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Everything posted by mariodu62

  1. try this function . BIS_fnc_itemType an or BIS_fnc_objectType
  2. My brain is burning with los, :). first, error in the script : _pos2 = _this select 1; if(typename _pos1 == "OBJECT") then {_pos1 = getpos > 8:28:48 Error position: <_pos1 == "OBJECT") then {_pos1 = getpos > 8:28:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos1 8:28:48 File A3\functions_f\geometry\fn_dirTo.sqf, line 20 8:28:48 Error in expression <_cansee > 0) exitwith { _dirto = ([_a, _b] call bis_fnc_dirto); _unitdir > 8:28:48 Error position: <_a, _b] call bis_fnc_dirto); _unitdir > 8:28:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: _a 8:28:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\tpwcas\tpwcas_los.sqf, line 225 there is an error in rpt, so i modified the script line 225 by : _dirto = ([_unit, _near] call bis_fnc_dirto); after correction an other one appeared with _turning (not _defined) corrected like that : _unit lookat _near; _turning = _unit getvariable ["tpw_los_turning", 0]; if ((_turning == 0) && ((abs _delta) > 15)) then and then i didn't understand why the enemy (_near) receive the order to shoot to the unit. so i tried //_near reveal _unit; //_unit doWatch _near; _unit lookat _near; _unit doTarget _near; _handle = _unit dofire _near; _unit setvariable ["tpwcas_los_nexttime", diag_ticktime + 3]; // unit has been spotted - delay LOS check for 3 seconds _unit setVariable ["tpwcas_los_visstate",1]; // LOS true - ONLY USED FOR DEBUG BALL PURPOSES and now, AI enemy shoot when i look at them. (that what i was looking for)
  3. Yes you are right, wrong person. I will delete this post. Concerning, the LOS system, yes, i used the local unit.
  4. mariodu62

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    @oukej Found why AI are stupid, we use the fire function nd they stop shooting then. used with foreach of course
  5. add a backpack first... and use bis function addweapon (so easy with this function) _muzzle = [player, "launch_O_Titan_F", 1] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
  6. Hi, Very nice performance, but have issue with VON. lot of lags. It's ok now since we set the von to 5
  7. mariodu62

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    here are the information : maybe too much skill "R Alpha 1-2:1 - AWARE - I_pilot_F - 0.768889" "R Alpha 1-3:1 - AWARE - I_soldier_F - 0.833517" "R Alpha 2-2:1 - AWARE - I_soldier_F - 0.833517" "R Alpha 3-1:1 - SAFE - I_Soldier_TL_F - 0.752503" "R Alpha 3-1:2 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AA_F - 0.796783" "R Alpha 3-1:3 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AA_F - 0.804881" "R Alpha 3-1:4 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AAA_F - 0.802956" "R Alpha 2-3:1 - COMBAT - I_soldier_F - 0.833517" "R Alpha 3-3:1 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_TL_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:2 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_M_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:5 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_AAA_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:7 - STEALTH - I_engineer_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:8 - STEALTH - I_officer_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:11 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_AA_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:13 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_TL_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:14 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_AAT_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 3-3:15 - STEALTH - I_Soldier_M_F - 0.85" "R Alpha 4-2:1 - SAFE - I_Soldier_SL_F - 0.753388" "R Alpha 4-2:2 - SAFE - I_Soldier_TL_F - 0.808162" "R Alpha 4-2:3 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AR_F - 0.801663" "R Alpha 4-2:4 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AR_F - 0.792424" "R Alpha 4-1:1 - COMBAT - I_soldier_F - 0.833517" "R Alpha 4-3:1 - CARELESS - I_UAV_AI - 0.810853" "R Alpha 4-3:2 - CARELESS - I_UAV_AI - 0.810853" "R Bravo 1-2:1 - SAFE - I_Soldier_SL_F - 0.779076" "R Bravo 1-2:2 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AR_F - 0.754787" "R Bravo 1-2:3 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AT_F - 0.827317" "R Bravo 1-2:4 - SAFE - I_Soldier_AAR_F - 0.820757" "R Bravo 1-1:2 - SAFE - I_G_Soldier_F - 0.810853" "R Bravo 2-1:3 - COMBAT - I_Soldier_AR_F - 0.826801" *--------------* They look less stupid when behavior is safe and skill is lower. Here are setting for HC & server skillFriendly=0.69999999; skillEnemy=0.69999999; precisionFriendly=0.40000001; precisionEnemy=0.40000001; aiLevelPreset=1; When i say they are stupid, they are stupid, you can shoot them, run with them, kiss them, they'll never shoot you anymore. (with server only and with HC)
  8. mariodu62

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yeahhh... yes maybe. But why after targetting and shooting someone they don't kill, they stop shooting him. And never engage him anymore ?
  9. mariodu62

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Why AI are so stupid when they are created on a Headless Client ???
  10. No more bugs with the new stable version.
  11. Issue with betadev... just tried this morning... haven't yet test with new stable version of this afternoon
  12. More desynchro than with stable version... Marker are not refreshed, same issue with setvariable with true, when you detached a vehicle from a player, the vehicle goes sometimes to the sea. This version is worse than the stable one. When enemy spawn (with eos), my hunter flies... (with both kind of network, guaranteed and not guaranteed.)
  13. mariodu62

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    it was just an information for spunFIN
  14. mariodu62

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    No more "endurance" in setskill for arma3. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AI_Sub-skills
  15. mariodu62

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Yes it's true, except that with Bis some trucks are cars and so on. So difficult to be sure of the class of lifted object. But it's not a script bug. That's why i change the cannot_be_lift by can_be_lift and set the variable to object that can be lift.
  16. mariodu62

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    If the last version is the 0.13, i'm sorry but no. You have to declare what is not liftable.
  17. mariodu62

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    @beerkan Is it possible to invert the function to disable lifting ? Actually, everything is liftable and you must disable the lift per object. The best way is, nothing is liftable except what the programmer allow to lift is his mission. Trust me, it's easier to think like that.
  18. mariodu62

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    i have no problems with HC.
  19. mariodu62

    "Hacked" by [Ha.De]

    With B3console from bigbrotherbot
  20. mariodu62

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Kick it and let it reconnect, check if it take the right slot.
  21. A free Arma3 week-end with this stupid bug...
  22. mariodu62

    Issue returning in functions

    but you don't store the result anywhere. Can you write the main script ?
  23. mariodu62

    Issue returning in functions

    using call or spawn for this function ?