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General Kong

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Everything posted by General Kong

  1. General Kong

    CPC Factions

    Also, can i ask that, if you do make the factions I suggested, can you keep them to using CUP only? the group I play with sadly will not be able to use the african units, since they are using RHS
  2. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    Me likey :P
  3. General Kong

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    A brilliant looking pack, I have 2 questions, (forgive me if answered beforehand) 1. Will this and your camonets be uploaded to steam workshop? 2. Are they compatible with zeus?
  4. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    The Unarmed LittleBird, black Armed offroad and unarmed offroad, and a black version of the AAF truck
  5. General Kong

    CPC Factions

    Hey Sparfell, I was wondering if you would be willing to take on some ideas for factions? I have two that I have made Red Cell (INDFOR and OPFOR) http://postimg.org/gallery/1of5cquvi/c719e270/ For Vehicles, they use Pickups, BMP2s, T72s, Hinds and HiP Helicopters They also use Irregulars: http://postimg.org/gallery/fpu2v7de/a7c2844a/ Al Sadr Militia (INDFOR and OPFOR) http://postimg.org/gallery/3avsd4n2s/242ef0dd/ For Vehicles, they use Pickups, BMP2s, T72s, Hinds and HiP Helicopters (Takistani Military ones)
  6. Hey man, interesting looking mod, I was wondering if you might consider adding CSAT PLA forces (on both Independant and Opfor)?
  7. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    Im sorry to hear of your personal trouble Eric, hopefully the peace you have gained lasts, considering what you have been through, you deserve it
  8. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    No problem :)
  9. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    Hey EricJ, now this is just a request that you can ignore if you wish to, wont stop me from enjoying your mod I was wondering if you add a black retexture version of the truck the AAF uses for the intiative with the cover, and if you can, a black retexture fothe technical and littlebird and pawnee as I said, if you dont want to do it, ill understand :)
  10. cannot wait for more news, almost like we are getting a HD remake of Arma 1 and 2 with the quality i have seen Keep up the excellent work
  11. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    of course, whatever changes you think are necessary :)
  12. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    here are the pictures of the generic militia, but if you feel you want to release the next version, you can add them in the update after :) http://postimg.org/gallery/22v845xk2/ec723ce0/
  13. Due to the Fact that .kju worked with you guys on CUP Terrains, I would guess this would fall under your purview (I could be wrong, and sorry for the assumption if thats the case) There is a guy that uploaded AllinArmaTP to the Steam Workshop, he seems to know that what he did was wrong (especially as he didnt credit .kju at first) but is hiding behind the fact that he is French here it is http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=593266774&searchtext=
  14. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    Sorry for the lack of response Eric, havent been at my computer since saturday morning
  15. General Kong

    PG Services (PMC)

    Looks like Wee-B took both down, he didn't post any links to Armaholic, they were blatant uploads of the mods without any permission
  16. General Kong

    PG Services (PMC)

    Hey Badhabitz, just letting you know someone called Wee-B has uploaded your mod to the steamworkshop, I have also warned EricJ, as Wee-B also uploaded his Taliban Fighters
  17. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    Hey EricJ, someone called Wee-B has released your Taliban Fighters on the Workshop, and also uploaded the PG Services mod aswell (im going to inform them aswell)
  18. General Kong

    EricJ Release thread

    Thanks for all the requests that you facilitated Eric, Wish you a Merry Christmas, and a trouble free coming year
  19. In reply to the wuestion on zeus, for me, the USMC and KSK show up fine in zeus, while the Takistani does not
  20. After playing this awesome mod with all packs, excellent work so far, found a bug (I think) where the infantry of the Takistani Army is not showing up in Zeus(since I read they are ingame)
  21. General Kong

    2035: Russian Armed Forces (5.3.0)

    These look awesome!, are they compatible with zeus?, and are you planning to release these on steam workshop?
  22. Hey tetet, glad to see a release for the Nimitz, arma 3 is practically demanding more sea assets, especially large ships like the Nimitz Is by any chance compatible with zeus?
  23. General Kong

    Small luxury Yacht

    Did you get permission to edit this?
  24. General Kong

    CSAT Expansion and Guerilla Mod

    This looks excellent, hope to see this released soon, will this be released on steam workshop? and are they compatible with zeus? Also, if you are willing to take ideas, I was thinking a new Opfor/Indfor force: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/3/35/Russian_Commando_models_MW3.png/revision/latest?cb=20120528012808 Cant wait for more news :)