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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Joe98

    Randomise group placement?

    And pierremigi above has another way of doing it explained thus: Place (say) 50 convoys on a map. Each convoy has a number. A number is selected at random from 0 - 49 (thats 50 numbers) Your crews are teleported to that convoy number and placed in specific seats in the vehicles. You finish the script with a command to delete the other 49 convoys To practise, it is best to start with individual soldiers. When that is working do it with vehicles.
  2. Joe98

    Randomise group placement?

    Well no, as I do it: unit 1 is placed at random. Its not exactly at random as you can specify (say) 50 spots at random. Each spot is on a road. Unit 2 is placed (via a trigger) at exactly 50 meters to the east of unit 1. So you do not get chunking of groups. .
  3. Joe98

    Randomise group placement?

    You need to set the lead vehicle to start at a random place. When the lead vehicle starts at location 1, this fires a trigger that is already at location 1. The trigger will transport; - vehicle 2 to a point (say) 50 meters to the east of lead vehicle - vehicle 3 to a point (say) 50 meters to the east of vehicle 2 - vehicle 4 to a point (say) 50 meters to the east of vehicle 3 - and so on. As an added point, I have found that every time software improves, we go forward 10 steps and backward 2 steps. Arma 3 is many, many times better than any of the games that came before in every way - except in this instance!
  4. To give a unit unlimited ammo = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]
  5. How about: Place man A1 on the map with the exact load out Place man A2 on the map with the exact load out (except for a first aid kit) trigger: If man A1 is killed, man A2 is transported to required location. .
  6. Joe98

    Smoke grenade tripwire trap

    How to make a trip flare = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In a trigger in the field named On Activation type this: flare = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos (thislist select 0) select 0, getPos (thislist select 0) select 1,150]; How to use a trigger to fire smoke = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In a trigger in the field named On Activation type this: smokeshell = "G_40mm_Smoke" createVehicle [getPos (thislist select 0) select 0, getPos (thislist select 0) select 1,150]; In both examples above: “150” is meters above ground level. Trip flare is good at "150" and Smoke is best at “25”
  7. Joe98

    Random start position

    What is a "VTS" mission?
  8. You need to do small things and test. Do something small and test it. Do another thing small and test it. Then join them so they both happen and test it. In your case set a trigger to fire. But it only fires if 2 things have happened. Place box1 on the map. When trigger1 fires it deletes box1 Place box2 on the map. When trigger2 fires it deletes box2 Trigger 3 is set to fire if both box1 and box2 are destroyed There are other versions of this depending on what you want to achieve.
  9. Choose 21 items. Name them item0 through to item20 Place them in a neat and tidy row on the ground If, for example, the random number 12 comes up, the number 12 is saved as a variable. In a script, you access that variable and select item12 The next line in the script will select item 12 and move item 12 to a spot just in front of the player. ===================================================================================== OR: Choose 21 items. Name them item0 through to item20 Place them in various locations across the map. If, for example, the random number 12 comes up, the number 12 is saved as a variable. In a script, you access that variable and select item12 The next line in the script will transport the player to stand adjacent to item 12.
  10. Presume your AI turret is a machine gun. If your friendly troops are Bluforce then place a Opforce turret on the map. It will shoot Blueforce soldiers. If your friendly troops are Opforce then place a Blueforce turret on the map. It will shoot Opforce soldiers. The problem is that the AI has great trouble spotting enemy troops in the situation you describe.
  11. I don't know the actual scripting but this is the sequence. Select a unit. Find a way to set the unit direction at random Find a script to read that direction. Now use that result to have the other units face that direction If you have a leader, and his direction is set at random at (say) 98, when the mission stars all the members of his team will get into formation which means they will turn and face at more or less 98. . .
  12. Place your soldier on the map. Place 4 markers on the map Right click on the soldier and select "random" from the menu Drag a line to the first maker Do this again for each of the other markers When you start the mission, he will now start at one of 5 places at random, the original starting place or one of the 4 markers. .
  13. Place the explosives on the map in an out of the way place. Place a series of triggers on the map. When soldier enters any trigger, the explosive is transported to the centre of the trigger (it can be placed at a random location within the trigger) then the explosive is detonated. .
  14. For this I use something very small like a small stone. Place 20 of them on the map and set the height for each one. Each stone has a name: stone0 stone1..... stone19 You are named blue1 The code is blue1 setpos getpos stone0 and you will start on stone0 Instead of using 0 you select a number at random (sorry not at home at present) I think Harzach's solution above is another way although I have not tried it.
  15. The space is incorrect. The command is: (!alive SB) You can test this by placing a box on the map and then delete the box with a trigger.
  16. Give the trigger a name. For example trig2 Instead of disabling the trigger, you delete the trigger with the command deletevehicle trig2 The trigger is now deleted so obviously it will never fire.
  17. I place myself on the map. I place one enemy on the map and I name him enemy I place a command in a trigger: enemy move getPos player; enemy setCombatMode "RED" The enemy comes looking for me. This works for enemy men, vehicles and aircraft. They always finds me! Except when I run away. Then they never find me. I start at location A and move to location B and they never find me, because they think I am at the same location as I was when the trigger fired. The solution is to have the trigger fire over and over and over again. To do this, I place a man on a road in an out of the way place. I use a cycle waypoint and he runs through the trigger, then turns and runs through the trigger over and over again! Every time the trigger activates the command fires, every time the trigger deactivates the command fires. It works just great! However I suspect it is inefficaint. Is there another way to get a command to fire over and over again? .
  18. OK, how do I get the above code, to run, stop for 5 seconds, run again, over and over again. The enemy fails to chase me. Instead he runs to my starting location and then stops there. So he needs a command to run to my current location. .
  19. I changed the code above to read like this: _handle = [] spawn { while {true} do { hint "ON ON ON"; sleep 1; }; }; I confirm that the hint comes on and stays on. I need the hint to come on for 5 seconds, turn off for 5 seconds and keep doing so over and over again. How can I do that?
  20. OK but somewhere in there I have to place the two commands enemy move getPos player; enemy setCombatMode "RED" Where do I place the commands? .
  21. Ok, how do I create a script with a loop. It should probably loop once per second. Thank you
  22. Another option. Have aircraft flying around. Create a trigger. When the trigger fires have an aircraft bomb or an aircraft missile, to explode at a given location or explode at a random location nearby. To the player: Enemy aircraft is flying around and drops a bomb. .
  23. Joe98

    Help with Custom Loadout

    Place 10 enemies on the map. Give them specific rifles and equipment They should be numbered from 0 to 9 Write a script that deletes (say) 5 of them at random. Presto! You now have 5 enemies and every time you start the mission they will have a different set of weapons! .
  24. Instead of giving the player 3 AI players, give them 9 AI players with 9 different load outs. Then he orders 6 of them into a trigger area. The trigger area deletes any AI that enters the area. Leaving him with 3 AI to command.