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Everything posted by FireWalker

  1. FireWalker

    Combat Realism Scripts

    @phronk I was just watching the Falshbang video you posted on youtube and had a question. Lets say that there was only one enemy AI in that building. (for simplicity sake) Do you think it would be possible to add a setCaptive command to that AI during that brief moment when he's crouched over with his gun lowered? Not sure if its possible unless the enemy AI was placed in the editor so you could give it a name. It would be best if it could also work on dynamically spawned units. If it is, I could see where you could have player units entering the building from two sides and grab him as a live hostage if they work fast enough. This isn't really a request, more like a"what if". Fire
  2. FireWalker


    yep. Your previous pictures are more like looking at a real paper map. (an older one). Map Namalsk will be the same way if you ever use it. Don't sweat it. All is good on your end. staus quo. If something is wrong, I'm sure Haleks will chime in.
  3. FireWalker


    Yes. That is normal while playing the mission. You should be able to toggle it in the editor if the textures are available for that map. (under VIEW -toggle map textures)
  4. FireWalker


    Yes. They show as a standard topograhical map. for instance The "darker" map has what would be called orthoimagery on it. Kinda like having a Google Earth image draped over it. like this Does that make sense? I believe RAVAGE mod blocks the orthoimagery.
  5. FireWalker


    Be more specific. I'm old. Are you talking about RAVAGE working? <- It works Or are you talking about the map textures working in RAVAGE? <- They don't work in RAVAGE
  6. FireWalker


    @lv1234 Um, if I'm seeing this correctly, its just your map textures. I believe RAVAGE has them disabled by default. When you are on a regular Arma mission, the toggle is the "stack of papers" in the top right corner of the map view. So, if thats it, then its normal. I don't think RAVAGE allows you to toggle it. -could be mistaken. Fire
  7. FireWalker


    All kidding aside, I guess can you post a screenshot? And I'm assuming this is on a BIS map? There could be several variables at play here. Fire
  8. FireWalker


    Sorry, I was talking about the magic mushrooms you were chewing on... seeing different colors and all that Just messin' with ya, I really can't help you with your issue. Fire
  9. Hey, have you seen anyone try to do color correction for color blindness?
  10. FireWalker


    @lv1234 send some if that my way...
  11. FireWalker

    Combat Realism Scripts

    You know, something that keeps bugging me is vehicle crashes. I keep thinking that when you crash a vehicle (land, air, or sea) that you should feel some sort of concussion from it. I know you can get injured depending on the severity, but I keep thinking there should be some kind of feeling like a stun grenade. -just graded on the severity of the crash. Like if you run your truck into a wall, you shouldn't be able to just hop out and pin down the enemy with accurate weapons fire, you know? Maybe a little flashing light, or red (like you get from negative g's) and a little ringing in the ears maybe, make it feel like you're trying to walk through mud when you move... Sort of like when you get shot when using ACE. I don't know, I'm rambling. But I thought if you were nailing down the flash bang effects, that maybe they could be applied towards accidents also. Fire
  12. I've used mouse buttons in the past, but certainly not necessary. Personally I wouldn't let something like mouse buttons stop progress. My 0.02 Fire
  13. If you do some searches through the forums, I think you will find several discussions about this. Here is one: I know that there was another one that went several pages. So, yes, I believe there are quute a few people that have issues with this, but I've never read anything from BI that sounds like it will be changed. I don't know of anyway to switch it back. Double check to see what engages your speed brake also. There was a time when my throttle would engage my speed brake, and made flying nearly impossible. Fire
  14. FireWalker

    Counting inventory items

    @das attorney Ha ha, couldn't help it LOL Awesome, I'll give it a shot. I've been working on a lot of randomization in a mission lately and I've been learning a lot because of it. Thanks!! edit: Right on - Thank you
  15. FireWalker

    Counting inventory items

    Please RISE !! , RISE from the DEAD !! ok, enough of that, I have a trigger condition that activates a task as succeeded. The condition: "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag" in magazines player Thats all fine and good. No problems there... But I don't want to activate the trigger until the player has acquired three charges. (or however many) I tried just doing: "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag, 3"... but I'm sure you can figure out how that went. I'm thinking I need to sort of follow what Larrow posted above? I know part of his code was deleting objects that went above 2, so that would have to be removed. Any ideas? Simple ones are always better! Thank you, Fire
  16. FireWalker


    I enjoy playing The Long Dark also. Its great on dark rainy / snowy weekends when you can't do anything outside anyway.
  17. Might have more luck here: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/forum/200-arma-3-find-or-offer-editing/ Fire
  18. FireWalker


    Works perfect, first time !! Thank you !! Hoping it would be simple, I was already brainstorming how I could work around this. Fire
  19. FireWalker


    Question: Does the rvg_Geiger actually have a class name? I need to know when a player acquires a Geiger Muller Counter. I've tried this: "rvg_Geiger" in (assignedItems player + items player) and I've tried cheating with this: "MineDetector" in (assignedItems player + items player) (the second one works if I substitute an actual mine detector, of course) I see that you can't actually place a Gieger Counter in the editor, so I'm thinking there isn't a class name that would trigger in a condition. I guess this question would be applicable to most (if not all) rvg items. Thanks, Fire
  20. FireWalker


    FYI: Loot spawn works perfectly fine on dedicated. I run two separate dedi servers without issue. If you're having problems, its because you're overlooking something, or a version issue. Fire
  21. FireWalker


    @haleks Are you using sunOrMoon for the zombie spot distances? Looks like its been changed on dev branch.
  22. @Gunter Severloh Hey, I sent you a pm a day ago. Just want to make sure you got it. No big deal. Fire
  23. Is there a getPos command that will retrieve the rotation of an object? It looks to me that all the getPOS arrays only get horizontal coords and vertical heights without regard to the rotation that the object is sitting on. I'm thinking that if I snap (an ammo crate) to an angled surface that I should be able to retrieve those rotations while the mission is running (and set them back). getDir will give me the compass. Will one of the getEden commands retrieve angles (rotations)? Guess I need a getRot command... Thanks, Fire
  24. FireWalker

    Question related to getPOS

    Not exactly. Those commands only get and set the position of objects/units relative to a flat plane and the relative elevation. If you look in the attributes of an object in the eden editor you will see there are three additional position boxes that are labeled "rotation". These allow you to also set the object to the surface. Think: "side of a hill". You can snap to that surface in the editor, but if you place the same item in the same spot with setPos, the item will be in the correct spot, but be sitting perfectly level. Pierremgi's commands do the job, I'm just not sure how easy it's gonna be to get the rotations to begin with. Haven't dove into it yet. Fire
  25. FireWalker

    Question related to getPOS

    @pierremgi Ok, thats why didn't see it. Totally stuck on the "g" command list. I'll mess around with it. I want it for use with inidbi2, so hopefully I'll just shuffle some commands around. I've just keep running into an issue where after ini writes the position back the objects look silly. I've been ignoring it for awhile, but feel like correcting it now... Thank you