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Everything posted by kenoxite

  1. Thanks for the link and the offering for help :) I must have visited that site and seen that news entry a million times, and still I didn't put two and two together... my bad. The tutorials look great BTW.
  2. Any chance of reuploading this?
  3. Fair enough. Seeing that finding the sweet spot for this multicam thing can take a while I think I'll concentrate on the ACU units first. Once we are all happy with the multicam pattern I'll proceed to create the multicam classes (inheriting those of the ACU ones, so it'll be an easy and fast process). Thanks for the tip. All this right now is quite low in my priorities, I must admit. I'll fix any further new model with the tips you guys have provided, though. Yes, almost all the vehicles have something unfinished, the LAV in particular. I posted a list in the first post. This will be done at a later stage, once the bulk of things to implement are either done or slow down. But if any of you guys want to give it a go feel free to grab the model and tweak it (no MLOD provided, tho). It'll be implemented in the next update and the author properly credited, of course. TBH I haven't modified anything related to weapons for the vehicles. What you see is the default values of the original addons. I'm waiting to have more vehicles available to start standardizing and balancing their weapons. For instance, there's several already that share the same weapon, but have different values and handling. All this will be taken care of in a future update. I agree though that gameplay should prevail over realism, to an extent, that is. Just remember that main goal of the presence of the vehicles in this expansion is to provide fire support and transport, mainly controlled by the AI. The core of all this is still infantry, same as vanilla WW4. So some rough edges are to be expected, even in its final release. With that said, I'll try that to smooth those edges as much as possible. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. kenoxite

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'm looking for all the stuff by ag_smith in MLOD format that released publicly. All the links in the release thread are dead, and trying to tweak them so they point to the current site (like http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/_hosted/ag_smith/downloads/src/AGS_build.zip ) don't seem to work. I managed to get the main page in the wayback machine, but the links there don't work either.
  5. Thanks for the detailed report and instructions. I'll look into this later. I will only be able to tweak the models I modified for this expansion, though. The original WW4 models won't be updated, in any case.
  6. WW4 EXT has been updated to version 0.2. Check the first post for further details and the download link. Some extra notes: - I've included an US army rifleman in two multicam variants. The first one is the one using the texture you know already from the previous screenshots. The second one is a variant where colors have been desaturated and darkened, and it has been given a more brownish overtone in general. Inside the download file you'll a couple missions where you can see several WW4 EXT units side by side for comparison, both in Everon and Desert Everon 2. I welcome any feedback about the multilcam camo. Tell me which want you like most and I'll use that as the default one. I need to know this before keep working on the US Army units. Here's some sshots from that mission: - The new zeroing system has been included. Instructions and further explanation in the first post. Just mention that there's a test mission inside the download file where you can test all this in several ranges. From about 400m up to 1000m. - A lot of vehicles have been included. There's still some problems with them, but all of them are usable. - Remember that all this is still a WIP. I've concentrated this week on adding a lot of new stuff, but have done very little about gameplay balancing. That will come at a later stage, once everything has been implemented properly (although I'll keep adjusting it here and there between updates). I guess that we could call this an alpha stage. - Next week will be devoted to add the rest of missing infantry units for the US Army and insurgency. Also, I'd like to expand MapFact rucksacks - WW4 further, by adding support to missile/rocket launchers ammo and creating new textures for the rucksacks that would blend better with the WW4 EXT units. Ideally, also starting to tinker with modelling to add assault packs. I'll also add some extra textures for use by some units (NOMEX flight suits green and desert), and update those units. And probably further stuff I'm forgetting right now and other that might come up while working on all this. I hope you guys enjoy this new update. Again, any feedback is welcomed. Particularly regarding the multicam units.
  7. kenoxite


    Yes replace them all to the same class. I guess that's why most people will want to use that option anyway. Particularly useful to change the type of wall or fence with a simple click. Another option would be to have a checkbox that, when checked, would replace all the objects of the same class as the selected one. Thanks for the code snippet and for considering my requests. Also, good to know the cause of the weird behavior. I'll try to have that in mind from now on.
  8. kenoxite

