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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Hell yeah! You da Man! I'll download and start checking things out as soon as I can. :D
  2. You may have an older version of the mission. Barbolani reported that the Roadblock mission in the Jungles was an error and supposed to be a SpecOps patrol. FIA soldiers carry 5.56mm weaponry for the most part (F2000 etc), while Syndikat carry Soviet weaponry (AK's, maybe a 249).
  3. OK, couple of guys on testing now. I started newest version .04 this morning. I logged on to see if I could, and it gave me options to load persistent save (which I did). I then left the server and went to work. This afternoon I had several players attempt to join. One could get on after finally realizing I took the mods off. But he said he couldn't do anything. so he logged out, then attempted to come back in. After that, no one could log onto the mission. I restarted the mission, no mods again, and they're attempting to test now. One player (currently Commander, is having issues getting AI to move about). here is the RPT from earlier today. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkb1VqNTNrbHNEZXM/view?usp=sharing Players are reporting that they can get in after restart, and I advised them to start fresh mission without Persistent Save load. I will attempt to provide more info later. Edit: A couple of hours in and players are experiencing the same issue. Players that exit the game become unable to rejoin, and the server starts lagging out for others. RPT showing some unusual Net errors reported, as well as Players not being removed from the mission/server after crashing out. Pic of my server resources at time of errors: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkTk51WFRIcDByNWM/view?usp=sharing and the RPT https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkVDJnb0MxWFJzZ2c/view?usp=sharing
  4. @Barbolani. The freezing issue some of us are experiencing is similar to an issue that Alive servers were having around the first of the year. One of the Arma patches broke netcode or something that exhibited the same symptoms for ALiVE servers that we are having now with your mission. There would be very little to go on, other than an Object Not Found error. I don't know what the underlying issue was though. I have the new updated mission on my server now, NO MODS, I just need some of my guys to test it out.
  5. So, the last couple of nights we've been experiencing crashes with the mission. I have the newest version of the mission up on my server. We are using TFAR and ACE with it, along with a couple of server side only mods (Advanced Rappelling and Advanced Urban Rappelling). Aside from some of the known bugs, we started to experience things like: 1) Arsenal not loading correctly for everyone. It would not load weapons for some people, and for others it would not load anything. 2) We would get progressively worse lag for everyone in the server, all AI would freeze in place, and Players would rubber band all over. Eventually everyone would have a hard crash of Arma. Full lockups, requiring Task-Manager to kill the Arma 3 process. 3) The crashign appeared to happen AFTER we engaged AI, but while just moving about we would be fine before that. I put in a ticket with my server provider, and they checked things on their end. The server was fine, no CPU or Memory errors so it points to something in Arma or the mission causing the crashing. Edit: Here's a link to an RPT from one of last night's sessions that crashed and locked up. Looking through it, it shows a couple of errors related to ace_* PBO's not being there, when they are clearly in both the Server files and client files. Dunno whats up with that. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkc1BIN21jYXZocEE/view?usp=sharing
  6. Thanks B! Getting the new version together and uploaded asap. We'll test some more and let you know if we find anything else.
  7. Outdated version? That was from the 30th I thought? I'll update to the newest version I can find on steam I guess and see what happens. There may have been people with extra mods on. I tell them to turn off all their mods, but some just won't listen. Also, can the ACE medical be changed at all? It seems to be purely basic ACE med, which is fine I guess, but there is no unconsciousness. You are either slightly wounded, or dead. I don't think we've had anyone go unconscious for any length of time at all so far. It's been frustrating for people to get one shot killed from Stupid high level AI Shots it seems, without any way for a medic to reach them and attempt bandaging and such. Oh. Got another bug. Convoys leaving from the NE Airport near Oavu will attempt to take a jungle path as a roadway, instead of taking a surface highway around the island, or one of the dirt roads. It seems they are recognizing the jungle paths as roads and trying to take the HEMTT convoys down them.
  8. Couple of RPTs on my Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkb0xoNDVudmpfVTA/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkZWxOcjRpLVM5SUU/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkdldsRml6T19iSFU/view?usp=sharing Those are from yesterday and Today.
  9. Well, crap. I added a fatigue removal line to the init and re-uploaded the mission to my server. Seems that it broke Persistence somehow. I loaded in, TFAR and ACE were detected, but I id not get an option to place my HQ, nor did I get an option to become the commander?
