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Everything posted by EO

  1. Oh god, please not that again. ^^ Something could/should be learned from the Weferlingen terrain as I haven't noticed any ground clutter "popin" there.
  2. They are very helpful and forthcoming pair.
  3. Have you asked in GM's Discord, you might get some direct help regarding those German radio protocols, alternatively why not take a look inside the Config Viewer. Edit: GM is a CDLC and shouldn't be viewed in the same light as official BI DLC.
  4.  EO

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    As it's a place for suggestions, at the very least Bohemia Interactive should gift haleks the Contact Expansion, I mean you've more or less plagiarized the guy....
  5.  EO


    Haha, BI's new DLC is called Contact.....sue them haleks!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021790/Arma_3_Contact/?curator_clanid=4777282&utm_source=SteamDB&beta=1
  6. Feedback is better read on their Discord channel. Both Mondkalb and GalComT are active almost on an hourly basis.
  7. @blackland, is that an in-joke between friends? ^^
  8.  EO


    GM comes with a few really cool tracks that can be used via trigger effects....Limits, Remaining, Scatter and Uncertain are perfect for some Ravage fun on Weferlingen. Uncertain wouldn't sound out of place in a Romero flick scored by Goblin.
  9. Never assume the battle is won... Mods: Ravage, GM, Sullen Skies, Ambient Birds, EO GM Uniforms.
  10.  EO


    Never assume the battle is won....
  11. From your test mission I can confirm the same experience, the exception being I'm on development branch.
  12.  EO

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    ....APEX was an Expansion.
  13.  EO


    Small Update: Added 4 Tank Crew Uniforms....see pics above.^^
  14.  EO

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Mondkalb posted this interesting fact on Discord earlier today...
  15.  EO

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Alien Expansion. 👽
  16. This is excellent man and something I've tried and epically failed to implement myself. Good job. There is no doubt this would look really nice on the Weferlingen maps, especially the snow map. What was your process for finding stack positions in non-defined buildings?....if it's not too complicated I'd be quite happy to rattle my way through the GM buildings on your behalf.
  17.  EO


    Next update will include some tank crew uniforms...
  18.  EO


    Over the last week I've been extensively play-testing a Ravage/GM mission on Weferlingen using both Gear and Loot modules plus the Ambient AI module. Gear Pool module is edited to include my GM uniforms plus some selected vests, packs and headgear. My most recent test lasted over 2 hours in Eden, no issues only lots of fun....(this also included lots of alt-tabbing in and out of game for various reasons)
  19. I think you need to define your units/factions in CfgPatches under units.
  20.  EO


    @acoustic, just curious as too why you would need to do this when you now have the ability to add classnames directly into the Gear Pool module. Edit: Sorry I read your post a little wrong there, lootlists and gearpool serve a different purpose....you could still use the gear pool for your custom items, it just means you have to fight for your desired items rather than loot for them, much more fun.
  21. Mods: Ravage, GM, Sullen Skies, Ambient Birds, EO GM Uniforms.
  22. I prefer BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP.
  23. Shit... Mods: Ravage, GM, Sullen Skies, Ambient Birds, EO GM Uniforms.
  24.  EO


    I don't use ACE so I can't really comment, sorry about that. I will go back and take a look at the config, maybe I've missed something somewhere.....However I must point out they do show up in a vanilla environment, both in the VA and Eden Editor.
  25. If your making a gear pack i'd suggest having them in individual pbo's, you know like, a headgear pbo, a backpacks pbo, and a vests pbo. It's the easiest way to keep things simple. I've made a gear pack myself and that was my approach, made life so much easier. Have you checked out the Characters And Gear Encoding Guide, lots of decent information on that page, saw me through a fair few problems. I don't have the time to look into the issues your having now, but as I said the first and best thing to do is separate your project into individual pbo's