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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. Q) Tell me about Rifleman (Shotgun)
  2. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    I was just throwing your inane bullshit back at you. If you want to be civil about it, it's not a one way street. Can you actually tell me how this would cause more lag and desync than any other script based spawning system (such as ALIVE) or even editor placed units? Do you even have a single piece of proof to back it up? That ticket is about map placed objects which is a whole other ballpark than editor placed or script spawned units. If anything this should help performance as instead of having a ton of units spawning hundreds of KM away where they're wasting resources on both draw cycles and the AI computation cycles the DM can spawn stuff on the fly where and when the player is likely to encounter them, this means less objects overall.
  3. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    Some people enjoy it, I mean D&D and roleplaying in general was been built around that idea for years and it's still popular. Naturally it's always harder to find a DM then it is to find a player
  4. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    Yeah but can't necessarily say it's a bad thing, and maybe if some interest is shown it might end up being the full RTE that people want from VBS.
  5. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    god forbid my fact based post should muddy your well thought out and well dictated opinion good sir .
  6. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    Fact based post? If you honestly believe that a single word of your post is matter of fact you are delusional. You do realize in order to create missions you have to... get this. Create objects? The change mentioned in your post is similar but it's more in regards to how the engine handles objects, some objects do not need to be fully simulated and are a waste of resources to do so, which was what that change was about. Stop trying to push an agenda that you have zero understanding of. This is inengine instead of script based like VTS etc are, this means it will perform much better as it wont have the scripting overhead to worry about.
  7. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    Like 3 people worked on this out of the entire team quit fucking bitching about performance, they've been working on it non-stop since the alpha
  8. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    How the hell are you getting that from any of this? Having a 'game master' is probably the only real way to implement an 'AI' that thinks about the big picture. Are the players moving on an unexpected flank? If this was a regular mission all you could do is twiddle your thumbs, now the AI can react to it because the game master told them to do so. Have you even used the real time editor in VBS? the only difference between it and this and you can use the RTE to edit a mission and save it, but the main use is for adapting scenarios on the fly like this allows.
  9. Kerc Kasha

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    Is anyone noticing the lack of optics on the units weapons? it seems they're supposed to have them but everyones diggin ironsights. I thought it might be asdg joint rails but I'm using the config for that and it hasn't bothered anything before
  10. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Is the only change the keys? you could just upload just the addon keys.
  11. Whoops yeah got my > and < mixed up
  12. Kerc Kasha

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    I really wish they'd stop doing it, it only serves to undermine their work as people expect for something it will never be and then get disappointed when if they were open about the actual content from the beginning people might actually be genuinely excited for it instead of being excited for something that doesn't actually exist.
  13. Change if (isServer) to (time > 10) so it will only run on people there at mission start
  14. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    you need to download and install 2.0 first and then install the update over it.
  15. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    I'm getting the same issue, it's only like that in first person it sounds fine in third person ---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ---------- I found the issue: Cannot load sound 'jsrs2_mx\mx_s1.wss' etc, all the non _c pbos are missing so the actual sounds are gone, this is my bad as I cleared out the directory and didn't install 2.0 first
  16. Kerc Kasha

    Pet Peeves of A3

    I've had it happen since flashpoint
  17. Kerc Kasha

    Pet Peeves of A3

    This happens when you alt tab for some reason the 'tab' gets stuck so when you come back in and hit shift yeah steam overlay. Also makes the autofill on chat go crazy
  18. Oh yeah that works also just use player == UnitName instead of name player
  19. sure, in the init.sqf put something like if (name player == "DudesName") then { while (alive player) do {player removeWeapon (primaryWeapon player); sleep 2;}; }; or if you want to make him butter fingers and drop it on the ground: if (name player == "DudesName") then { while (alive player) do {player action ["dropWeapon", player , (primaryWeapon player)] ; sleep 2;}; };
  20. Kerc Kasha

    Pet Peeves of A3

    Probably that a trivial action like opening a door is right below something that could mean death
  21. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    I was going to ask the same thing, even porting/upgrading the ones from 1.5 would be nice!
  22. Kerc Kasha

    Stop Unit after UnitPlay

    I use something like this: _heli spawn { _pos = position _this; _dir = direction _this; while {!player in _this} do { _this setPos _pos; _this setDir _dir; _this setVelocity [0,0,-1]; _this forcespeed 0; sleep 0.01; }; };
  23. It works in singleplayer but not multiplayer
  24. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Out of curiosity, what was the problem?
  25. Kerc Kasha

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    I think removeuniform being global is more of an issue than adduniform being local, as removeuniform is the only 'remove' command that is in fact global while everything to do with inventory has always been local. I've had to retool my loadout scripts (which i'm still having issues with) due to removeuniform being global meaning if someone jips they usually will make everyone lose their uniform