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bad benson

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Everything posted by bad benson

  1. bad benson

    is attachTo a loop?

    what was your set up? i vaguely remember that attaching something to something that itself is attached to something (oh dear!) made things desyncy and jittery which, at least from my uneducated perspective, kind of implies what you (OP) said. i was just interested, if the performance thing gets worse, when there is too much child parent stuff going on compared to let's say having ten objects in a stack on the back of a pick up that are all practically attached to the pick up and not to eachother like in a config class tree, i hope this made some kind of sense. i don't feel eloquent today :lol:
  2. bad benson

    custom Inventory design

    you could try to use ctrlcreate and add the dialog's elemets one by one to the default inventory dialog
  3. lol yea. you did exactly what i was (not clearly enough?) suggested. glad you figured it out. the EH only working from the config is what i meant by a potential "anomaly". some would say you got Arma'd :lol:
  4. yea i agree. but now they look like they are folded from paper or carved from stone or wood :P it's better to adjust the spec maps instead of turning specularity off entirely. there needs to be a balance. not trying to be a wise ass or something. i'd totally be willing to tweak it myself, if someone gives me a folder that allows easy buldozer preview. please just don't make everything matt. it's not the sexy baby oil rub but it surely isn't how metal looks either.
  5. i dunno. it's of course down to taste and stuff but when edges are sharper than before, something went wrong. i will post a screenshot later of what i mean. some edges even look like normals are reversed or something. having black lines almost increasing the sharp look. anyways. good to hear that it's an ongoing process.
  6. shit guys. way to elaborate. i'd say ignore questions that are pointless or annoying to you. at least that's better imho than wasting time on explaining. since when do content creators also have automatic PR obligations? it's an optional thing, a bonus. although i found Alwarren's post really polite. if you don't then that's on you. asking for dates (i think that includes "will you prioritize this thing i personally want first?" or "will you make this thing i love part of your mod?" - the latter falls basically under addon request which is restricted to a specific thread), in a vague way or not, is against the forum rules anyways. to avoid such waste of everyone's time and emotion, i imagine. anyways. i noticed the Uzi and Scorpion looking really flat lately. did you guys mess with the materials/normal maps? might have been the light conditions but looks almost like they have no material. really sharp edges and flat coloured look without any specularity. looks like ofp now. just curious, if it's on purpose, on accident, or nothing changed and it's the engine doing things (although i was on stable without visual update stuffs).
  7. bad benson

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    ye. you know what i mean though. if you make it semi transparent you can also make it larger if you ask me. teh clouds that is.
  8. bad benson

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    make it opaque so it actually looks cloudy. then it would look good. liked the spikey ones much better though. can't you combine them?
  9. if you know someone with access it would be a good idea to maybe go fix that.
  10. onload was just an example. you know this list, right? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Event_Handlers the table shows which ones work on controls and on which type and stuff. maybe that helps. there is for example this one which could maybe work better. onLBListSelChanged: Selection in XCombo box changed (but value is not stored yet). Returns the control and the selected element index. Listbox
  11. bad benson

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    omg. did his balls explode?! :o looks nasty :cc:
  12. couldn't you try adding the EHs to the dialog instead of the control? the mouse click stuff should give you all you need for the listbox you clicked. sorry if i'm being vague but there's not much to go by. that would exclude scrolling with keys but who does that anyways? i'm suspecting it's an anomaly with the ctrl EHs. also try using hte EHs in the config. you know the events inside the control classes like onLoad = "code";
  13. hm. maybe try this to make sure they are added for sure: i experienced so many execution order/timing anomalies in arma that i always do these things now to be safe.
  14. try to be more conscious about what you are doing. you can't just refer to a variable that isn't there. that's why i only hinted at things instead of fixing your code. you will save a lot of time by reading your code line by line making sure you actually know/understand what you are doing.
  15. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    exile has come up several times. the issue is not really related to what i will change in the update. you can probably run the addon on the server side already. i'll just make sure it's all solid and taken care of so no code runs on the server that shouldn't. a few isServer checks, that's all. problems with exile are more due to exile doing something that breaks my code. nothing i can or will do. sorry. i've heard some people made it work with exile. so you're better off asking in the exile community. as described numerous times before, i can't do much more than make something that can work with other things by design. if those other things aren't designed the same way, that's out of my area of influence. just look at the Ravage mod for example. also open world also MP also zombies (or does exile even have those?!) and it still works perfectly fine with Enhanced Movement. i know this sounds like i'm making up a bunch of excuses but i'm just trying to explain why i can't support your specific issue report. not saying what i did is perfect or not flawed in anyway. just that's the best i can and will do. this mod is basically in its final stage and all i will do is try to keep up with BIS patching their game to pieces from time to time :lol: /////////////////this might help though////////////////////////// the only thing i remember from someone having issues with exile was something about whitelisting the functions from my addon in the CfgRemoteExec config. maybe that helps you. it's likely that exile has soem restrictions against teleporting and stuff and this mod practically teleports you even if a tiny amount. but you haven't said much about what is not working exactly. i think the above person had parts of it working but having the player perform the animation half way in the ground (without the setpos/teleport part).
  16. bad benson

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    would you mind sharing your server info? or is it passworded?
  17. bad benson


    you understand the difference between doing only one thing over and over and mixing it up with other things, right? i feel like you're playing dumb/being a wise-ass for no apparent reason. i thought asking to mix it up instead of doing only ONE single thing would be quite clear to understand. guess not..
  18. bad benson


    what's your point?
  19. bad benson


    i just hope it's going to make use of all the coop potential in arma like revive (please add dragging, it's so bonding and immersive), healing each other, one player going CQB another doing overwatch. that kind of stuff. and some creative objectives. although i honestly haven't played the full campaign, one reason i stopped was the feeling of constant repetition of, go there shoot everyone, repeat. a persistent arsenal could be interesting too. some type of resistance like concept where you scavenge stuff over the course of the campaign. weapons and vehicles a like. depends on hte back story a lot though, i guess.
  20. bad benson

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    any chance the ray cast commands (intersect etc) could be changed so the ignoreObj parameter is an array so more than one object can be ignored as an option. would be really great.
  21. bad benson

    Optical/Active Camo

    the normal map used probably is a big factor. the exhaust one is pretty grainy/noisy. looks like he used a smoother one.
  22. bad benson


  23. bad benson

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    @fragmachine: this is from the link you posted. hidden selections are for sure a way to do it. what i was talking about was more something i always wanted that would make it work with ANY unit out of the box. the need for editable models and actually editing them all by hand was also the problem with Nou's approach which was basically several units of hte same type with each a different part hidden so you'd basically get limbs with ragdoll functionality. as far as i remember at least. same as above. would probably be possible if CUP wanted. they could either use those injury selections and define them as hidden selections or edit each model and make their own. remember thoguh that all this is based on soem tests i've done myself and observing what others have done. being out of the loop from time to time you can always miss some new thing that makes old broken dreams suddenly possible. i think i even tried defining the injury stuff as hidden selections but can't remember if it ever worked.
  24. bad benson

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    ye but we've been having setObjectMaterial for a while now. should solve that issue. another problem is the hidden selections. arma uses its own engine side system for the injury system which has basically the same thing as hidden selecions for both arms, legs, torso and the head. the problem always was that these selections are not defined as hidden selections in the config because the engine handles them. so they can't be made use f via scripts. very frustrating. i also played with a concept where you use gesture animations to turn limbs and heads inside the torso to make them disappear, bu the ragdoll ruins that. the thing that works best is the head since you can replace the face with a blown off one, like has been shown on those COSLX screens earlier.