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Everything posted by Bish91

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rommel's_asparagus
  2. Bish91

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi is there any way to change what objects get spawned as IEDS? For example i'm running a mission on Anizay and its a bit jarring / kinda obvious when you see a big green wheelie bin in the road. Was wondering if there was a way I could change the objects to be more theatre specific such as lumps of dirt, wicker baskets , clay pots and so on ?
  3. @simcardo Fairly certain its this one http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8635
  4. Bish91

    Immersion Cigs

    Hey is it possible to put the cig in the NVG slot instead of glasses ? Awesome mod btw
  5. Bish91


    Hi mate so tried the saving and its working well so far! Clicking resume mission seems to give an endless loading screen, but if you click restart mission it loads in fine and also loads your saved progress ...
  6. Bish91


    Ah that's awesome to hear that its being added in at a later date! keep up the good work dude! The mission is an absolute blast to play!
  7. Bish91


    Is there a way to save progress on MP? Its REALLY fun , but too much for a small few hour session. Would be great to be able to save and load in to make it more of a long-term adventure! Either way cracking mission mate, Well done!
  8. I think ACE3 has wirecutters , although im not sure if they work on the assets in Iron Front.
  9. I used the 250g and 1KG charges , worked for me at least ...
  10. Yep can also confirm that , just tried after reading what "Unleashthepain" said.
  11. When I use RHSUSAF I only get the paradrop cargo waypoint , not paradrop infantry ?!?!
  12. Bish91

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Thanks guys , really appreciated . Also thanks for breaking it down in to steps that I can understand :)
  13. Bish91

    Faces of War [WW2]

    If you could mate I would really appreciate that !
  14. Bish91

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Hi guys , quick question regarding the 88. I understand this version is not technically " Artillery" . However i was wondering if anyone knows of a way to get it to point its barrel up in the air and have it fire constantly. Possibly at an invisible target or something , just to give the illusion of it behaving like artillery? I managed to get it to have infinite ammo via an event handler thingy ( not very savvy when it comes to code and scripting) but I dont know of anyway to have it aim its barrel up and fire continuosly... Any help would be greatly appreciated , cheers!
  15. Bish91


  16. Cheers for replying , will check it out. Thanks! :)
  17. Quick one gents. Is it possible to put vehicles and ammo crates inside gliders?
  18. Are you sure its the map and not the vehicle mate? I had a similar issue when in the Willys Jeep on Altis...
  19. Ah! That's brilliant news! , panic over on my part haha :D. Once again well done IFA3 team , outstanding work!
  20. Just watched the video all looks excellent! Do have a bit of a query regarding the static weapons though... with the 3CB style of static weapons the AI was nearly useless on static weapons after they had expended all their ammo, i.e they couldn't reload. Not sure if there was a module that disabled that for AI , but just wondering if an AI MG42 position becomes irrelevant after its fired off its belt and cant reload anymore? Just a bit concerned as I mainly play with and against AI. Keep up the good work though gents , I'm extremely excited!
  21. Amazing work ! Keep it up!
  22. Just gave everything a quick once over in Arsenal , WOW!! . Well done IFA3 team!
  23. Bish91

    New to Bistudio

    Welcome mate!
  24. So excited for the Airborne update! Will the C-47 have a "paradrop infantry" waypoint much like the RHS C130?
  25. Brilliant! Keeps getting better!