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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    @LSValmont, what's confusing about my post?....seems legit.
  2.  EO


    It's possible the detection range has been tweaked, maybe it needs to be confirmed by haleks, this was my test... ...the player has the repair/scavenge/syphon action available at this distance.
  3.  EO

    Project True Viking

    ...they are quite possibly the only downside to using Steam as the main source for community content, call me old fashioned but I still believe the best source of feedback and ideas is still here on the official forum boards. I'd also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the entire team for realising a dream that once seemed so out of reach.
  4. Ravaged and Frithified Gear has been updated: Added 24 retextured vests in various combinations. All vests have slightly enhanced bullet protection and explosive resistance where applicable. Carrying capacity have also been slightly enhanced. OP has been updated. Screenshots... Enjoy!
  5.  EO


    All these vests are written up for the incoming "Ravaged and Frithified Gear" update, but they'll surely make an appearance within Ravage somewhere down the line... The textures only tell half the story, all the vests have slightly enhanced bullet protection and explosive resistance where applicable. Carrying capacity have also been slightly enhanced. .....Tactical Vest (RVG) is a beast....zeds are gonna hate that one.
  6. I noticed this topic has been solved but maybe the Automated Doors scripts by Heeeere's Johnny! has some useful code as I believe it contains door positions for all buildings on Altis...
  7. Carrier Lite (No Flag): ...and one should always pay respect to the inspiration...
  8. It shall be done then....who's gonna argue with a man brandishing a hammer!
  9. I should do a Ravaged Safety Vest, just for VD.
  10.  EO


    So what word lies within the Gendarmerie Tactical Vest...
  11.  EO


    Heh-heh....wait till those pesky zeds get a load of the vests I'm working on at the moment.
  12.  EO


    Player apparel will also influence the damage inflicted by Zeds, a decent hard hat and vest combo will always trump basic civilian clothing.
  13.  EO

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    I'm aware of that, however maybe your not aware of the quite hateful posts that have since been hidden by the moderators, they were aimed at one of the developers regarding his view on retexture permissions. My post was just a general answer to everyone, no malice towards shadeops21 whatsoever.
  14.  EO

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    @MaL1203, @New Year New Warden_2, shameful posts indeed, hopefully your bans will be long or permanent. Not really, it seems perfectly reasonable to ask for permission first rather than giving Carte blanche.
  15. Will some of the smaller items, ie, the jerrycans be interactive, meaning can they be picked up like loot and added to players inventory?
  16. Man, this is gonna be so much fun to use.
  17. The next update will focus on Vests Tactical Vest (Camo): Deck Vests: Press Vests: Tactical Vest (Police): ...goodness, is that the time... Coming Soon.
  18.  EO


    Regarding newly added Survival Suits, are we to treat them as they are, a wetsuit minus the fins? Would you consider adding them to the antirads_uniforms list, or maybe even raise the armour values a little more?....i'm willing to suspend my disbelief. I made a wee private patch for one of the Survival Suits HitPoints, gives it a little more ballistic and explosive resistance...
  19. This is really, really neat man, straight in, no messing.
  20.  EO


    You betcha!! ...the ultimate survival suit?
  21.  EO


    So there are probably a million other ways to create a moving rad zone, but this is my method... Create a rad zone trigger name it rad1. Place down a unit, name it r1, give this unit some predefined move waypoints or alternatively use BIS_fnc_taskPatrol in the units init, lastly open the units Special States tab and uncheck Show Model. Place down another unit, name it r2, set the units Health/Armor slider to 0%, then open the units Special States tab and uncheck Show Model. Place down a game logic trigger... Condition: !alive r2 On Activation: rad1 attachto [ r1, [0,0,0]]; On mission start, the game logic trigger will attach the rad zone (rad1) to the unit (r1) when unit (r2) is dead. It will also hide both r1 and r2 models. This creates a moving rad zone that will move around the map depending on which method you've used for r1. In this video example r1 and r2 haven't been hidden in order to show how this set-up works.
  22.  EO


    Yeah man, once I post the example you can easily tweak it so it doesn't mess with your "no radiation zones"
  23.  EO


    Maybe not. ^^ It's possible to create a dynamic radiation zone, meaning a zone that will randomly move across the map....you'll never know where it will strike next! I'll post a wee video example later today.
  24.  EO


    That's a sweet looking update man. A wee sneak peek of the uniforms...