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Everything posted by taro8

  1. The CBA mag wells allow for swapping between CUP and RHS mags. The issue is that RHS magazine models are larger and clip through the gun models pretty much all the time.
  2. The gunner sight position was something that went unnoticed until yesterday TBQH, sadly it didn't make it into the update. Thaks for the info about the loadout will see about adjusting it. As for the M240 for the loader it might be a bit difficult as it would require changing the model and such, but the biggest issue is that you cannot prevent a turned in unit from firing an MG without creating a whole host of new problems. Also our M1A1 does not have a loader seat at all, just gunner, driver and commander. Loader is pretty much a dead weight in Arma as he serves nor purpose, kinda like the copilot. But well see.
  3. Its not like we deleted the old RACS textures...
  4. Even a very basic tank is loads of work.
  5. Because making new stuff is hard. Tanks are one of the most complicated vehicles to do for Arma 3. However, if you have a Chieftain or some other vehicle that you would like to donate to CUP we will be happy for any help we can get.
  6. @Hvymtal I actually made my own, personal, little addon that adds OFP era US and USSR factions, that is just using the CUP and A3 stuff. Its not perfect by any means, as I made it in 2 days, and some vehicles are stand ins (AH-1Z standing in for Cobra etc.), but its good enough for me to get my Cold War fix. Oh yeah, I also made an OD retexture for the ALICE backpack, forgot to mention it.
  7. A little preview of what I made (or helped out in making) for the new update, among that are: * A brand new Battle Dress Uniform in various camo patterns alog with matching patrol caps * New PASGT vest in a couple of patterns as well as ALICE webbing * (yet another) retexture of the M113, LAV-25 and M1 Abrams * New Olive Drab textures for M113, LAV-25 and M1 Abrams * New RACS textures for LAV-25 * New Desert textures for M164 VADS * SMDI rework of for M113 LAV-25 and M1 Abrams * New textures for the M164 VADS * New UH-1H Huey variants: Armed and Gunship. Both using the dynamic loadouts. * Ability to mount new dynamic loadout counter measures on the UH-1H (all variants). * A rework of ALL of the soldiers gear (vests, uniforms, etc.) and civilian clothes in order to standardize the RVMATs and make the gear look more natural. * A complete rework of the RACS infantry * New black texture for the M24 sniper rifle And that is just from me. Among things from other members is Leopard 2, much better weapon textures and much more. https://giant.gfycat.com/BewitchedUnconsciousGreathornedowl.webm
  8. taro8

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    Hey, is there a way to disable artillery spawns? If I use a custom faction the War Stories spawn something like 6 D-30s and M119 per side + couple of mortar teams and the arty is VISCOUS as hell. The arty spam is real.
  9. Hello. This script is very close to what I'm looking for: a qucik and easy shop I can plug into any mission I feel like. I did some scripting on my own. I managed to create a script that reads a content of boxes synched with an logic and create arrays of items and magazines that then you can use as a source for the shop. I noticed that your shop does not have generic prices for stuff that is not defined, so here's a function I made for my script that tries to find a specific price, but failing that it will return a prace based off the type of the weapon. Feel free to use it. https://pastebin.com/EbR4VKKW
  10. Do note this just my personal tweak. EDIT: for some reason the simplified markers do not show up for vehicles. EDIT: It seems that you need to check if the goggle wearers knows about the vehicle, like this: ((group _gog) knowsAbout (vehicle _unit)) NOTE: I figured out why the marker height was wrong: you used getPos, instead use getPosATL.
  11. It just make it so that when you have automatic reporting turned off you need to actually look at the enemy and press T (or whatever you have bound to reveal target). It makes it work kinda like Far Cry marking system. I must say it feels really cool to set up an OP and then carefully scan the area with binos and try to mark as many enemies as possible. Personally I like how it feels: I need to earn the enemy marking if I'm alone, and I still get enemy marked if someone from my group or even side (you can change that BTW) has eyes on. Z-axis (height) of the markers is still borked though.
  12. Hey, I finally figured out how to make the HUD a bit less cheaty. I added an additional line of code that checks if the goggle's wearer side knows about unit the script tries to add to the HUD display array. This way enemy units will not be shown to player unless someone actually spots/reports them. for "_i" from 0 to (count tpw_hud_gogglewearers - 1) do { private _gog = tpw_hud_gogglewearers select _i; if (([objNull, "VIEW"] checkVisibility [eyePos _unit, eyepos _gog] > 0) && ((side _gog) knowsAbout _unit) >= 1) // TARO: checks if the goggle wearer's side knows about the spotted unit exitwith { _visunits pushback _unit; }; }; };
  13. taro8


