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Everything posted by oukej

  1. Re off boresight - it's possible, ASRAAM can lock targets in 90° cone, BIM-9x up to 120° cone (be it on a target tracked by veh. sensors (sensor-cueing) or locked by player freelooking at it and pressing "T" (helmet-cueing))
  2. I actually meant flare dispensers. xH-9 family together with Ceasar are atm the only vanilla non-EW assets. Orca only has an RWR, similarly to other transport helicopters.
  3. To solve it subammo is certainly a possibility but it's also somewhat resource-hungry. But a doc said there's already a new parameter for proximity explosions being tested. Orca actually has them. Other than that this decision is open to feedback :)
  4. We are aware about an issue where the gunner doesn't hear the warning. But we can't reproduce an issue when the missile would be visible on sensors display only for the pilot and not the gunner. Any chance you could record a video from both perspectives pls?
  5. You can also use config properties like receiveRemoteTargets. Otherwise no idea. Have you checked it from the radars PoV - does it actually get those targets or is the problem in datalink transmit only?
  6. Looked at it Fixed one major flaw you've just pointed me to - in our docs and partially in our own configs . Incorrect speed units. Updated the docu. But it doesn't seem like the cause of your problems. The range for targets with ground background (look-down) is kinda low, but probably also not an issue for a surface asset :D Noticed a comment on where the components belong. SensorsManager only into the vehicle's root Components. VehicleSystemsDisplayManager into any turret where you want to specify what panels will be available, root (next to sensorsmanager) is for driver. And afaict you've got it right in the config. SensorDisplay - fyi there's been an improvement during the development - you can specify the ranges as an array and have them as submode rather than another display - check https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Custom_Info Otherwise not sure. If you can run it down to one specific change in the model where the target detection stops working it could help.
  7. The target has to be tracked by a sensor. In the case of CAS the 'only' sensors they have are the TGPs own visual/IR tracking (in tech. terms IR and VIS sensors with animDirection on something animated by pilotCameraRotX/Y sources and with sensors angleRangeHorizontal/Vertical corresponding to the wide cam. FoV).
  8. oukej

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Please keep in mind that this is dev-branch staging ;) As for balancing - ppl are getting it wrong nowadays :P Game balance is not about symmetricity but exactly about what you said - weaknesses and strengths. Done in a way that respects the level of simulation, that fits the sandbox, to achieve an overall decently authentic experience ;) #whatAconstruction
  9. oukej