    Ironsight mod (for handguns only)

    Great. Can't wait for your ww4 version.
  9. Thanks. You're right, but I was following there the standard for pilots in WW4. Which makes sense from a technical point of view as both crew and pilots share the same texture. It's easier and faster than creating two separate ones. Anyway, I was planning to create a NOMEX dark green texture around next week. That would be used for both pilots and FORECON DA woodland version. But for now the MARPAT will have to do. I want to expend the following two days finishing and tidying up all the stuff that will go in for the next update. Which is quite a lot, and with quite a bunch of nice surprises (including those two from the sshot above).
  10. Thanks, Sanctuary :) And yes, I'm finding the same problem as you with all this camo thing. Anyway, I'm not married with any of my ideas (not yet :P) so whatever the general consensus is I'll go with it. If people really think the new multicam simply doesn't cut it then I'll tweak it again until we can find at least some middle ground.
  11. Thanks again for the support, guys. This multicam pattern is actually quite hard to recreate, as all the reference photos I used seem like different patterns each. My guess is that most of them have been already altered via environment and use (lots of dusty ones), while others have either been color corrected (by the camera itself or later via postprocessing) or affected by non-neutral lighting. Here's some of the photos I used as reference. I chose to pick the ones that looked closer to the real colors: http://www.combatreform.org/multicamTRUwithinsignia.jpg https://lh3.ggpht.com/_CPIPKh8ne9A/S8ZApJXZYiI/AAAAAAAAAC4/5wICUq9fa7I/s1600/multi-cam.jpg But, as I said, there's also others where colors shift: http://blogs.militarytimes.com/gearscout/wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/usaf-multicam/031010_rcmtnwolf132-jpg.jpg https://mcpacman.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/p1000386_yzdd5nflj5om.jpg https://lh3.ggpht.com/-Vk1mluYxnaU/TZIshVzUdeI/AAAAAAAAARQ/R7IYiRlSfd4/s1600/iowa-multicam-national-guard.jpg (ACU vs multicam) http://www.gbfmilitaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/multicam-MR-shirt.jpg http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/size_0_armymil_64153_2010_02_12_060213-tfb.jpg http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2007/320/b/6/US_Army_in_Multicam_by_Brodaty_Canis.jpg Also, the sshots I posted before were modified for aesthetic purposes. Sharp and zoom blur. Here's an album with those sshots unaltered and other ones where you can both see the camo effect in several distances and some close ups of the pattern: http://imageshack.us/g/1/10148007/ IMO the current multicam version works well in game. I also considered making more "dusty", but I was afraid that it would lessen its effectiveness in european-like terrains (forests, grass fields, etc), which defeats the purpose of this multicam thing. Thanks a lot for the offering. Fortunately, vektorboson has already offered to make the conversions himself. And about the export function, I'm afraid that's not present in my Oxygen version (v2). From what I read when dealing with this problem it seems that it's an option only present in the early versions of Ox for Arma 1. Thanks. If I can't get the UH-1N then I'll definitely welcome your UH-1H. The only reason for the wait is that Preparation H's one are already textured, which would make their integration way easier. Thanks for the heads up. Fortunately, the sea knight problem might be already solved. There's also the problem with permissions, so I'm not sure if I'd be able to use that even if there's no CH-46 coming after all. I already tested