  10. So I put up the mission on my server for unit mates and friends to test it out, passworded of course. We had a handful on last night to try things for a couple of hours. 1) Radios would keep disappearing, no matter which version we used with TFAR. PRC148 JEM and PRC152 would both delete themselves from players inventory at random times it seemed. Also, it would never set the same frequencies for players, all issued radios would have random freqs. 2) Player loadouts. Players would have gear refill their backpacks and inventory even after they emptied them for different loads, or made changes to the loads of different player slots. Medics would change their loads a bit, then find they had their gear changed back to the basic medic loadout. Very frustrating. 3) Maps, GPS, Compass would disappear sometimes. 4) when entering the Arsenal, current loads would get deleted, or weapons would change to whatever the first weapon on the Arsenal was, instead of keeping what you had equipped already. We're enjoying the mission. Aside from those few things we found so far, seems to be great. Using CBA, ACE, TFAR, as only server mods for now. I can probably change TFAR settings to set radios how we like them, but wanted to let you know what was going on. I assume changing ACE medical settings to anything above basic will break AI Medics?
  11. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    TCAGame is a server administration tool. Dunno why it would be kicking anyone? Unless it's tied into BattleEye on that server.
  12. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    From what he explained before, if you place the pieces separately and group them it will NOT use the special AI code that lets the site target aircraft beyond visual range. So, manually placed units will only shoot at things in their general vicinity, and the whole battery will fire at once.
  13. So, Barbolani.... is a passworded private server OK for testing purposes? Just no full open servers at this point for MP? I assume from your wording that this would be ok? I've been waiting for your Tanoa version and we have at least one server we can do some testing on with just our unit members.
  14. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Hmm.. I didn't think of a Module to or just the INIT code for linked units to use the AI code. Is that something that could be possible Pookie? I have noticed that the site spawned crews are coming in without clothing in our mission. It's kinda funny, bunch of AAF guys running around with Helmets, backpacks, and weapons, in their skivvies.
  15. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Oh hell.... "Lasers".... That might fit in with the future concepts for ARMA. Maybe a theater ballistic defense weapon someone has to go in and blow the hell out of? Hah! Would you not still need an acquisition radar to find and fix the enemy aircraft? Oh yeah: Going in on foot to take down a AAA site with just a couple guys is fun. Getting blasted in the face by high caliber flak guns.. not so fun ;) We threw together a training mission with multiple different sites, standalone guns, and the guys are diggin it so far. I do have to say those damn site berms really make it hard to take out various guns and launchers even with precision weapons sometimes.
  16. You two get crackin! I've been waiting for the new MCC for months now! From what you posted earlier @Shaygman it looks awesome! I can't wait to see the bug fixes and new ideas you've implemented.
  17. ski2060

    Project OPFOR

    @keeway : I was going to suggest AccuracyThruVolume from ISC. He's a unit mate of mine. He custom built the language for his ISIS forces, he might be able to help you with something for yours.
  18. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    HCPookie, Sorry man, not trying to be obtuse or anything. I just want to get as much information to pass to the guys in my unit that make missions and fly planes for us. That way they know what to expect with editor placed stuff and Zeus placed stuff. I really don't mean to cause you any more work, but I am glad that you found the root of the issue. Things work well enough for us now with your system. Take as much time as you want to get to that, or tell us STFU and deal with it ;) We really do appreciate all that your mod brings to mission building opportunities.
  19. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    What we found is that The SITES are showing up for each faction, and can be placed in Zeus. They spawn in all the relevant SITE appropriate units. Their behavior is wonky though. We also found that while in Zeus, you can find the individual units (single AA guns, Radars, SAM Launchers, etc.) from your pack under the EMPTY category. To man them we would have to place Crewmen from whichever relevant faction we wanted them to represent. Interestingly, I could only put ONE Crewman into any entity, no matter how many it normally used. AA Gun, SAM, Radar... it didn't matter. Only ONE crewman would go in. BUT!!! IF you copy (ctrl+c) any unit placed in this matter, then paste (ctrl+v) that unit on the map in another location, it would spawn with the correct number of Air Defense Crewmen that your editor placed units normally spawn with! Try looking under the EMPTY category for all the non-site-spawner entities. As far as getting the units to spawn correctly with apropriate crew in directly in Zeus? I have no clue. I still have yet to talk to my script guy to see if he can figure it out. Thanks for taking the time to to answer these questions and help us understand the mod behavior and limitations. I do have a question again. If a Site is placed, then destroyed and cleaned up in the 10 minute time frame, will a duplicate site spawner (that only placed as an Aircrew member) then spawn a new site of the same type? Or is it only indeed one site of that type per map/mission ?
