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Everything posted by i_deadly_i

  1. I proudly present to you the Server Benchmark v019 !! In this mission some 'greenback' units are defending a hill on Altis from an attack from both the NATO and CSAT forces. The outcome of the mission seems to vary a lot on the frame rate of the server. From my observations the greenbacks seem to survive a lot longer when the server frame rate is lower. This behavior seems to make sense to me as in theory bullets slow down if the server fps is lower than 30. 'time' variable will be updating slower than real-life time. Assuming bullets take time to reach a target they should slow down. This is how the benchmark stats will look after it's complete. The stats are located in the ending screen, found by clicking on the highlighted arrow. The Server Bench is a simple mission for server admins to compare performance of different servers and headless client. You could also use this mission to test out the effects of various AI improvement mods on the server-side frame rate. Features: - X Ending stats copied to the clipboard in the end - X Dumps the ending stats into the server's report file - X Headless Client Support (* Only supports 1 (one) Headless Client *) - X Parameters for different several settings - X AI is spawned "in the briefing screen" - X Spectator script by Cyrokrypto to check out the firefight - X Vanilla units on Altis - X Uses Platinum Patrol by ComfyBlanket for Spawning AI HOW TO: 1. Run the mission on your server 2. Set the parameters 3. Be sure to enable Headless Client's parameter if running HC! 4. Wait until benchmarking ends or spectate the battle 5. Look at the stats in the ending screen, paste the stats from clipboard or access the stats from the server logs (* uses diag_log, which creates a line in the report file *) Results : Here's a comparison of the Broma server vs a dedicated server hosted on a laptop with an i5 If you run the benchmark on your server, be sure to post your stats in the comments! DOWNLOAD LINKS : -=v019=- MEGA Google Drive Credits: Thanks to bohemia interactive for making arma Thanks to Cyrokrypto for spectator script. Thanks to ComfyBlanket for ai script. Thanks to Broma for testing and help. I don't take any credit for this mission ( I did make it 'tho ) I don't care if anyone re-uploads, edits or breaks this mission... If you find any bugs, have any suggestions or problems with this mission please be sure to contact me via private message.
  2. I'm getting this when playing with ace and tbbmalloc. After about a minute my game closes. Also please set battleye disabled on default... So if someone really needs to use battleye he has to use a startup parameter -battleye.
  3. Can reshade get you banned after the latest battleye update?
  4. I get a script error when joining ANY missions. Please fix it and update your mod! This is some pretty bad quality mod just because it feels like it was NEVER tested before the release of the latest update.... ****ing pathetic... Btw, the animations are really amazing, loving the sound of the reload
  5. Opa, interesting. I'm new to ObjectOrientedScripting, could someone please bring a comparison between this and .sqf.
  6. i_deadly_i

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    WRONG! This is caused by uniforms, not units. Changing the uniform changes the skeletons, arma 2 ported uniforms seem to be all broken.
  7. i_deadly_i

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Please fix ACE 3 compatability for ALL of your unfiroms, I want to love you even more! :D The legs can't correctly be interacted with because of what seem to be bad models. Here's an image of correctly working interaction (Bohemia's vanilla uniform/model): http://i.imgur.com/oXq5Gj6.jpg An example of a your broken uniform: http://i.imgur.com/tRuhU67.jpg PS! I reported this on the ACE 3 github, and they stated that this is an issue with mods not correctly being made according to ArmA 3's standards.
  8. i_deadly_i

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Dear Leights, It has come to my attention that some uniform or unit mods are not compatible with ACE 3 yet, can you assure that interacting with legs works correctly for all uniforms. Also. Using the latest CBA, this pack breaks ACE 3 on the independent side due to event handlers. If you could make sure this mod is ACE 3 compatible you'd be the greatest!
  9. I cannot believe this. We should get our money back!
  10. I've been looking for how to add a link to a video to the mission briefing for hours now. I could use some help! I'm pretty sure this can be done as there are community Guides in the main menu. I hope somone can help :)
  11. i_deadly_i

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    Ahh, that explains it. Well cannot wait for this to be released . Looks like a must for map/mission makers >:D I guess christmas will slow down the development 'tho
  12. i_deadly_i

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The m145 m150 scopes are not zeroed correctly. Some cannons on bradleys break with AGM. The t-72's used by ai don't fire (may be AGM) The sounds on some vehicles are broken. (uaz sounds like an rpg, from time to time)
  13. i_deadly_i

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    I am unable to find a download link for this map. I want to do a complete performance analysis on the map on my own rig, to see how it runs.
  14. I assume this does not work on linux? Anyone tried?
  15. i_deadly_i

    Switch the chracter you play.

    Thanks!! That's perfect :)
  16. ok this is extreamly hard to explain, for me atleast Is there a way for example force your character to switch to a diffrent one upon reaching a waypoint etc.? Like you call in CAS, and then from your infantry unit, u switch to the heli pilot automatically? I tried searching this, but it's too hard to explain :S
  17. i_deadly_i

    Need arma 2 Registry keys

    I copied my old arma 2 into common folder. Then it still wants to download. If I get the correct registiry stuff for it then I won't have to use steam to play arma 2. I could just launch the arma2oa.exe as normal!
  18. Ok I just reinstalled windows. I have my operation arrowhead and arma 2 all files. But i did not save my reg keys. Can someone please post arma 2/oa registry entries for 64 bit windows ofcours with out the cd key ones! Steam is being a faggot and wants to download operation arrowhead 2gb and arma 2 fully again. Wat a piece of shit? Right! Won't even let me only register the game without redownloading enourmous amount of data which is not unimpossible because my internet is 200 kbit/s max Also I used to have liek a "fake" installer for arma 2, which just allowed you to change cd-keys faster. I need some help plz :( I tired google and searching and shit.
  19. http://files-cloud.enjin.com/218374/module_gallery/full/1329609.jpg>100kb http://files-cloud.enjin.com/218374/module_gallery/full/1329535.jpg>100kb http://files-cloud.enjin.com/218374/module_gallery/full/1329527.jpg>100kb http://files-cloud.enjin.com/218374/module_gallery/full/1329522.jpg>100kb Using sweetfx!
  20. ADMIN HELP ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN!! Today morning I wanted to play a custom arma 2 mission called Takistan Life revolution. I play this mission alot on TLR server. Today in TLR server a group of players offered me hacks. I have link for the hacks here. Please someone do something about this! image removed
  21. Name: Blueface Timezone GMT +2 Age 18 I am looking for something diffrent. A squad/clan that plays opfor and indep instead of Blufor. I like the idea of blowing up shit as an terrorist in arma 2
  22. I see that all the teams are BLUFOR here. I was woundering if there was ny Opfor Or Indep based squads or clans at all? Why have I not found any like Rasman Terrorist movement clan's or Chernarus liberation force? If this kind of things exist i would like to join!
  23. i_deadly_i

    Looking fro OPFOR mission creators.

    I am interested in playing OPFOR and INS missions with a clan but I don't make missions. Could you contact me if I could join your group in some ops?
  24. i_deadly_i

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Improve performance! Don't make it so in 3 years you can enjoy the game with no lag, stuttering, crashes. Make a very nice game!