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Everything posted by elmas

  1. elmas

    New helos yesterday dev branch

    You can still spawn yourself as the pilot and try them.
  2. elmas

    Altis map - planned changes

    I think Altis has enough destroyed buildings already, but i welcome the changes and Altis is still my favourite ArmA/OFP.
  3. I liked what i was able to play, i made it to the second mission but it didn't save and i don't have time to play until next week =(
  4. It would be nice to have Greek voices too but hey... the radio protocols are much better in ArmA 3, for all factions.
  5. elmas

    3D Scope Glare Poll

    Please BIS add blue color filter and lens flare in first person so the game looks realistic!!!!! (sarcasm)
  6. I would like a better medical system but i guess another vehicle or weapon would be enough to make me happy.
  7. elmas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I am very pleased that the AAF is getting some love with a new IFV, but is there any chance that the FIA faction is going to get some new equipment? or Civilians?
  8. I think they are worse, they run over teammates even more now...
  9. elmas

    3D Editor (Real Time)

    A million times this.
  10. elmas

    Audio stutter/Popping?

    I have the same issue as well, if i have too many AI shooting at the same time i get stuttering 100% of the time.
  11. elmas

    Multiplayer crashing game

    I have the same issue, i have a 50 to 60% "crash rate" when i try to join a server, and so far, a 100% chance that my game will stop responding when playing multiplayer. I can usually play about an hour before crashing.
  12. elmas

    ArmA 3 has stopped working....

    Same for me as well.
  13. elmas

    Crashes In Multiplayer

    I have the same problem, every time i play multiplayer the game crashes after 30 minutes to an hour of play...
  14. elmas

    Voice Acting has got to go.

    I like it, a nice improvement over ArmA II, including OA.
  15. elmas

    FOV still a bit messy

    I would love to see a FOV slider.
  16. elmas

    How good is the AI...?

    They are more aggressive and engage from longer distances, other than that, it´s pretty much the same meaning, the AI is fine, but you will run into odd behaviors.
  17. It was worth it but it bothers me that half of the units in CO have no "thermal mapping" (i dont really know if this is the correct term), their weapons have no secondary sights nor the units have backpacks, etc...
  18. I dont really care as long as they are included later for free, not because i don't want to pay, but i think that if there's going to be, eventually, a 3D editor or TOH's flight model; they should be available to everyone who buys ArmA III.
  19. elmas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Battlefield scopes dont look bad in my opinion, same as Crysis or Crysis 2 scopes, i prefer them to ArmA but as long as all scopes have a secondary sight like in OA, im fine with it.
  20. elmas

    Operation E3

    I just hope they are not tiny like Shapur and Proving Grounds.
  21. elmas

    Operation E3

  22. I specially like the ability to "lean" inside the helicopter as it makes landing much easier.