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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. I've never worked with obfuscation, but at a guess it sounds like variables are being edited that an external/unedited source is trying to read.
  2. Yeah actually @Grumpy Old Man, with Armaholic's disappearance the OP needs an updated link. Sorry for the hassle.
  3. beno_83au

    Adding code to init object

    @Sergeant.Roland. Yes, and you're right, the editor is not the right choice here because units are, for the most part, spawned in via scripts. So you would need to locate the file that does the spawning for that unit (I know KP Lib has a few different script files where units are spawned, depending on what they're being spawned for). You might be better off jumping to the version linked below, and asking on that thread. pSiKO and others are pretty active there. Just go in with a clear idea of what you're after, for example are you talking about players spawning/respawning as engineers or spawning in AI teammates, etc.
  4. beno_83au

    Finding missing images

    That's odd, because I was using this last year and never came across that error. As far as debugging goes though.... If it's someone else's mod there's usually not a lot to be done beyond making a bug report.
  5. Update: Added: ACE3 interaction menu compatibility if a user is running ACE3.
  6. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext Use your own pictures, it's a great way to set the mood or tone of a mission too. There's several options for displaying pictures at different times, so just do a page search for "picture". I always use my own pictures. Edit: You can also set a rotation of randomly selected pictures while your mission loads, instead of just showing one: loadScreen = __EVAL(selectRandom ["pics\loadScreens\01.jpg","pics\loadScreens\02.jpg","pics\loadScreens\03.jpg","pics\loadScreens\04.jpg","pics\loadScreens\05.jpg"]);
  7. beno_83au

    No damage script

    Or disable damage in the unit's attributes, seeing as it's from the editor.
  8. beno_83au

    Mission name problem [SOLVED]

    No, you don't. Either use one or the other, but description.ext entries will take priority over anything entered in their corresponding sections in the editor.
  9. beno_83au

    Menu based missions

    Honestly, this is the sort of thing you should be trying to work through one step at a time. There's a number of things in your brief description that you are asking for help with, and each of them can very easily become a rather complex challenge if you don't understand sqf. There's literally (well, figuratively) tonnes of topics on each of the tasks you're going to need help with. So google/learn/google/learn until you hit a brick wall and then ask around for some help. But, to help you get started, menus are dialogs. Research how to create an in-game menu and try to work from there (there are a few good dialog tutorials out there), but I'll put an example below of a fairly simple dialog/menu I made which shows a few weapon pictures and allows players to pick one of two roles: Not trying to discourage you, but just giving you an understanding that making something like what you are talking about has a lot of variables that need to be considered, that is beyond a mere "Help me make this" kind of request. If you want to make something like what you're asking for, you're going to need to start wrapping your head around the basics. Just think, what happens after you've selected the mission you want spawned: - What 2D/3D position will the mission take place at? - How big of an area needs to be selected for what type of mission is being created? - Does the area need to be flat? - Do you need to search through each city/town location to find a class of building instead of using an area? - How far away from what player/s, position/s do you want the mission to potentially spawn? - How many/what class of enemy? - Are they enemy going to occupy available buildings? - etc, etc, etc There's a lot more to consider, but that's just some stuff off the top of my head, that you should really try to work out yourself first. Otherwise you'll only be asking generic questions and probably not getting the answers you're looking for. But, like I said, a google search will work wonders if you put some thought and planning in and think work through things one step at a time. It's how I had to learn, I never had a background in IT/coding/software development. But it is certainly doable.
  10. beno_83au

    sidechat removal

    This: enableChannel
  11. Press the right mouse button.
  12. beno_83au

    Eden without outside scripts

    Just use scripts. 3den is great though. When I was using VBS before ArmA got a 3D editor it was one of the features I wished that ArmA had more than anything. But it's no substitute for being able to rely on your own code in my opinion. Even the modules can be hit and miss, especially the BI ones when it comes to multilayer. I'll sometimes use a couple of them, but not often. And like you, I recently tried to make a quick and dirty editor co-op. But it didn't end up happening all that quickly and dirty lol. As a bit of a compromise though, you can write your own modules. You're still scripting, but at least you (or anyone else) can easily drop them into a mission.
  13. They cycle to the nearest waypoint don't they? You could use Pierre's array to work out which one is closest, but I don't think there's ever been anything that specifically grabs the waypoint. Not sure if https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/synchronizedWaypoints would work, but maybe worth a quick try.
  14. I believe there is an issue with attachTo when it comes to seeing it differently in 1st and 3rd person. I can't find any reference for it though, but I've had some trouble with it before and I've seen people around here asking for help with it. The reason is right on the tip of my tongue. Something to do with how the players views the vehicles they're in when in 1st person...... maybe......
  15. A combination of https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#GetInMan and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#SeatSwitchedMan. GetInMan helpfully returns the player's role, but as SeatSwitchedMan states you'll need to get the player's new role manually.
  16. beno_83au

    Making stuff spawnable in Zeus

    Not sure on the fix, but with the mod in question you might not get the answer you're looking for:
  17. I'm at work, so no access to config, but would the value be a number/getNumber?
  18. (triggerActivated trig1) && !(player in thisList) Or your trigger activation could just be "Player" and "Not Present" and use the condition: this && (triggerActivated trig1)
  19. Hey @HorribleGoat, that Discord link just takes me straight to the ArmA Discord. Did you mean to post a link for your own server?
  20. beno_83au

    Arma isn't a simulation

    To be accurate, a large portion of milsimmers are actually current or ex-serving from various militaries around the world. Not my thing at all though, I can't be that kind of serious in a game, but they treat it as a sim and bring all their real world knowledge and experience to it.
  21. Try: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/currentVisionMode nul = [] spawn { while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.1; currentVisionMode player != 0}; //code }; }; Short of being able to disable it (maybe with a config edit?) that could solve the issue.
  22. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ambientFlyby Also, the vehicle needs to be a string, so assuming your reference to the FW is correct:
  23. beno_83au

    error with taw_vd script (i guess)

    Did you follow the Installation instructions from the thread? What does your description.ext look like?
  24. Perhaps also a spelling mistake, should be rappel not repel?
  25. beno_83au

    Spawn Unit with init

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit When you spawn your unit spawn it with the alternate syntax. Or better yet, just use the main syntax and assign the unit to a variable: private _unit = group createUnit [type, position, markers, placement, special]; [_unit,"marker_0"] execVM "v_sniper_logic.sqf";