the osprey, but I'm still hesitant about it. While I don't mind unfinished vehicles (the Supercobra interior lacks some texturing, for instance) this vehicle seems a bit too much in the rough state. There's some visible cracks in the sides, and the texturing should be redone. The OPGWC mod, on the other hand, is a gold mine. It's amazing all the amazing stuff that has been created for OFP over the years. Too bad this one didn't finally make it. The LAVs will surely make it in WW4 EXT. Also the 5t trucks and the A10 (for US Army, if/when I get to focus on them). The HMMWVs are also interesting. Particularly the cargo and TOW ones. But those surely need some retexturing. The rest, I still have to consider the alternatives. But the gold mine in that mod are the objects. There's a ton of them and most of those are excellent. I'll definitely add quite a lot of those. As a final note, I'd want to clarify how I'm doing all the "new units". I'm in fact not creating new models, but retexturing already present ones in WW4 via TextureSwap tool. I soon noticed that WW4 actually only uses a handful of models for all the sides and unit types. So I proceeded to categorize them, creating duplicates and retexturing using the mentioned tool. No modeling nor anything fancy from my part. That's beyond my current expertise, not to mention that I simply can't do it because CWA and Oxygen (and Bulldozer). The retexturing is done with Gimp, where I've created templates by using existing ones. Lots of copy pasting, cutting and moving selections, playing with color levels to make the overaly layers that I later set to multiply, etc. So, once I get to implement some of the vehicles is more than likely that I'll end up needing some extra help. Either to fix some stuff in the models or for the texturing. But for the next release (around this weekend) this isn't still needed.
  12. Thanks, guys. Hey, that's nice. Are you using USMC or US army units? If you need something in particular just tell me and I can prioritize it. And about the addons, just cross your fingers. Chances are that the supercobra is the only vehicle that will make it. Ever. TBH, either the permission rules change (maybe a new "your stuff goes GPL after X years" rule) or I'll only be able to provide the custom configs. So, if you plan to use this have in mind that users might still need to download the addons separately. With that said, now that at least there's some USMC CAS I hope to also get at least one of the transport choppers. And one of the pick up trucks with MGs. The resistance/insurgence really needs a custom vehicle of that kind, to stop giving them BRDMs and civilian cars. -- BTW, I'm looking for the WW4 pilots with masks and visors set as custom selections, so I can create several pilot classes with some of those selections hidden. I've posted in the "looking for an addon" thread but the fact is that I already made the selections myself. Unfortunately, the Oxygen I'm using (from the BIS tools pack via the wiki) saves in p3dm format, which OFP/CWA doesn't understand, meaning it's useless. I'll try to look for the older version of Oxygen later and redo that again if no one has the tweaked stuff by Addonis. But last time I tried to install it it kept moaning about all kind of stuff, and I think I didn't even manage to make it work (something about the serial number, or glide). -- EDIT: Sure. That sounds actually great. PM me to get this started.
  13. Thanks. I've tweaked WW4's multicam pattern, so it's now closer to the real deal (and crisper). Original WW4's multicam (left one): New tweaked multicam: I'll add a link to the edited pattern once the next update is published. I could post it now, but I might still edit it further.
  14. kenoxite