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Moved posts purely about guided munitions, radars, lazors, IR, countermeasures to Sensor overhaul thread
  10. Thanks for the details. Recently it should be - generally - harder to spoof a missile, easier to distract enemy locking you. Full burst of CM gives you better odds against, 2 bursts put u usually on the safe side quite certainly. Single mode is mainly useful against locks. Ofc this is not carved in stone, so ;) You're right, Titans are heat-seekers, locking is not revealed. ARHs may be just misconfigured. Try Zephyr As for MWR and catching all missiles in flight - it's still an abstraction. To prevent confusion we're probably about to keep it on all jets. Distances in Arma are small and once you see the (M) it's already too late...almost ;) The idea to indicate just the direction sounds good but it may require some time. Has been mentioned couple of times. Can be added, but it won't be interruptible. Perhaps we can wait with this after the CM balancing tweaks settle down first. Hm. Have you had the laserTarget marked? The current "LOAL" requires you to have something marked first (doesn't have to be in the munition LAR). It is a limitation. Hm, now that we have FCS with 9999 max readout...:P
  11. Were you specifying animDirection in the radar component? Maybe the Titans just wanted to see the stars... fixxored, should be ok in next build(s) ;) Can't repro the crash. Do you still have dumps or can you still reproduce it? (PM to me pls) Anyway, thanks a lot for the reports!
  12. You have to bind both halves of the axis to the action. We're sorry about this inconsistency and caused confusion. Newly this requirement should be hinted in the action tooltip.
  13. In what situation? I've tried Blackfoot gunner vs. some AA Titans and I'm getting missile warnings correctly. This one is tricky. AI doesn't switch zoom levels (but they are considered for AI calculations), in MP it would require transfering this information from gunner player. So the zooming more or less remains for the pilotCamera views. There isn't a good way to define specific properties per individual seats (unless they are person turrets aka firing from vehicles). GPS availability on different seats is a nice catch though! It is intended, players shouldn't take over other players' actions.
  14. Which vehicle pls? (it changes from point to area after loosing the track) Under partial re-balancing. What weapons have you been trying? Against what vehicles? What distance approx.? Have the defender been dumping bursts or singles? Can you please point us directly to the ammo that doesn't trigger warning (or conversely does, incorrectly) inside the locked vehicle? Will check that lock. Btw, have you tried dropping the bomb without a lock, just on a marked target? ;)
  15. Sounds like a bug. There should be only "next panel" entry in the action menu and that only if you don't have it bound to any key. Every other keypress it returns to the "priority" target (as evaluated by the systems). WIP improvements so you can cycle targets more seamlessly.
  16. The ambiguity of targets has been a deliberate move to increase importance of IDing your targets prior to firing. Yes, currently there's no way for a player or AI to confirm an enemy while playing. Work-in-progress atm are https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/confirmSensorTarget Eden attributes
  17. By default [ T ] is for marking a target under the cursor / center of view. [ R ] is for switching to next target from the pool of tracked targets (from all sensors), except of friendly. It may also be that your radar is anti-air only and doesn't see or filters out anything in ground noise that is not moving fast enough. There are two issues that come with that - one is communicating unique sensor properties. We're still in the tweaking process and nothing is final. Otherwise we plan to add little info to the virtual garage, but perhaps only post Jets release. The second issue is potential lack of realism. Some modern systems might be able to detect more or provide more information. We are definitely open to feedback and we're primarily interested in anything that will help these sensor-equipped assets better fulfil their role in the combined arms environment, gameplay-wise. The idea has been born in this thread;) If the target is tracked by radar you'll see the targets altitude. Other than that there's no other indication. The incoming missile track is an abstraction of missile warning receivers (we don't simulate whether that's radar sign., UV or IR nor the detection range of such). As a limitation of the system you only get warnings about missiles flying at you, whereas more realistically you should get a warning about any missile within the MWR range. Already there. Nice idea! It should appear if you get marked by someone with Zephyr missile selected. The behavior of the CM systems hasn't really changed, only in terms of configuration. IR missiles give no "lock" warning, only in-flight warning. Not the first time we get that feedback. Can be set to 360. Although one reason to keep the current state can be to retain some benefit of having an actual JTAC on the ground.
  18. I've done an inverted merge of this topic with phaorxs post by mistake. Sorry about that. Hopefully I haven't broken any links or anything.
  19. The airplanes released in expansion were first to fully utilize several new config properties (e.g. draconicTorqueXCoef). They were mainly useful for stall/restricting airplanes from flying backwards :D, for slip/skid or better representation of control surface efficiency vs. airspeed. Other than that we've played more with mass distribution and fine tuned properties via arrays.
  20. Can you please verify that you're running the dev-branch? (you should see a Development Branch watermark in the bottom right corner) If you are on dev-branch and still get the speed-FoV changes in aircrafts pls PM me with more details (version, what vehicles).
  21. Currently it's possible by making the radar itself a vehicle with sensors and dlink. It's definitely an interesting idea. As for tuning sensor ranges via object attributes - I'm afraid that won't be possible, sorry about that. We've still had some plans re the abandoned squad radar. Atm we don't plan to make TGP controllable outside of the full scr. view, again sorry about that :/
  22. oukej

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Could you please pm me more details? (your vehicle, target vehicle, loadout, target below/above horizon, distance...)
  23. Now that is a question :) In our current setup of PGMs the camera isn't purrfectly authentic on any asset. Initially we thought we'd have it just for AGMs. So... Bombs too? AAs? ;)
  24. oukej

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Actually roadway LOD has never been intended for moving objects and isn't designed as such. Feel free to use it, but we take absolutely no responsibility ;)
  25. Most probably the AI just felt suppressed and wanted to cover its retreat