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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. So.. we know what the new Jets are going to be now. Also some glimpses at the stuff for Tanks, and other DLCs. NATO: Stealth UCAV + F/A 181 Blackwasp CSAT: a Sukhoi Derivative AAF: Viggen Derivative it looks like Any chance we're going to see those Jets in the Dev version before release? Or will we be mainly testing out features on the current Airframes for implementation into JETS only?
  2. Ok, belay that working perfectly. I am just not showing the "not connected to teamspeak" error. It is still not working for my unit on the server. It is running, but we are all getting that error now. Just to be sure, we just need to place that 64 pipe DLL in the TFAR folder and that's it?
  3. That works perfectly! Thanks!
  4. trying to get it working with 64bit on our servers. Currently getting a "not connected to TFAR" error on connect. Going to have to make sure TFAR on server is correctly updated.
  5. Gotcha! That's why I missed that nugget. Can't wait then!
  6. Ok, so it will use the new Pylon system. Does this mean no in game configuration of the Loadouts anymore? Only in Editor? Or am I missing that Loadout manipulation can occur via in game menus?
  7. ski2060

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I don't know what issues YOU are having with the Launcher, but not everyone is having those issues. I most certainly am not with either 32 Bit or DEV 64 Bit. Unless this issue cropped up in the last 12 hours or so.
  8. So, I assume that re-arm and ADES etc. dialogue will remain in your mod? Alongside the new Dynamic Loadout it should be superb.
  9. ski2060

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Wow, wasn't expecting the new sensors to get removed from Armored vehicles so fast. Are there not automatic targeting sensors on current armord vehicles? Laser/Radar warning devices?
  10. A-10's will be able to take more damage than an F-15 Most likely. Along with the Sensors/Dynamic Loadout/Datalink JETS will include hitpoint and damage implementations for discrete systems.
  11. Well, thanks. Good to see someone is working on implementing it for their mods, and your Airframes are some of the best out there. I'll quit bugging you about sensor info ;)
  12. I cannot wait for that Firewill! I've been playing with the Dev build to pass word to our unit's pilots about all the cool stuff coming, and was just waiting to see what Modders would be doing with it. Great looking work! Are those HARMS working as Home on Active Radar ground targets in DEV? And what Max Range are you testing Active Radar at in the F-16?
  13. I was just coming here to ask about that line. I wonder if that is what is meant? Anyone go play around yet? Also, are there more fire modes implemented for Vanilla launchers or is that support for mods to add more modes?
  14. ski2060

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Yeah, those are placeholders according to ATV.
  15. ski2060

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Maybe you missed that there is a weapon and clothing randomization script? Every time you place an infantry unit, it randomizes what they are wearing and carrying as a main weapon.
  16. A Season pass gets you all the DLC AS THEY ARE RELEASED. It's a subscription. You pay one price, then you get them automatically. That BUNDLE is just that. It is a group of DLC that they stuck together for one price AFTER they were all released. One price when the last one in that pack came out. NOT the same thing. On Topic: Loving the changes so far. This will be a paradigm changer and people just don't realize it yet. I only wish I could get my unit pilots to help me test things out :(
  17. TGP and MAP screen interaction? Is it a custom user action or something? Doh...Steam hasn't updated yet.. had me confused. I'll get it on Armaholic for now.
  18. So, will the 3 options for death/cardiac arrest be implemented for both Players and AI at the same time, regardless of which option you choose? If I choose option 3 (Cardiac Arrest plus option for anchor shot) that will apply to players and AI, without the interminably long AI unconsciousness wiggling? It's all looking great so far, can't wait to see this come out.
  19. Will this be going up on Steam? Looks great! Aha! Already up on Steam :D
  20. Woo! Today's update added, amongst Other things: Tweaked: Sensor displays now have 4 range modes (e.g. 4km, 2km, 16km, 8km) And new sensors to AA Titan (IR) and Zephyr(Radar)
  21. While large, that terrain is very rudimentary and basically a textured height-map with a few buildings on it. Which I guess is OK if you're playing Falcon 2.0 or something. On Topic: This DLC will allow modders to make Radar/Sensors/Targeting to fit whatever range they want. We should be seeing realism mods expanding ranges for all to a much longer range than currently implemented.
  22. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah. I'll just wait and see what they do with it. I guess it all depends on how much work they want to do after JETS comes out. It will require quite a bit of cfg work to set all the vehicles to have anything other than default vanilla sensors.
  23. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well... my unit uses RHS as one of our base mods. The Jets DLC will be a paradigm change in sensors and targeting and long range weapons use. I was just interested in whether the RHS team is planning to incorporate the new sensors with vanilla default ranges and sensors, or if they thought about how to integrate the new DLC with more realistic ranges. Do I need to know this? No. Will this change the game significantly and make units that want realism aspects pushed to the limits look for other mods that fit their wishes? Yes.
  24. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Dunno if this fits into the "don't make requests", because I'm not asking for this to happen... Has the RHS team looked into the current DEV build with the Jets DLC content being tested? If so, are there plans to incorporate the new Sensor/Targeting/Weapon content into RHS vehicles in anything other than a default manner?
  25. Yeah, something is off in calculations or something. Also, I noticed that weapon temp really affected accuracy now, at least for SWS. Using the Noreen (a semi-auto weapon) I would see my weapon temp increase very rapidly and accuracy degrade accordingly. After like 3 or 4 mag strings my weapon was in the red with a suppressor on it. I dumped the suppressor and it seemed to lose heat a little faster and not heat so much. As long as the heat was high accuracy was shit. Using a bolt action SWS (T5000) I could maintain accuracy at very long ranges while the weapon heated up much less.