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anyone have the ww4 pilots without masks tweaked by Addonis? -- EDIT: Never mind. I finally created my own.
  15. Thanks. If you created some stuff and think it would be worth including it in all this feel free to PM me. I'll be glad to merge whatever work you've done. And, BTW, good news. There'll be a supercobra for CAS. I just got the permission, so that's one less vehicle to worry about. I'll wait a week or so until the next update, which will have NZXSHADOWS' AH-1W implemented (at least at a basic level). This is the changelog for the next update so far: - Spotters are now leaders of the default groups, so they are the ones directing the targetting - Spotters equipped now with ACOG rifles, instead of GL - Changed type of rocket and missile ammo to handgun ammo, to free more space from normal ammo slots and give those units more rifle mags - Added M136 AT4 launcher. It uses the Carl Gustav model so far, as there's none in WW4 - Upped dexterity for AT and ATH weapon types - Reduced inventory slots for MGunners - AutoRiflemen carry one extra drum instead of a hand grenade - Assitant AR carry more mags and less grenades - Replaced a rifleman with rifleman AT light in default 12 man squad - Some snipe rifles (M40,M82) can now be zeroed in game That last zeroing (and now the supercobra) will probably be the highlights of the update. You'll be able to zero both the M40 and the M82, by increments of 100 and up to their effective range. The script and config tweaks have been done already, but I have yet to decide how to implement it. Right now I'm testing it by using addaction (">Zero up"), but will probably end up creating a small dialog where you can click directly the desired zeroing and probably add support for FWATCH, so you can define a key to change the zeroing. Unfortunately the sights won't help to find the range (no mildots in vanilla WW4 sights), so the zeroing will have to be based on guesstimations (or abuse of the team reticle). I'm also currently playing around with US army units with multicam. It's quite likely that I'll add at least some units for the next release, and ACU ones with updated weapons and rucksacks. Whatever I add them or not I'm not currently planning to add vehicles for them, though.
  16. I should have stressed the importance of countEnemy, as that's the the most important part of that script :P And about the markers, I used that just as an example. You can replace that with whatever you want to do when enemies are detected. Yes, it seems the whole morale/fleeing mechanics is tied to group leaders. Both to their skill (which seems to be used to set the fleeing threshold) and to their original positions (as you mention, used as the place to go when fleeing).
  17. There's no need to attach triggers. For something as simple as knowing how many enemies are close you could use a mix of a single trigger that keeps track of all the units and then either a single scripts that iterates through all the scout units that you need to apply the check to or run a script for each scout group. Assuming you use a trigger activated by Anybody and named "allUnits" covering the mission area, you'd only need to check for this: #loop _myScouts =+ myScouts _detectedEnemies = [] _n = 0 #nextScout _scout = _myScouts select _n _eGroup = grpNull { _eGroup = group _x; if ((_scout countEnemy (units _eGroup)) > 0) then {if (!(_eGroup in _detectedEnemies)) then { _detectedEnemies set [count _detectedEnemies, _eGroup ]}};} forEach list allUnits ~0.01 _n = _n + 1 ?(_n < count _myScouts):goto "nextScout" _n = 0 #countEnemies ?(_n >= count _detectedEnemies): goto "wait" _enemy = leader (_detectedEnemies select _n) format ["enemySighted%1",_n+1] setMarkerPos getPos _enemy; _n = _n + 1 goto "countEnemies" #wait ~5 goto "loop" The scripts goes through all the units added to the myScouts array, and checks if they are detecting an enemy unit. When a _scout detects enemies it adds the leader of the enemy group to the _detectedEnemies array. Once all the scouts have been checked then we go through all the detected enemies, and place an "enemySighted<number>" marker over the position of their leader (this assumes you have previously created, say, 10 markers named enemySighted1, enemySighted2, etc up to enemySighted10). We could expand that check in many ways. It could only place a marker if there's two groups together (say, less than 200m), as that should be considered a single threat, and not multiple ones. This would only need a single trigger and a single script. The scout units would need to be previously added to a global var (myScouts) either in their init line in the map editor or when spawning them if done dynamically (myScouts set [count myScouts, leader group this]). And removed from the global array when they are killed or removed with deleteVehicle (this addEventHandler ["killed",{myScouts = myScouts - [leader group this]}]). BTW, note that I haven't checked the code posted above, although it should work.
  18. kenoxite

