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Everything posted by Imperator[TFD]

  1. How do you have a laser guided missile that doesnt lock onto the laser target?
  2. Imperator[TFD]

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    I believe he was referring to why the Kaijman black was still an option in the editor when scenario designers could just use the normal one and repaint it using virtual garage. They have different class names and thus removing it will break any mission wjere that class name is referrenced.
  3. Imperator[TFD]

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    I dare say its for mission backwards compatibility as deleting that class name might break existing missions. Agree on the loadout options. Would be nice to see the rocket launchers from the Neophron be mountable on the Kaijman. This would allow us to load a mixed HE /AP rocket loadout on the heli.
  4. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Thanks for the update, I look forward to testing it!
  5. Imperator[TFD]

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    The Macer comes in racks too for the Wipeout.
  6. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Okay I've tested and the Buzzard definitely cannot take off on any of Tanoa's airstrips and even has difficulty on Altis. I'm having similar issues with the To-199 but it's not as bad as the Buzzard. Still having the instant CTD when firing any weapons non-default from the Neophron, will post a video shortly and create a ticket.
  7. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It is still possible however it's a lot harder than it used to be.
  8. Imperator[TFD]

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    I'm getting an error (repro'd 3 times now) where any weapon mounted out of it's normal position on the To-199 (Dynamic Loadout) plane results in instant CTD with a memory access violation. Can anyone else reproduce?
  9. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It was attacking me last night. Both when on the ground AND when trying to shoot one down with a 20m gunpod Greyhawk :) No scripting required, I simply placed a Hellcat down with a S&D waypoint.
  10. Imperator[TFD]

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Not sure what changes this has made to the vanilla tank AI but I've now been shot down twice by Kuma's using their main cannon while trying to make a strafing run in my Wipeout. Love it!
  11. Imperator[TFD]

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Well I'll be damned, it does too. Hopefully they bring this back for the other aircraft.
  12. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The Fenhuang isnt a variant its a full blown different model.
  13. Imperator[TFD]

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    in my humble opinion this is a change they need to revert back to what it was originally. Earlier versions of A3, and A2 as well,had the aircraft yawing while banking.
  14. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Stable just got a hotfix as well so that could be it.
  15. Imperator[TFD]

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Cheers mate, I'll set up a Feedback Tracker tomorrow and get stuck into it. Anything in particular you'd like me to focus on?
  16. Imperator[TFD]

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Alwarren, Chairbourne & co: I've added the CUP Team account ( I use the same name here) as I wish to help test the CUP dev mode. I frequently test and report stuff for BI and their Dev branch so I'd like to do the same for you guys please.
  17. Phenomenal work mate, keep it up.
  18. Yes this might work in terrible crappy missions like I&A where players are given free reign but in a properly built mission where the designer places AA down with a mindset of "if I were defending this objective against jets wjere would i hide?" its a whole different ball game. Also, I was playing around with the Neophron last night and had a hell of a time trying to even take down a single Cheetah because of these new systems. He saw me welllll before I saw him, every time and I even knew exatly where he was on the map as I placed him. Coupled with the new jet hitpoints AA is a serious threat now. Even a near miss has the potential to end you as damage will jam your FCS and youll have to either wrestle the jet home or just eject. As a mission designer I am beyond excited for this stuff. :)
  19. While I agree that the current SHORAD and MANPADS weve got are very limited I do believe that mission design can play a HUGE part in over coming these shortcomings. Reverse slope defense backed up with TITAN infantry is still going to be a massive pain for all but the most experienced pilots. Im super keen to see what the likes of Pook and the RHS team come up with. S300s or Patriot anyone?
  20. Imperator[TFD]

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    BI already stated that theyre going to leave most of the pylon balancing to mission editors. As a result the only thing that should really determine if it fits or not is clipping with the model or animation sources. Oh well i wont lose sleep over it, im loving what we've got so far and I cant wait to see what other aircraft will get the dynamic loadout treatment.
  21. Imperator[TFD]

    Arma3 Videos

    Just a brief video highlighting the fun I had with a stolen MG-42 during a WW2 mission night.
  22. Imperator[TFD]

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Irrespective of what the current config says I believe he was asking that it be possible to mount other ordnance on the centre pylon. Makes sense to me; I'd love to see a A-143 with x5 Mk82s and x2 7rnd HE rockets.
  23. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    That's okay except that it should always be orientated towards the nose regardless of the physical position of the FLIR pod itself. It's counter intuitive for all other aircraft and turrets to be orientated towards 12 o'clock but the Xi'an not be.
  24. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Y-32 Xi'An VTOL targeting pod camera not centered correctly: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124063 Stratis virtual airstrip indicator not aligned to runway: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124064
  25. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The limited number of lights that are able to be displayed has always been a bit disappointing in Arma. Flying at night results in town lights just popping in and out.