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Everything posted by taro8

  1. taro8

    Server monetization program

    Exactly. In fact we now have literal Lego pieces .
  2. taro8

    Server monetization program

    Do you see how much effort you need to spend on securing your assets? This is an effort that could be spent on improving your mod. If there is money involved in modding people will do stuff like this. Or put adverts popups like in the Skyrim paid mods. Note that you are going kinda similar way the DRM people went. However once DRM is cracked the only people that have to deal with it are the honest purchasers as pirates circumvent the whole thing.
  3. Yeah, but in shadow it looks fine though. And the texture is not pure white either, its rather grayish. There is weathering applied, some edge wear and such. However weathering is a hard thing to balance out, at one point I applied a weathering that made the vehicle look like it was pulled out of a barn after 20 years, some didn't like it at all, I'm rather fine with the current balance. As for the wheels: M113 has rubber on the roadwheels.
  4. An update on M113. I am finally happy with the SMDI and normal maps. I have figured out a way to do the SMDI maps fast and looking pretty good, the hotspots from specular maps are still there, but looking pretty natural. BTW: The UN paint is pretty bright, but the screenshots were taken in bright direct sunlight. When in shadow it looks as it should (3rd picture).
  5. taro8

    Server monetization program

    I don't really get the people that buy stuff they can't afford and then cry they are broke, demanding they need to bailed out of their own mistakes. If you can't afford to keep up your project you either overextended, or jumped into too deep waters. 101 of saving money: DO NOT DO STUFF YOU CAN"T AFFORD! Want to make money out modding skills? Make a game. Unity is available for download for anyone interested, good starting point as any. I do want to create a mecha strategy game in a future and I do realise that I lack the skills. That is why I decided to jump deeper into arma modding, to learn more, improve my skills, ask people around for opinions etc. I was modding games for years and years, for free, but it did let me gain experience with stuff I would have never had an opportunity to work with ever. This experience allowed me to get the job I have now (as shaky as it is). Money is fucking super-mega-space cancer to modding. I was there, in the trenches when the paid Skyrim modding hit. It was a COMPLETE SHITSHOW! Money breeds greed and evil. You want friendly, helpful community? Don't poison the well with money. Sure people are dicks to each other all the time, but Hey! Welcome to real life! At least people in in the forums wont stab you to steal your groceries. The reason why gamedev communities are able to function as well as they are, even when money is involved, is because the customer base is HUGE and diverse, everyone can get a piece of the pie. Arma mod user community is tiny, tiny fraction of that, so all modders would be in position of competing with each other for the finite resource of money that SOME people would be willing to pay for mods. The community is too small to go though this without a complete meltdown. I wonder how many hours it will take for mod piracy to crop up, if paid modding ever happens to infect Arma. Forever Free
  6. taro8

    Server monetization program

    Again I would like to remind everybody about Skyrim paid modding fiasco. We can't have paid modding without the whole thing turning into total clusterfuck in a blink of an eye. The daisy chaining of mods and so on is a big part of that. Imagine if CBA charged money for their stuff without any free alternative. Now imagine a reverse scenario: CBA does not allow any kind of monetization for addons that use it. Modding community is only being held together by goodwill and chewed gum. The moment you introduce money to it it turns to shit with people not sharing info and such, it stops being a community and becomes marketplace with cutthroat competition. If you get money into modding you can just take the modding community out in the back and shoot it right there and then, will save a LOT of drama.
  7. taro8

    Server monetization program

    Money is super space cancer to modding. The moment you introduce money to modding it all goes to shit in a really swift manner. Just look at the total trainwreck that was Skyrim paid modding. Forever Free!
  8. taro8

    Real Armor Mod

    Does anyone have v0.1.0? I'm interested in what kind of changes were made, I know they were removed for a reason, but I would like to take a closer look.
  9. I gave the Arma 2 autum trees and ground clutter (grass and such) some love. Grass now uses Arma 3 rvmat settings and it no longer glows. Most of the trees had have their rvmats changed and textures edited so they look a bit more natural and distant lod and near view match, more or less. Pictures taken with my reduced haze mod on. Check the link in my signature.
  10. taro8

