want to ask is it possible to fix? That sight with one mode that will have standard FOV without tunneling and strong mesh effect.
  14. ruPal

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Thank you for an update. There is a bug with muzzle flash of commander MG. Try to shoot to different directions, flash and smoke will not change position.
  15. Have the same question. Is it possible to disable night vision for items in night vision slot?
  16. May somebody test it in MP, please? Btw, is it possible lock vanilla grenade key with addon (to all players)?
  17. ruPal

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Have the same error. Unit didn't have any laucnher at all. Steps to reproduce: 1. Spawn group in editor (2 or more AIs), you must be in this group and start the game. 2. Kill one of the friendly AIs and come to the dead body as close as possible. You will see the error if -showscripterrors enabled.
  18. ruPal

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Thank you for an update. Found that after SMAW shot I cannot look through tube (tube is not empty). Maybe it is ok, don't know. Everything else looks great!
  19. Yes, I did this. But, you know, it may take a lot of time to understand what was changed and why. Btw, did you find any errors, glitches or broken features? I found that Special FX version has Highcommand scripts. Do they work?
  20. Looks like better to use Special FX Edition (have error with video settings in config.cpp) than Core version. In Special FX version fixed more paths (/ca) and also tweaked more settings. But I don't know which one better in AI behaviour. Need more testing.
  21. ruPal

    [WIP] Gear Selector

    Is it possible to allow only specific items to display?
  22. Thank you for your time and efforts to make this mod. Hope BI gives better instruments.
  23. Do you plan to add check line of sight? I found that BlueHUD shows friendlies even through walls.
  24. Thank you for your hardwork, devs! Just want to ask about Core and Special FX versions. Are they the same in the part of AI features? I see that Core version was released in 03.2014 and Special FX in 10.2014. Will it be better to use Special FX version with all FX effects disabled if I want only AI enhancements?