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Everything posted by Moon_chilD

  1. Should be doable with an Eventhandler: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Killed Depends on how the Civilians are spawned. If its through scripts or the editor that should be easy. If its through Zeus you might need a Loop in the background that checks for dead civilians. But I might be wrong with the latter.
  2. Okay, I have nothing interesting to add here just a confirmation that it happened for us once again. (I have no video that shows it...at least non that is not a meme video) In one mission we used some tanks (two different once, can't remember which) and we had two people crashing. I did not, however I and one of those that crashed had a trip down memory lane as well by listening to modem sounds. (Though I can imagine that the cause might not have been IFA but JSRS (Happened before the recent JSRS updates) Dunno if OP used JSRS aswell) So just saying that we had this issue aswell, about 2 or 3 month ago. Many Greetings Moony
  3. Seems to work just fine. (Tried it with Vidda) Thank you buddy!
  4. If I remember correctly, the animation just didn't play (either the keybinds didn't work or the scripts). Tested it about a month ago, dunno exactly what happened. Its all nice and I think most people - and I'm sure EO is one of them - understands that. Usually when you go by bread or fuel it is advertise correctly. You see what you get. 😉 With that said, I don't want to stretch this out too far. We shall see what comes from this and I'm looking forward to it.
  5. Jepp, I mean, I do understand the incentive and do understand that modding is not necessarily free but yeah...looks a bit sketchy when all you see is "Give me money". None the less, just recently my unit and I where talking about MOCAP but since the old one is not really working for me atm I'm looking forward to what is to come here!
  6. Moon_chilD

    RHS problem?

    Okay, in order to troubleshoot you really don't give us a lot to work with. What Server? What RHS are you downloading? It could be, that the server for some obscure reason uses an old version of RHS. Maybe this server is giving out an "own" version of RHS through a repository (like through Arma3Sync). Only speculation since there is nothing to work with!
  7. Moon_chilD

    RHS problem?

    RHS is not accepted by the server. Many Public Server only accept specific mods. (Cheat prevention and such)
  8. Hey @rekkless iirc I asked that question in the CUP Discord and the answer was that this is only possible through the config of the terrain. I'd guess the terrain would need to inherit the weather stuff from Chernarus Winter. How that would work I sadly don't know! Many Greetings Moony
  9. Moon_chilD


    The main reason we use it is the medical stuff though. (I appreciate the response though :3)
  10. Moon_chilD


    Hey, I have a question. We - my unit and I - are only rarely play horror missions. However, we want to use Ravage Zombies if we do so (since I like them more than other Arma 3 Zombies). Now we have one small issue: While AI dies within 4 hits of a Zombie (depending on the settings) a player unit takes ages to die...and this kinda takes away the urgency with zombies. I'm very sure this is due to ACE. I know that ace is listed as incompatible. But I'd like to know if anybody has found a way to make Ravage Zombies work better with ACE on player units. The funny thing is, it doesn't seem to be completely incompatible as the Zombie actually produces ACE wounds (Mostly on the Arm) but these wounds are by far not enough to become a danger quickly. (Though I don't want players to die after 4 hits but if there are 5 or more zombies around them I don't want it to feel like they throw cotton at them). Hope someone can help me! Many Greetings Moony
  11. Moon_chilD

    ArmA 4? Mil Sim or Sandbox?

