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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    No Im not. But I spent one year in the Finish coastal rangers and has been shooting since then. IPSC pistol and rifle, I also shoot stronger rifles on longer ranges and load my own ammuntion so I know assault rifles are not effective past 500m and why.So no I havent engaged anyone for real, but neither do I base my opinion on youtube.
  2. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Sounds reasonably. Waste of ammo trying to shoot something 800-900 unless you got a proper sniper rifle.
  3. andersson

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    What I ment was more towards what icewindo wrote. The market. And I do not think they are waiting for it or should be waiting for it, but as they probably can't put the effort into it now that is atleast something positive. But yes I guess you are right, the VR is as mature and stable as the game and I'm sure if BI did put in some effort into it they could really showcase the new tech as this game could be really good for it.
  4. Or you could try 'setviewdistance 700'. Default is 900m and you can go all the way down to 500m!
  5. andersson

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    I guess BI is not doing anything right now because they are working on more important stuff, like vehicle AI as one big important example. If they start implementing this now they are potentially opening up a new can of worms on top of the other areas they need to work on. Meanwhile the VR tech will get more stable. So I hope they one day take that step as I will buy a set that same day for sure!
  6. andersson

    Should BIS Implement A Player Stats Database?

    On a set of servers that cooperate and play the same/similar mission this could work. But then it is up to mission design and not BI implementation into the base game.
  7. andersson

    Should BIS Implement A Player Stats Database?

    What about death match missions? That is by computer logic TK.
  8. andersson

    Should BIS Implement A Player Stats Database?

    For sure I looked at it from an unconstructive way, maybe it is possible for a certain gametype and servers? But overall in A3 I think it is nearly impossible.
  9. andersson

    Chain link fences are NOT cover !

    Good question as AI started taking cover in A2 when microAI was introduced. OFP and armed assault never had that feature as far as I know or noticed.
  10. andersson

    Should BIS Implement A Player Stats Database?

    I join a server and TK 10 persons. My stats are 100% TK I join my own server where I have 100 unarmed enemy AI standing still and shoot them down with my machinegun. My stats are now 10% TK. I replay my mission 10 times. My stats are now 1% TK. Or I make my own mod, a weapon so powerful it kills the complete island full of enemy AI in 1 sec. Now my TK is so small it's next to none. Then I join a server again and TK some. Stats doesn't say much in an open and free environment as this game is.
  11. andersson

    This movie trailer has been made by an AI

    Yes too bad they didnt say more about it, so I agree on that it is probably a bit misleading. But I do like the trailer as it is really good, and the fact that an ai was involved made it better for sure!! Regardless of Watsons level of involvement it made it much more scary :)
  12. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    This is a fundamental change since OFP-era. Then BIS made missions to be played with no help and if a player wanted it easier he/she could enable whatever difficulty setting to make the gameplay a bit easier. Today BI makes the missions for easy settings and it seems like they think higher difficulty is for replay as some kind of achievement? Unless they completely ignore those difficulty settings and the players who disables everything....? Sorry for the OT, but I so miss the "old times" when I could enjoy the vanilla missions instead of rage quitting because I have no clue where to go or what to do. Maybe it's not too offtopic as BI should make their missions for veteran/elite settings and tweak the AI accordingly. BI, throw away you xbox controllers and stop making your missions "accessible" with plenty of UI. Make your missions/game by tweaking default values for AI and let the players decide what help they prefer to play with. This way new players will enjoy it without complaining about headshots and old players dont have to tweak. The ones that consider themselves top tier whatever also know how to tweak the values up. Who knows, we might start to play your missions that you spend a lot of time creating...? taking a chill pill and going to sleep.....
  13. andersson

    This movie trailer has been made by an AI

    Well, Im not too sure it is that impressive. To supervise the creative aspect is quite broad. I was left with the impression that Watson finds scenes of different emotions, and then a human puts them in a good order. So its impossible to say how much is ai and how much is human, but I bet it is much human as the creative bit is the thing that makes it all work. They gave a good feeling of a smart Watson AI which made that trailer so much more eerie, and it really got my attention. Then that guy told us that creative bit and I was left with a feeling they had to say it to not get in trouble with false advertising or something(?). It is very clever to claim an AI made the trailer for a movie like that! They did use an AI, but did the AI really create the trailer? Not too sure.
  14. Have you tried to change the date so you have a full moon? Realistic moon phases are part of the game.
  15. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yup. Experienced players should tweak the settings up, now they are tweaking them down and all the new players are stuck with difficult ai. I have never understood this vanilla value from BI.. Edit: unless the mission creators in BI only play with recruit settings (which could explain all the hopeless missions I experience in elite where the design is to follow disabled HUD wp-markers....)
  16. andersson

    This movie trailer has been made by an AI

    @2:33 "Watson is the tool thats helping to arrange the visuals but it still needs the human element, so then I can come in and just supervise the creative aspect of it".
  17. andersson

    Camera controls in Eden

    I guess I have to make all my eden and camera controls as BI default. A3 gives me the impression that the devs made the game around how they like it and the tweaks for users as a half finished afterthought. Eden controls, camera controls, difficulty settings and so on. For A4 I will probably need a xbox controller.... ;)
  18. Good initiative. This will make me try the official campaigns :)
  19. andersson

    Infantry vs Vehicles - What do you prefer?

    Fully agree. Tank interiours is what I miss from ofp. I loved playing with armour but with no interiours I stopped. Cant stand floating around with my face glued to the sight...
  20. andersson

    No one wants to help with a mod

    I dont know the background for this but I can give my input as a configer (did my first private total conversion for ofp in 2003), and obviously I'm not answering for noone but myself. I did the configs for MarkXIIs hifi back in armed assault. Configs are time consuming and when you are "done" only 25% is done because then it's a constant bug squashing job. When a new update comes, either mod or game, the configs need new love. So the mental energy that goes with creating your own work is more than enough, so sadly what is left for others asking for help is not much. Configs are relativelly easy so it is easy to promise other guys to help them but at the end of the day you realize that you do not want to spend one extra hour help something that isnt yours as you need all mental energy to finish of your own project. When MarkXII wanted to continue in A2 I had to turn him down as I realised that my time ingame was 95% config and 5% play. It was also due to real life commitments. Also for each game the configs get more complex meaning much more time is needed, not only for understanding/creating but more complex bugs can be created and found. In short, what mental energy and time you have as a configer goes on your own pet projects and not much is left for help. Some help and support is possible as long as the guy asking has tried and do understand some while creating his own configs.
  21. andersson

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Wasnt this the default 'safe' behaviour back in the days?
  22. I have noticed that it do takes some time for me to really like new terrains. It's probably due to all good memories from older maps. One thing though that do make a difference for me is when the maps are from the same/similar biotope that myself, then I like them more. The two examples are Everon and North Sahrani. In the pine forests of Sahrani my brain even add the scents because it's so familiar.
  23. andersson

    War Plan Blue (W.P.B)

    His skills speak the universal language so I guess he is forgiven :D Very nice work!
  24. andersson

    War Plan Blue (W.P.B)

    Snygga bilder men det är lite dumt att det är på rysska då jag och många andra här inte förstår det. Därför är det en bra regel om att alla ska skriva på engelska här. Annars blir det så här, ingen förstår varandra. För jag antar att din svenska är lika dålig som min rysska? edit: Thank you zeealex
  25. No. But I have made missions since 2001 and I have never struggled so much with what I considered before A3 as basic things. I knew the limitations very well, Im learning the new ones and it is frustrating.