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About Cenwulf

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  1. I know it’s extremely late in development to reconsider this but shouldn’t LDF be a blufor faction? After all, they’re part of NATO. I know you can just group them to blufor but even so, I’d say NATO vs LDF would be the least common scenario for most mission makers so making them blufor and reserving greenfor for criminals (or aliens! :DDD) by default would make the most sense.
  2. Cenwulf

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    From my admittedly brief tests, it seems that passengers in vehicles receive zero suppression (or are at least are very resistant to it). This makes sense for some vehicles like tanks, less so for an open topped transport truck. I agree that a suppression event handler would be very useful to allow for fine control of this mechanic. I was hoping to use this for an ambush scenario where a get out event handler would be used to amplify a units suppression when exiting a vehicle (to simulate jumping out of your nice relatively safe vehicle into a hail of bullets) but as they weren’t receiving suppression in the first place will need to revert to less elegant solutions like setting suppression to a fixed value upon exiting. Fully agree that suppression is a fantastic mechanic, it’s just under utilised and needs be be fleshed out out a bit.
  3. Cenwulf

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Really appreciate the ability to set flag, number designation and the name textures for the destroyer through 3DEN attributes. Any chance of doing the same for the carrier?
  4. If you wanted to play around with it in the editor it’s really easy to do, just a vehicle down and then fiddle with it’s attributes. No scripting required :)
  5. You can do it via script commands or through the vehicles attributes in the editor (right click > attributes...), it’s near the bottom.
  6. I've nailed down the issue I was having with playing as the commander of the Rhino MGS and trying to laser designating for the gunner's ATGMs. If you don't have data link send and receive enable for the vehicle, the laser marker doesn't show up on the commander's sensor panel and the square targeting reticle doesn't show up when the laser spot is targeted. It's still possible to target it but it's very difficult to tell if you've targeted the spot or the thing you're pointing it at and at long range the gunner tends to preferentially target vehicles rather than the laser spot. Edit: For the ATGMs this means the gunner simply zeros the current distance and since the missile lacks LOAL capability it just flies in a fixed arc based on the zeroing and doesn’t home in on the laser spot. Also because the zeroing of the flight path doesn’t appear take elevation into account, it may not even hit a stationary target. I feel like for consistency the targeting information of a unit's own laser designator and the reticle showing you've selected it as a target should be independent of the unit's data link settings. Also for laser spots in general the AI isn't too quick on the uptake and very rarely recognises it as a laser spot meaning that the gunner will often independently report the laser spot as an unknown vehicle as soon as it's switched on (slightly annoying) and the commander will often refer to it as "unknown" or very occasionally "laser target" (less annoying but still a bit goofy). I think full knowledge of the laser spot should really be instantaneous for the "owner", if not for the owner's entire group as well.
  7. Aha. Thanks for clarifying, oukej. To follow up though, does that mean that if I’m in the commanders position of the Rhino MGS Up, should my own laser spot appear on the sensors panel as a red laser marker and should I be able to command the gunner to lock it with “Next target” or “reveal target/target” key? Edit: I’ve just tried it out in the editor and it works perfectly but for some reason I couldn’t get the laser spot to show up or lock yesterday when I tried it in the showcase mission after I’d engaged the AA with the scripted laser spot. I’ll have another go tonight to be sure.
  8. I’ve noticed a potential problem with the Rhino MGS Up and the new cannon launched ATGM, not sure if this is the right place to report it or if it’s already been reported but hear goes. Unless I’m doing something very wrong I believe that neither the gunner nor commander turret are equipped with a laser sensor. This means that the commanders laser designator does not appear on his sensor panel and cannot be selected as a target for the gunner. I noticed this while playing the Tank Destroyer Showcase scenario, as the commander I’m able to lock and command the gunner to fire the ATGM at the scripted laser point but my own laser point doesn’t appear on the sensor panel and so cannot be targeted in the same way. Is this a bug or is it intended for balance purposes that you can only lock on to a laser point shared over datalink from a laser sensor equipped unit?
  9. I agree the standard behavoir isn’t great but it’s fairly easy for mission makers to script in something more complex. Personnaly I like using a hit event handler on the vehicle that checks if the vehicle is imobile, if the crew took damage and if any of the crew are greater than 50% dead. If all that returns true, they all bail and run for their lives. Otherwise they’re happy to hunker down and wait out the storm in thier big metal box.
  10. Hopefully but if i’m being honest I think the devs are running out of time and are just trying to get everything into a “good enough” state for release, which probably means back tracking on a lot of the new features they’ve been experimenting with on dev branch. I really hope they’ll revisit these features and spend some more time revamping the armour system and HEAT post release, it all looks really promising, but I think it may be asking too much considering Arma 3 development seems to be winding down.
  11. One of the LODs for the left hand Nyx (AA) missiles doesn't appear to obey turret rotation:
  12. Cenwulf

    Tanks - Vanguard MP Mode

    I’d have to disagree slightly here. Battle royal games (a phenomenally popular genre at this point) seemly thrive off this mechanic. You can always hop out and join another server once you die. I guess I see your point with the down time though, if initially there aren’t enough people playing to maintain a decent turn over of new games then the downtime could be a big factor in why people don’t play. It’s kind of a chicken and the egg problem. Need a large number of active players to negate downtime and make it popular, needs to be popular to draw in sufficient players. I do think the no respawns aspect is fairly important for the flow of the game though, without it then it’s very dificult to avoid a stalemate and then it just devolves into a ticket based team death match over a fixed time period. I think of this game mode in its current state as primarily a vehicle death match with the device serving as a focal point and then as a quick game finisher for the victors, which negates the need to hunt down every last opponent when one team has obviously won. Makes it much more about team strategy/synergy rather than throwing waves and waves of players at each other with very little penalty for dying.
  13. I’m really impressed with all the new assets coming with the Tanks DLC. Noticed a couple of small issues. While playing around with the Nyx AA I found that it’s not available to be placed in Eden editor, the other variants are though. Also when firing the missiles on the AA variant the missiles fire in the pattern right, left, right, left but the static models for the missiles disappear in the sequence right, right, left, left. The missile models also instantly reappear at the beginning of a reload cycle, it would make more sense if they were invisible until the reload cycle is finished (or maybe even appeared 1 by 1). Edit: Aha, it's under AA because it's an AA asset. Now I feel dumb.
  14. Cenwulf

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    Would it be possible to leave some remnants of the APERS disperser and cluster bombs visible after the submunitions are spawned? It'd add to immersion and also telegraph where minefields and potential UXO are for the keen eyed players, like it would IRL. Only bug I've noticed so far is that the CCIP on the Wipeout and Nephron estimates short of where the cluster munitions actually land. Haven't tested AAF.
  15. That was me! The issues I had were that the vehicle has to be manned, you cannot use hideObject or disableSimulation as this disables the radar functionality so you are forced to use setCaptive to prevent it from being engaged by enemy AI. I tried to hide the vehicle inside the large radar dome structure but while I wasn't able to conclusively prove this, I was pretty sure that the structure blocked the radar. I could be wrong but i'm guessing the radars are configured so that hey only work with direct line of sight (as I imagine they should). So ultimately I wasn't able to get it working. I imagine the best solution would be a virtual radar entity (one for each side) that could just be spawned in at any position over any object rather than configuring multiple static structures individually with radar functionality. I don't have the modding expertise to create one though (yet!).