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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. dlegion

    BattleEye failed to update

    i have a problem of random disconnection too, sometimes with error "session lost" and sometimes with "kicked by battleye". tried format my PC, reinstalled windows and steam, made new user...problem still there. help
  2. ....same old story. new update, new bugs that DESTROY the game. this time its " battleye initialization failed", a new error when trying to connect to dedicated server. i already did: - updated the client game, and veriefied game cache. - updated the dedicated server tool, verified game cache also here. - with battleye OFF it works, let people connect to server. with it ON, gives this error and dont allow clients to connect. great work BIS, now please, please PLEASE, go in holiday , for the rest of your lives. THANKS.
  3. guys...its still kicking peop'le after 5 minutes of play.....HELP PLEASE!
  4. tried to rebooted ARMA3....now works...mah! forgive me guys, maybe was just a glitch!
  5. hello guys, i noticed that "moveInGunner" command works as intended in SP or local MP, but when on an MP dedicated server, it act as "moveInDriver", putting the soldier in the driving space. anyone knows how solve this bug ? thanks guys !
  6. despite theyr "splendid" words on theyr "splendid" news page, is very clear they dont care at all about community.
  7. dlegion

    Update 1.78 and BattlEye problem

    you can find more talk about this here :
  8. yep...BI screwed it. i fear there's few we can do about this...the very very very bad part is that i was growing a community around my servers....they were populated 24/7, not 90% of times are empty .
  9. ah...good info, thanks man. so its actually a known new bug introduced with 1.78, right? i have two servers running from same machine, so what i should do in that case ? i cant give them both 2302 ! thanks!
  10. hm...good info... the two servers were operating from more than a month with no problem at all...a separate config file is defined, in fact each server has its own folder. about the ports...seriously...i triple checked, tried up to 2030, and it still kicks out of the game after 1-2 minutes on every port that is not 2302 !! if you menaged to make 2 or more servers work with the latest 1.78 ,please share the way, thanks.
  11. Closing Steam client i menaged to connect to server...but in a minute this error happens... ...there is nothing to do....BIS screwed it again. WTF is dev-branch for?? mah....they're hopeless...
  12. dlegion

    Battleye and anticheat in general

    hehehe..i can barely imagine the mess!! haha!
  13. hi all. its more or less a week that i run 2 servers, one with a domination mission, and the other with a TDM. on both servers in different occasions, i see with my own eyes people cheating in every way, teleporting, making things like explosion rain happen ecc... not only breaking the gameplay, but in some cases also choking the server to the point it started lagging badly. in both cases battleye was OFF, so lets say its "my fault", but when i sadly writed in chat "i will put battleye ON", the cheaters laughted and writed it was useless. so.... i wish to know if battleye stops this or how else stop this! as a side note, i wish to add an info, dunno if its important: to keep maximum compatibility, my servers use scripts to enhance vanilla, and i wish to allow the bigger player base possible to join my servers, thats why i made it native compatible. for example some friends use CUP and other things like that, i wish to maintain compatibility if possible! thanks for any help!
  14. router ports are opened, as always were . (before TACOPS update my 2 servers were running on ports 2302 and 2305 perfectly, but ports were opened from 2300 to 2330) battleye new port is 2306, so other ports should work. if i run server on 2302 alone, it works. every other port does not work, returning the battleye error. i can always see the server, but not connect to it. really no idea where to search for a fix.
  15. eh...its probably narrowing down the trouble, but still dont work. i read in changelog about battleye that port was 2306, so if i use 2302 and 2304 it should work ...but it does not work. ... am i doing something wrong?
  16. eh...thanks for this info man! ports are not blocked, but i run 2 servers, one on 2302 and one on 2305...will check it now, really thanks for this info !
  17. dlegion