    Reduced haze

    Having a constant wall of fog, with I can't turn off, in front of me isn't realistic either. There are still more settings for haze and I only changed single one of them, so there is still a room for tweaks and such. Note that I didn't remove the haze, only toned it down. Do note that the fog is still 100% functional and you can use that instead.
  11. Download the CUP CWA map pack. We split the terrains. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853743366&searchtext=583544987
  12. You have no idea how massive the SVN is. Its something above 191GB and I downloaded ALL of it. So you were complaining about the download size... BTW: Do you guys realize that even if you would want to just take a single vehicle or weapon from CUP and make it standalone, you would still need to download the whole mod first, right?
  13. Hey, I made a little module addon that when placed enables the ambient combat. Nothing fancy you just place it and it uses the settings from the user config. Do you want to know more?
  14. I can attest to the fact unravelling stuff from CUP is a nightmare. For giggles I wanted to make an OFP era standins using stuff from CUP. I decided to create my own uniform. Oh boy, it took me couple of hours to get it working properly with hunting all the models and textures, editing paths and all that stuff. And I had some idea what to do. Let me tell you this: it is all so interlocked and daisy chained that getting one vehicle out is a titanic job. You actually would be better off just porting from Arma 2 from scratch. In other news, Utes is getting some love, as does A2 era ground clutter (grass and such). For the clutter I just put A3 settings on it and it looks much better then it did before.
  15. There is slight issue with remote control ATM (using Apex preview) and it was in the game fro quite sometime I guess. When you use remote control on the AI, either as Zeus or UAV operator, the camera rotation speed when AI is in some turret is tied to controlled AI's aimspeed sub skill. This can lead to issues like when you can barely move the camera around in the UAV. I did a LOT of tasting and it's certain it's the aimspeed subskill at work here. My solution would be: for the duration of remote control all of the controlled AI's skill should be set to 1.
  16. taro8

    Combat Patrol

    Love the idea of instant combat mission. I just solo tested it (in MP mode) and here are my suggestion: * allow to set enemy numbers scale * allow to set enemy faction * some way of customizing gear Arsenal * alternatively a downtime where players are moved to a base
  17. What you want to do is to move the waypoints to empty markers (get pos, set pos stuff might work). I'm not a scripter though. Or you could just have the emprty marker positions and have script that adds a waypoint for the unit to that position. The waypoint would have on completion a script that creates a new waypoint in the next destination.
  18. Nothing exacting or groundbreaking. Just a pretty little picture I took when I was messing around with ground clutter config on CUP's Utes island from Arma 2. Addons: CUP terrains.
  19. taro8

    Advanced AI Command

    The ability to define what type of loiter (clockwise or counter clockwise) would be great. Also it would be nice to have more heights in Fly In Height order, up to 20 00m (with 10 00m and 15 00m).
  20. taro8

    Advanced AI Command

    Could we get a counter clockwise loiter waypoint for use with the gunships?
  21. I did my best to limit the clipping though. As it stands now: the standard huey can carry 8 people + 2 pilots + 2 door gunners. 2 cargo guys have FFV. The Slick can carry additional 2 people who also have FFV bringing up the total cargo space to 10 people out of with 4 have FFV capability. Armed variants are in the works.
  22. Is there a way to have simple target locking on as well? I had my custom tank cannon set up so it could lock onto laser designated targets for automatic correction of distance and leading the target. However, I cannot do that anymore on dev. Also, I'm working on a gunship aircraft and I'm looking for a way to have the weapons automatically adjusted so they aim at the point gunner is looking at. So what I want is automatic leading.
  23. The textures on hues are the same as they have been . The animations will remain as they were, too much work, too little gain. They actually clip though the seats, but I think it was already like this in Arma 2. Also UH-1H will get FFV ability as well, with will feature seats fixed a tiny bit, soldiers still have butts clipping through the bench, but its better then having their feet floating and heads clipping through the roof.
  24. Here's a little teaser of what might be coming in future:
  25. Suggestion/request: could we get a generic "assault" command? I just want to select my team, click on the map and tell them to assault the position I pointed at, then the AI should do its stuff without me babying them all the time. Like: units get into vehicles drive to the indicated position, disembark at safe distance then go in aware and, when close, switch to combat mode until they reach the position, eliminate all opposition/sweep the area and decide its clear. Also will be able to save plan without executing it? Say I want to assault a complex from helo insertion, in base I split the teams, assign them their targets, set up go-codes etc. then I manually order them into helicopters, fly into the operation area, tell them to disembark and THEN hit execute the plan button.