    I don't think the "mill sim side is slowly dying off and only the elite groups are left" but that there are just a ton more player than in Arma 2. Arma 2 was, while loved by its fans, generally not a very known game. Thanks to DayZ though a lot of people noticed it (me including). The "issue" is that many people stuck with the casual PvP gameplay and not many found the military simulation side interesting. Those people kept playing DayZ, went over to battle royale, maybe KotH and in the end even Life. I don't think that Arma 3 is SO much different to Arma 2. The game is still driven by its modder rather than the developer itself. However, I think BI did a lot to cater towards both side: Life and milsim. And that is fine. In the end, more games sold mean that an Arma 4 is more likely to happen. I do kinda understand what you mean when you say that "Arma 2" felt more like a proper simulation...I can't really say way though. But I think its just a general shift in mentality in the online gaming market. I have the feeling that it was way easier to get into Arma 2 Milsim then into Arma 3 Milsim just because back then there were just more public server that offered a milsim-ish experience. (I started with Domination back then and soon after made my own unit and haven't done much else the past 6-7 years.) With all that said: I think BI does know what we want. And with we I don't mean the Milsim community but the whole Arma community. With all the other aspects of this game that have been developed over the years its hard to only cater to one party and even put some own flavor into it (like the Contact DLC). Btw, people should stop taking Contact to serious. I think it was just BIs way of saying "We actually didn't want to release anything anymore but we kinda want to go back to where Arma 3 started". I can understand that Contact was a low blow for people that already missed the realism in Arma 3 and hated the futuristic appeal but in the end...just ignore it. Nobody forces anybody to buy it and aside from that: The Assets that are available for everyone are just great 😉 Back to the topic: Arma 2 was great because it felt like real life and it had a great modding community. Arma 3 is great because it didn't just redid what Arma 2 was but tried something a bit different while still sticking to the main concept.....and also it has an awesome modding community. Now to answer your very first question: I don't think BI will answer that in the very near future....maybe they don't even know it themself. I think as long as the core game stays the same: A sandbox to make any kind of military gameplay possible (essentially what Arma 1, 2 and 3 was) it will be great. On this note: BI, please don't go to far in the future! 😉 So if this text sounds like rambling without any plan...that is pretty much what I expected. Its way to late/early to think but I saw this thread and wanted to give my 2 cents. Now lets have fun with the game we all hate love!! Many Greetings Moony
  12. Moon_chilD

    Contact: Spectrum Device screen blank

    Any mods? Are you sure you loaded the Contact DLC? RPT Log? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files#Arma_3
  13. After a week of debating whether I should continue (I can talk about that later) or just shrug it off as another lame Arma 3 Singleplayer mission. After IndeedPete and other kept saying that they enjoyed it I figured I should finish it...and I finally did. A little prologue to this review: I'm more a skeptic to Official Arma Singleplayer/Coop Campaigns. I never really enjoyed them nor did I finish many. (A clear exception is the Laws of War Campaign...spoiler alert: still the best!) So I came into this with mixed feelings. I was all up for the idea of aliens, mixed with chemical or Electronic Warfare. But did I get what I hoped for. Let me out line my Pros and Cons first: Pros: Cons: So what did I think? It was okay. Definitely not the best Arma 3 Campaign but most importantly by far not the worst. I do enjoy the overall story and the development of the whole "first contact" with aliens. We can all see that you really put your whole love for this project into it. You seemed very happy to finally tackle this idea and following the development was great fun. Would I recommend this DLC? Really hard to say. I'm no huge fan of the campaign and the exclusive stuff is nothing to brag about...however, Livonia is a great addition to Arma 3s Terrain pool and while all the other content is free I'm very happy to pay you guys for your work. So if you want to experience Bohemia Interactives idea of our first contact with alien life first hand or if you want to play on a beautiful middle-eastern European terrain go and get it. Otherwise....maybe wait for a sale ;D ________ I'm just very happy that I tugged through and finished it. Otherwise I'd always thing....maybe it is good! Thanks BI for your continuous support of Arma 3 and after that I think everyone is ready for Arma 4! Many Greetings Moony
  14. Moon_chilD

    Contact petition.