    Battleye and anticheat in general

    ....same old story. new update, new bugs that DESTROY the game. this time its " battleye initialization failed", a new error when trying to connect to dedicated server. - updated the client game, and veriefied game cache. - updated the dedicated server tool, verified game cache also here. - with battleye OFF it works, let people connect to server. with it ON, gives this error and dont allow clients to connect. great work BIS, now please, please PLEASE, go in holiday FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES, AND NERVER UPDATE AGAIN ARMA3. THANKS.
  18. hello guys! i did a search but found nothing that i can undestand for good...so i ask here... simple as that: make it so when PC auto-reboot, the arma3 dedicated server will auto-start a mission. i always used tophe TADST, (and its awesome) ...but i dont know how start a server with all my custom configurations (like difficulty, settings in general ecc) by command line, especially how put it in auto-run st PC start. any help on this will be appreciated! thanks guys !
  19. hello! i wish to thank Tophe for this great tool, it is really really helpful ! i always used it...but now i'm in the situation to need to reset the PC running the servers every night, and so i need an automated way to restart arma3 servers. how can i do this using TADST ? if not possible with TADST...how can i do this ? tahnks for any help !
  20. thanks for the suggestion! right now i'm a bit busy with too many work and RL in general, but will give a try for sure when i have time! in fact its a feature i like a lot and wish to add soon or later (damned BI for removing it!!!). thanks man!
  21. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEV-A3 --- Dlegion's Enhanced Vanilla - Arma 3 --- adding the ARMA3 missing features ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by DLEGION (email: ddelfino@hotmail.com) DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!TlYzBKYK!47utKrd9Fv7x59fn5ZHnBW3oGiFpPsxkshDoeiGyMcY (if someone want to put this on armaholic thats welcome) --EDIT---here is a video of the features: Vanilla (default) ARMA3 gameplay and gameworld interaction is way too limited, really unacceptable for today standard, especially for a game like ARMA3! each DLC (like jets) that comes out, i ask myself why,why and why they dont want to fix simple things like attach explosives to objects/vehicles, open inventory underwater (at least charges!!), manipulate game objects like move barrels, push a car ecc.....but obviously they dont intend to fix all this. here is why i searched for scripts that enhance vanilla gameplay, and merged them togheter fixing all the problems to have a single stable script base to enahance gameplay (so no mod needed, just join a server with this scripts and play!). it took me almost 1 year to discover all this awesome scripts and edit them to make they work togheter, i dont want any glory, just give back something to the community that helped me, and make life easier for other people in my situation, so in few minutes and not a year they will set-up theyr enhanced gameplay! its a collection of many scripts, made from different authors,all great people, that gived me permission to use theyr awesome work (and in many cases helped me editing). i made it so its Multiplayer, Join-In-Progress and respawn compatible, there is no noticeable FPS or any kind of performance drop (adding 1 infantry squad to the game has waaay more impact on performance). it adds many very basic features so much needed for any game of this kind. to name some of the most relevant: - logistic to EVERY game object, including man, allow move every object (can disable unwanted objects by a variable or class) - attach explosives to EVERY object (including man, unnamed map objects like trees, vehicles ecc...) and detonate only specific one. - drag & drop wounded, alive or corpses! - melee kill. - make AI (of your side) join your squad and command of it. - factory to build every object for a cost (can limit object types) and credit sytem. - dual (secondary) primary weapon, to carry two primary. - selectable grenades throw force, can pick-up and throw-back grenades. - selectable random civilian spawn with traffic in a range around player. - magazines repack. - random survivable helicopters and aircraft crashes - towing system to recover damaged vehicles or simply bring one more around. - many more little tweaks. as i saied it has no noticeable performance impact, every feature is selectable or can be removed (knowing how edit scripts), are just scripts,so everyone who will join your mission will found this ready and working without need of mods ! this lack of gameplay interactions was killing my game experience, i was about to drop ARMA for other games, but thanks to the help of some guys i was able to make this, and finally play happily! for helping a poor script-noob like me,and sahring theyr work, my best and sincere thanks to (in random order): Dolf,Sarogahtyp,Pierremgi,Kauppapekka, Nikander, BlacKnightBK, Lucullus, Xeno, Ilias48RUS,French R3F team and especially KillJoe, Serena, Fred41,Grumpy Old Man, Tankbuster, Larrow, Midnighters, Davidoss,Zorilya,Stealthstick...and everyone else that helped! i will not name them, but i wish to let you know that there is people that called me "troll", laughted at me and closed my post about fixing the game just for pointing out that ARMA, after 16 years of development, still lacks very basic features, and that developers should take care of this problem. afterall, thanks to the "good guys" that helped me (a lot), seems that was possible in simple way and few time to fix the basic features, with no noticeable performance impact at all. i still dream about devs giving one single day of theyr work to fix once for all the basic ARMA features...but seems that is just a dream. THANKS AND HAVE FUN ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITED CONTENT LIST --- edited where needed by Dlegion just to merge properly all togheter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BETTER GRENADE THROW -- by Serena DRAG & DROP & melee -- by llias48RUS dual_primary_weapon -- by Nes Monartis Explosives_To_Vehicles -- by zooloo75 magazine repack -- by Outlawled (updated to 3.1.2 by GiPPO) survivable crashes -- by r0ed 3D explosives & re-throw -- by zorylias enhanced movements -- by bad benson R3F logistic system -- by R3F team (i cant share this because i dont have permission, i'm sorry about that, i suggest you to download the original from: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26159 or if you wish to apply logistic to everything, contact me, i will explain how modify the script ! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL CONTENT FOR A BETTER EXPERIENCE, i use this addons that are compatible with vanilla ARMA3 (you can join a server with them even if you dont have the addons) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enhanced movements -- by bad benson ( to climb obstacles ecc...) unlocked uniforms -- by haleks ( can wear any game uniform) A.R.E.S. -- by antonStruyk ( better zeus functionalities) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well...i did my best to make it easy and keep modularity: SIMPLE: copy the "MPMissions" folder into your arma3 main folder for use with dedicated server, and/or in your : C:/user/YOURuSERnAME/documents/arma3 folder and/or C:/user/YOURuSERnAME/documents/arma3 - other profiles now you can play my mission with all script included and working directly from editor, or making a server (on dedicated works best) ADVANCED: same as simple, but if you know how script, you can customize the scripts you want by using the included stand-alone versions (already edited by me). you will find all single scripts in a folder with theyr name. obviously you can take the scripts to use with YOUR own mission!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============ E D I T =================== MISSIONS INCLUDED: DWAR Domination mission DWAR 1.0 is a domination mission (Xeno style, to get the idea), set on Altis island (so vanilla compatible), that features 4 teams: RED and BLU have theyr own bases at the extreme corners of the island, have some vehicles that will respawn (if destroyed) with different times, unlimited arsenal (on some vehicles too), H.A.L.O. jumps, and theyr objectives is capture all randomly selected towns one by one (by default in GREEN hands). Island itself, and its towns, are dominated by GREEN faction by default, that uses A.I. bots to populate and defend critical locations. player can also play as GREEN, helping A.I. to defend islands from BLU and/or RED invasion. if you want you can play as civilian too, the island is populated by random civilian on foot and civilian traffic on roads, so you can easily get disguised as a A.I. bot. civilians have no specific mission, but they can disturb other factions plans :) technically you can play as spectator too, lol. other than primary targets (the randomly selected towns) there is always a randomly selected secondary mission (save hostages, destroy objective, stole vehicle ecc) and there is in the middle of the island a central airport with a factory, where you can build any kind of vehicle or structure for free, so its very important conquer it and hold it! to add some variation, 4 squads of RED and BLU start from the respective bases and move to the middle of the island, fighting enemys on theyr way, and trying to capture airport and near zones, and as they ger killed, they respawn at bases with same objective! (so you have to face random situations where there are enemys in random places of the island). CTS capture the suitcase mission very simple CTF style mission, RED and BLU team both have to take a suitcase, and bring it to extraction point. the interesting feature here is that this mission never ends, you just get credits to spend on your factory when your side win. and every round is different because it choose a random point from more than (hand placed) 50 spots, then randomly place all other objects like HQ,extraction points ecc...in a radius of +200 -200, this create so many possibilieties that every round is unique (your HQ or extraction can spawn on water too, for example, making for scuba fighting rounds). ========== E D I T =========== please, feel free to suggest other awesome gameplay scripts you wish to see implemented in this pack, i will do my best to merge them (if author gives permission)!
  22. hi all ! i was searching for a script that has the same effects as ACE3 explosives (i no longer use ACE3 because i want to keep it compatible with vanilla), and i found two great scripts, 3D explosives by Zorilya http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22059 SMS explosives by Voiper http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28266 now....both have theyr strenght and weakness, like 3D explosives miss the feature to detonate a specific charge and not all togheter, while SMS has this feature, but lack a good placement system (cannot stick to vertical surfaces, cannot move mines in water ecc...) my question is this: anyone knows a vanilla compatible script/addon that has all this working? in case of a "no" .... i already tried to merge both, and was successful, but due to my lack of script ability, i'm actually placing 2 mines at once, one for each script, and i need a simple line to not drop the second mine if there are less than 2 in inventory! can somepne help me ? thanks !
  23. dlegion

    Enhanced Movement

    hello. i wish to use this awesome mod for my dedicated servers, and wish to make it compatible with vanilla if possible. can someone explain me how do this, enabling signatures v2 and battleye ? huge thanks!
  24. dlegion

    Battleye and anticheat in general

    ....did some tests....seems that enabling signatures, i can't enter with enahced movements and ares. need help on this...thanks EDIT.... @Haz helped me on this, and was a problem of "server keys". adding mods keys allowed people to join server! yeah !