  20. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    So, re-reading the guide today something in the first section jumps out to me. Paraphrasing "Individually placed site assets (single guns, SAM launchers etc, that are linked in editor to a Radar or Spawned in via Zeus and grouped together) do NOT benefit from the Special AI scripting that you built for Spawned Sites. " We were doing some testing last night with editor placed sites, and I set out a small 3 gun ZU-23 site attached to an S09 trailer radar. It seemed as if the Radar was functioning, as we could target it with ALARMs and even took it out. Does the above information about ad-hoc sites mean the units I placed via Zeus are not taking advantage of the Radar targetting abilities at all? Or are they just not using the enhanced AI scripting you built? Will the ad-hoc guns attached to that radar be able to get any advantage from having a Radar grouped to them?
  21. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    I'll look around some more. All we could find in Zeus were the Sites. I'm not sure how to get them into Zeus actually, just a plebe mission builder for my unit. I'll see if some of the more Arma savvy guys know how to get units included for Zeus. Thanks for all your work!
  22. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Thanks for the information about inner workings and site behavior! In Zeus missions, the Moderator has access to units in an Eden like GUI, that lets them place units from the Editor down in real time. They can then direct those units as they see fit by giving them waypoints and setting their behaviors. In Zeus, the Sites can be placed, but individual units (non site spawned), like Sam launchers, Radars, Guns etc cannot be placed while a mission is running at this time. Sites and their spawned components appear to not be engaging correctly when brought in via Zeus. I was just wondering if it was a decision on your part to keep non-site spawned units out of Zeus because of scripting issues, or they just haven't been configured for access via Zeus or something.
  23. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Yeah, that typo was found by one of my unit mates. ;) We're getting things implemented now in a testing mission for our guys. We have AWS and are trying out some FIR F16s alongside our normal F18s. We noticed that using the AWS loadout manager alongside the INIT added ALARMs made for some funkiness with pylon loadouts. It was causing missiles to be clumped up on one pylon, or poking out the front of an F16's air inlet. I'll see if we can get some pictures to show what I am talking about. Are there any ECM or jamming systems that work against your missiles? And yes, I've gone over the manual a couple times. I'll try to jam all the info again, but my gamer ADD sometimes intrudes. Thanks again! Oh! So, I saw that you were asked about Zeus spawning of AAA/SAM assets in a post before. We tried out placing some sites via Zeus last night, and got very mixed results. For the most part, it seemed like sites would not launch at our planes, and we only got radar hits intermittently. I assume this is because the Sites need to be present when the mission init is run? so that only sites placed in the Editor while making the mission will spawn and fire correctly. While we could access and place Sites via Zeus, we could not access individual units. Would being able to place individual units with Zeus impede their proper working via your scripts? We tend to run a lot of free form Zeus missions and being able to place targets or threats while in mission would be great. If that is not possible because of the scripting I understand.
  24. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Pookie, once again thanks for the recent change to RHS/Vanilla/CUP optional PBOs. I managed to get several of our pilots to start testing the mod and they are enjoying what they see. This should bring a LOT of fun and challenge to Air and ground operations to deal with the AAA/SAM environment in the future. I just went back and re-read the entire thread. I saw that right nowthe KH25 and ALARM missiles are the only operational ARM missiles in your pack. It looked like the USAF pack might have an AGM88 that is working against your SAMS also? Do you have a list of ECM scripts or mods, like in USAF, or Firewills releases that work against your Radars? I understand if you don't. Not asking for you to do any work regarding those, just seeing if there is anything that works regarding ECM jamming against your stuff.
  25. So, one of my group mates built us a Tanoa based Insurgency using Syndikat and FIA-Opfor as the insurgents and CQB troops. This seems to be working well enough, but we're having an issue with the Insurgency itself. It seems that about 80 percent of the buildings on Tanoa are indestructible. ALiVE places Insurgent installations in any building that is typed as civilian, and will place HQs, Recruiting stations and IED factories in these indestructible buildings. Since destruction of these buildings is required for ALiVE to recognize our COIN efforts, we are not making much headway. Would it be possible for the ALivE team to maybe place a destructible asset that spawns with the Installations that registers for COIN operations? Like a certain box or something that must be destroyed to recognize the Installation destruction.