    I have to agree actually. I bought the DLC (preordered) but I know that I can't use any of the (okay relatively few) items from the contact DLC (not plattform) because not everyone in my unit will buy it. Most importantly the Spectrum Device which would - obviously with scripting - be perfect for Radio interference or Radio Jamming. I can understand why BI wants to keep this stuff in a separate DLC but I just feel like, the content inside it will probably rod away in my library because I will never use it again. (Sadly somewhat similar to GlobMob...even though I'd LOVE to use the Takistan and AAF Modifications from it >.<)
  15. Moon_chilD

    Forum Home Page Not Logged In

    Nearly a full month since the last post and I still have that issue. I'd be nice if someone from BI would at least inform us about whats going on and what the plans about fixing this issue are.
  16. Hi guys, so I've been working on my units new website/forum software. While pumping way too many hours into it I wondered: How important are clan websites these days? I'm sort of on two sides here. On the one hand we don't really use our Website (especially the Forum) too much anymore since our main communication happens on discord. On the other hand though was website always important for my unit and especially me. With the Website I can provide additional information like tutorial, rules or mission related stuff. But I'm somewhat interested in how the community thinks about this topic. I know some German units have unit websites (with varying degree of quality) but when I look around on e.g. Arma 3 Units or the Reddit page I see a lot of Units that don't even mention a website. Then again I had someone ask me specifically if we have a website and he told me that he uses the website/forum to check how active the unit is (well, only issue is that as mentioned our main communication happens on our Discord server @.@) So, what is your opinion about Unit Websites? Many Greetings Moony
  17. Moon_chilD

    How important are Unit Websites these days?

    Thanks for the replies so far. Its very reassuring to see that other seem to think the same in this regard. You all seem to have my overall opinion as well: Its all about presentation and ease of access (for information). I also had a very nice insight on what is important for people when it comes to a unit website. My unit was just a quick 5 min idea and now we are 6 years old. 😂
  18. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

  19. Moon_chilD

    finding new squad members, game recommendations

    Damn, that somewhat wholesome. There are multiple ways to find people to play with in Arma. It mostly depends on what he is interested in. If its serious coop gameplay (usually called "Milsim") he can certainly try to find one of the many units looking for new member. This can be done on https://units.arma3.com or here. If he is just playing some casual game modes on public multiplayer server (e.g. King of the Hill) he can have a look on the Steam forum or ask here. If you have further questions, go ahead or send me a PM, I'm happy to help as much as I can. ;D
  20. Has this been fixed already? I haven't come around having a look at it for a few days now (tested it about 4-5 Days ago) and I can't see anything in the changelog about it. If it has not been addressed yet, I'd like to notify about it once more since these tents for me are one of the best things in the DLC (as of yet ;D) (If it has been fixed already, do I need to replace already placed tents to make it work?)
  21. Moon_chilD

    Contact Starters

    I think there is no definite answer. I think the persons that are most capable of finding a way to communicate with extraterrestrial life are the best choice. Edit: So basically such that managed to decipher ancient languages and symboles. In movies they always show politicians (mainly US Presidents) but these individuals can't even correctly communicate with terrestrial life 😉
  22. Moon_chilD

    [WIP] Frith_Robots

    Nah, all fine. Was not requesting anything don't worry with that! 👌
  23. Moon_chilD

    [WIP] Frith_Robots

    So, if now we could make it so that with ACE enabled they bleed black or yellow (oil) instead of red (blood) that'd be awesome. Looks really cool so far. I can already see some IRobot (🤮) or Terminatoresque scenarios comming up! 👍
  24. Moon_chilD

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    I was a little bit shocked some days ago when I randomly heard that you stopped the development on this mod. JSRS is still one of my favorite mods out here. I totally understood and still do understand your reasoning but I'm also sure that I was definitely not the only one being really sad about this news. Hear/Reading this explanation shows though that its not like you hate everything about this community which is good to hear. Everyone knows that there are sadly some bad apples in this community but I'm always happy to see how generally great it is overall. I hope you find someone who can give you a helping hand with this mod. Good luck with your contribution to the CDLC. Looking forward to !!!hear!!! something about it. Many Greetings Moony