    OFP videography

    Footage from an unpublished mission I created months ago for testing purposes: From the description: A platoon and other elements of the Crows rifle company attempt an assault to a REDFOR entrenched position on a hill. This is a an unpublished mission I created to test several scripts I made (kInfoshare, kSuppression, DTV, kVehicles, kFlares, AI artillery, etc). Originally, this is a company vs company size battle, but I had to trim it to platoon vs platoon for this recording as my computer was originally built during the Pleistocene era. There's some occasional artifacts and FPS drops. Sorry about that. I've added annotations that add more details about this mission and put some of my actions into context (like the use of rucksacks). -- Game: Arma: Cold War Assault Mods: WGL, CoC UA, BT grass - lowered, WGL textures and vegetation replacement, WW4 (used for units and portable weapons model replacements) Terrain: Everon Game mode: Single player vs AI. The player is the leader of an AI rifle squad under the orders of an AI platoon leader. Music: "Virtutes Instrumenti", by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
  19. I guess you've done already, but have you considered DAC? It does quite a lot of what you seem to need. Zone control, patrols, etc. Apart from that, Drongo69 took several steps in that direction, particularly with Drongo's Toolkit. There the AI (of both sides) was able to recognize strategic locations (usually towns) and send and generate troops, the amount and quality based on their victory progress. Unfortunately, he left the OFP scene (at least temporarily) before developing it further, so I don't think he included more advanced behaviour like the ones you ask for. The AI will try to assault or defend a location, but without context (meaning, their decisions are mainly random). Also, in CCE when the AI detects enemies (a player group) it pinpoints their last known location and enemy squads will go there to reinforce depending on their proximity and readability, which works similarly to the scout behaviour you mention, to some extent. Again, the checks are quite simple, and the AI can and will ask for reinforcements when the detected player group is simply flying over to a mission location, for example. So, well, either you tweak DAC to fit your needs or you really need some custom scripts which, as you suggest, would mean to create a custom version of CTI/Warfare. I could give it a go if you like, although it's not a simple task. Particularly if you would like all this to be MP compatible. Well, I actually made all those scripts myself :P And I'm afraid that the walker manager is too dumb for what the Professor needs. It was mainly created to move around civilians after all. UPS is an excellent script and closer to what he requires, even with its drawbacks.
  20. Maybe the tool you're using to unpack pbos is creating corrupted files. Try PBO decryptor 1.5 to make sure. That one never created any problems for me.
  21. kenoxite


    I've finally had the time to try this for good. I also created databases for NOCH HESCO bastions and bunkers (included in WW4), so I'll send them to you later. If you're still open to requests, here's some: - "Replace object" button. It would allow you to replace an already placed object with another one from the databases (like Insert Object). Ideally, you could batch replace several objects at once by grouping them first. Right now, if you decide to use another object instead you have to delete the existing one, select another and place it again in the same spot with the same orientation. - Being able to load the objects relative to given coordinates. Right now there's no easy way (that I know of) to say "I want a COP here with this orientation", "here" being wherever I want. You have to place them in a relative position to the final one or pinpoint coordinates when creating it. This will allow its use in dynamic missions. - The ability to merge two templates. This would come particularly handy for LEGO like constructions, where it'd be better to create sections separately to be merged later. - A despawn script. I guess I could create it myself, but you're the one with a deep knowledge about how all this works, and it'll come handy to have it done officially. This is essential to be able to use all this in dynamic missions. Also, entire islands could be populated with grass by spawning and despawning grass templates created with this tool. There's a lot of possibilities. As you can see, my main theme here is dynamic missions. I'm currently considering updating Drongo's CCE to v3 (a total rewrite of the engine), and this tool would come extremely handy if those features would be added. -- EDIT1: It seems I've found a bug. After pressing 4 (numeric pad) to rotate the camera it started to loop into that direction. Now it does that whenever I use set-pos-in-game. Restarting both FWATCH and the game doesn't seem to solve it, so I guess some setting has been corrupted. The only solution so far is to use manual camera instead. BTW, I was using the numeric pad to rotate without problems until all this happened. I remember some kind of stutter when pressing 4, just before all this continuous rotation started. -- EDIT2: Well, disregard that. I tabbed back to OFP after writing that and the issue disappeared. I guess somehow the glitchy 4 press created a batch of dozens of keypresses and set-pos-in-game had to do every single of them for some reason. But it seems that it executed all of them while I was editing this post. Weird, in any case.
  22. kenoxite

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    Looking great! Keep it up :ok:
  23. No problem. Also remember that if you don't have an "init.sqs" file already there and you need one then you'll have to create it yourself. BTW, I've updated REASSIGN WEAPONS WW4 to 4.2. Added a changelog to its entry in the first post.
  24. Inside your mission's folder. You'll find it at: <path to your OFP/CWA>\Users\<your user name>\missions\<name of the mission>.<name of the map> So, if your in game nick is Tyrsero and your mission is "TestMission.intro" the path would be: <path to your OFP/CWA>\Users\Tyrsero\missions\TestMission.intro