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Everything posted by Belbo

  1. It's not in there. It will only disable the compass if in a vehicle. If you want the compass overlay disabled you have to either remove the compass or set the compass overlay off in your sthud preferences (accesable via cba menu or a keypress, I don't know). Remove stui_nametags.pbo and -bisign.
  2. STHud_ShowBearingInVehicle = false; And: https://gitlab.com/shacktac-public/general/wikis/home
  3. And waitUntil is written with one l only. ;)
  4. Belbo


    Updated to version 1.4.3: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/releases/download/1.4.3/adv_aceCPR.zip FIXED: CPR action wasn't available in some cases.
  5. Belbo

    Asking money for pbo's

    This reminds me of a certain someone...
  6. I don't know... I haven't set anything with the 3den params and removed almost all from the mission.sqm. I'm working only with description.ext and possibly a config.cpp. Setting enableDebugConsole to 0 in description.ext and then not be able to overwrite it with enableDebugConsole=2 in a config.cpp doesn't really make any sense - that's what this is for after all. enableDebugConsole[] = {"###UID###"}; in the description.ext didn't work either.
  7. Then first setDir and then addWaypoint.
  8. Let's be honest: If you want to add an animal as an AT weapon, snakes would be the animal of choice. ;) But you're right of course. I meant the vanilla classes you need to inherit to overwrite the interaction menu classes in general. Using the function you can't overwrite an existing action.
  9. That's how you execute the script on all clients in MP: {[] execVM "fnc\dialogue1.sqf"} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call",0]; And then you put this at the top of your script: if ( (player distance anastasia) > 10 ) exitWith {}; That way the script will be executed on ALL machines, but everything after the exitWith {}; will only be executed by the machines of players who are less than 10 meters in distance to anastasia.
  10. Belbo


    The bug has been, as you say, fixed since version 1.3.4. The variables for heartrate, cardiac arrest and so on weren't communicated in the network.
  11. Belbo


    I haven't got a report on such a bug for 1.3.4. But the way it's currently handled is: If patient is in reviveState (if in reviveState the patient is automatically in cardiac arrest), the custom cpr will be executed, resulting in the reviveState & cardiac arrest being set to false, depending on probability. If the patient is in cardiac arrest only, the standard ace cpr will be executed, resulting in cardiac arrest being set to false, depending on probability. As far as I know there is no such bug in 1.4.2.
  12. Then you have your answer: No way to get what you want except creating some kind of unconciousness-script on your own or using one of the available revive scripts, like the fantastic A3 Wounding System from Psychobastard.
  13. What HazJ wrote. There's no direct way to have what you want with other respawnTemplates but "BASE" or "INSTANT". The alternative would be to have the players NOT die with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HandleDamage. But beware: This may not work when playing with ace³.
  14. Thank you. Technically, all I wanted was to replace the condition of the already available action, but I haven't thought about disabling it and writing a new class for this. I'll test if it works. #edit: Ok... turns out I just had a stupid typo in the function called for the condition. But now I know: You can simply overwrite statements from ACE_Actions without heritance considerations - except maybe for class Man etc. Thank you anyways! :)
  15. Belbo

    Adjust stance down on W+S while moving?

    I've heard some players using their Scroll-Wheel+Ctrl to switch through the stances. Sounded plausible.
  16. I'm currently working on a mod to force a captive down on his knees (and back up afterwards) and I'm having a problem with the condition for the ACE_EscortCaptive action. The condition does not check for the current animationState the unit is in (which is reasonable, because without my mod you can only have one animationState), so I wanted to add that. But I don't really know how to override the default ACE_EscortCaptive action. https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/blob/master/adv_aceCaptive/config.cpp That's my first try to achieve my goal - and of course it doesn't work. I suppose it's related to missing inheritance, but I can't see how to inherit from ACE_MainActions... Any ideas?
  17. Belbo


    To clarify some things: I discarded my previous licence and decided to allow copying, sharing and modifying according to the GPL-2.0 licence. The usage of the mod is still restricted by the additional terms I applied. With the new licence you can upload my Mod as a part of your mod collection on Steam Workshop or, better yet, use my official upload: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1104460924
  18. And people wonder why the game's performance is in such a bad shape in most mp games... If there's absolutely no way for you to play on a server that is serious about the player's enjoyment, try to take a look at these: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=27177
  19. Belbo


    Updated again, to 1.4.2: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/releases/download/1.4.2/adv_aceCPR.zip IMPROVED: Raised weight of AED item. IMPROVED: AED will "show" heartrate of patient after use. IMPROVED: Added pain for every use of AED. IMPROVED: Added probability for AED to adv_aceCPR_probabilities. MATCHED: licence Changed first post.
  20. Belbo

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    Please no! The air conditioners on Tanoa bother me enough. -.-
  21. Belbo


    Updated again, to 1.4.1 https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/releases/download/1.4.1/adv_aceCPR.zip ADDED: sound for AED (great shoutout to Boom Tools Filmton!) FIXED: Wrong function called on non-local AED usage.
  22. Belbo


    Updated to 1.4.0. https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/releases/download/1.4.0/adv_aceCPR.zip Now the mod contains a defibrillator item ("adv_aceCPR_AED") that offers a new option to resuscitate a patient faster and at a higher success rate. The defibrillator has to be in the inventory of the medic of course.
  23. If you're downloading a 50mb mission file you shouldn't join this server.
  24. Belbo

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    I'd rather say only removing the mine should affect it. Given that the mine detector detects mines - and as long as there's a mine the mine detector should notice. Otherwise it would be an active mine detector.
  25. If the mod should be ready to release in september, you should rebrand it as "Jaws of War". :D