    Ok, so from what I can understand is that creating any additional zeus modules is what breaks the factions. Is there a way to connect to the Zeus plugin created by achilles? If there is one that is. I would also like to know that factions are visible for a moment, before the reload. Alternatively, how can I fix the missing factions after the reload?
  14. I would like to let everyone know that you actually can do retextures without CUP SVN source files. Just unpack the pbo and retexture whatever you want if you feel that the quality is not at the level you think it should be. Let us know of the results, show us some screenshots and your retexture might be included in future CUP updates. We will be grateful for any and all assistance.
  15. taro8


    CBA, CUP weapons, units and vehicles, SP, just started an editor placed a single unit and a zeus module. Achilles reloads and loses the CUP factions after reload. It also does not work if I try something like this during mission: curator_module = "ModuleCurator_F" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; curator_module setvariable ["text","curator_module"]; curator_module setvariable ["Addons",3,true]; However, it works fine if I set the owner filed in the curator module in the editor. With is a bummer as I want to be able to use zeus in any mission, even if it was not included at the start.
  16. taro8


    For me Achilles reloads the zeus on first opening and only gives me the default A3 factions. I don't mind the reload, but not having all the factions and objects to spawn is a big no no for me. Its not just MCC, I tried HCC and a custom script that just adds zeus to a mission. All of that caused the missing stuff issue. I did the test separately only with one of the mods active at time.
  17. taro8


    The Achilles is incompatible with any mod that adds a zeus curator module, or even if you just add it via console. It always reloads after you open zeus interface and gives you only the default factions. I tried with High Command Converter, WW AIO menu, MCC and just using a console during a mission. I think I will drop Achilles due to that. I prefer to have the ability to activate zeus in any mission.
  18. I edited the TPW duck code and added this after the script gets all the units. private _playerSquadMembers = []; { _playerSquadMembers append (units group _x); } forEach allPlayers; tpw_duck_units = tpw_duck_units - _playerSquadMembers; This removes all units that are in player squads from the TPW duck. The array gets rebuilt after every loop, so it covers any recruitment and such as well.
  19. For some reason the groups that get delivered via my logistic request do not do anything and do not show up in the "Operations" menu. I assume they are not profiled for some reason and the AI commander simply does not "see them".
  20. TPW Duck causes you to pretty much lose the control over your AI squad mates. They keep getting their own orders and such. It would be nice if you could disable the TPW Duck for AI in player squads. Similar thing with EBS.
  21. For some reason the custom objective spawned units over the whole of the Utes island, it would be nice if you could set TAOR for it. Also: does deleting units by using a script or Zeus, will cause the AI commander to request reinforcements, via logistics, to replace those "lost" units? I'm trying to achieve the "invasion" landing effect with my faction starting with no units on the ground and have them dropped into the beachhead. However the AI commander seems to not like what I'm trying to do. When I try to trigger the logistics via deleting units in zeus there are some virtual groups spawned in the bottom corner of the map, instead of stuff being flown in by the helicopters.
  22. Great stuff. The only small issue is with switching weapons when the rifle is held in a ready position, as well as ready position triggering when climbing and such.
  23. Some new gear (possibly) coming to CUP in future. After watching World in Conflict story and Wargame games, I felt like getting some Cold War action going. I noticed that CUP has most of the stuff for OFP era missions with a glaring exception of a US BDU and the PASGT stuff, so I decided to make those myself. There are still some kinks to work out in regards to rigging, but I would say it looks pretty decent for something created completely on a whim.
  24. Can't really say, there are still some kinks needing to be ironed out and I'm unable to get the script running using CBA so it starts in every mission. The init works, but the blocking function does not run for some reason. I also want to experiment with a soft-kill APS that "jams" missiles. Its not that hard to do, you just delete the missile and spawn a copy of it, it breaks the guidance. You can also add a bit of random offset to have it divert from the flight path and miss the tank.
  25. Thread necromancy, but I'm working on AIS in order to make it a bit better and working for any shells and such. https://vimeo.com/273519491 A small showcase of my progress on modifying/fixing the Armor Improvement addon that aimed to add a working Active Protection System for vehicles. Sadly the script didn't work all that well. I decided to change it so instead of checking projectile classnames it now checks: whats the projectile type (APS blocks missiles, rockets and shells), how much damage the projectile does (so APS does not trigger on small pew-pew guns) and, finally, how much of that damage is kinetic (APS cannot protect from Armor Piecing Sabot rounds and similar). Then it is decided if APS can or cannot block a projectile. Checking it like this ensures compatibility with any mods without the need for manually adding shell types. I also decided that, instead of just deleting the projectile and spawning some explosion effect, I instead make the projectile detonate right and proper. I achieved this by spawning an obstacle in a way of a projectile and have the projectile smash into. It means that if APS manages to intercept a laser guided bomb, it will cause it to explode in a huge explosion, just away from a tank (every little bit helps I guess). This also means that infantry and other stuff can be damaged by the detonations.