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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. [aps]gnat

    arma 2 Mando missile

    Wrong forum and wrong thread. Go ask in the Mando Missile thread.
  2. Animating vehicles, sure. But animating core body models (excluding "addons" like cloths and backpacks) ...... no idea. Seems unlikely. No one did it before and I know many tried. ArmA3 isnt all that different from ArmA2, at the moment.
  3. [aps]gnat

    geometry LOD and AI

    I think you need to look/test the VIEW GEOMETRY The VIEW GEOMETRY affects the AI's pathfinding Yep Yeh, never had much success myself with AI INSIDE a vehicle ...... Good luck
  4. Hi NH Welcome. 1- If it really is freeware an the author hasn't restricted to which game its freeware you may be ok, but best practice is to email the author and double check. 2- .... HUGE endeavour. MANY things to do so you need to go read some of the tutorials on Mod'ing ArmA. Your first problem is you have picked a vehicle that wont work in-game unless its chopped in many separate models, then stitched back together ingame (as all Carriers are in ArmA). Once you get past the model hurdle, then prior Carriers are you best guide so look at their Config and script files. 3a-Elevators don't work very well at all in ArmA 3b-Already been done via scripts, so do-able 3c-Can only be simulated via scripts 3d-Do-able to some degree with a lot of animation, but lights are not very controllable in the game engine 3e-Yes, crawl before you run. JDog spent many 100's of hours getting his to where it was. Tutorials? This thread area and Editing sub-forum is literally surrounded by Tutorials. Browse. BTW, if the texture mapping didn't make it into the OBJ or 3DS MAX model, you are wasting your time. Remapping textures back onto the model will be a bridge-too-far. I was heavy involved in converting 2 Carriers for this game. But I can not directly support you sorry, I have little free time as is.
  5. Interesting consolidation of most things I knew thanks Mikero. But that last one I've never noticed, maybe because all my TGAs are usually converted to PAAs long before a final binPBO run.
  6. [aps]gnat

    X: Rebirth

    Yeh, same. But does look real nice .....
  7. Something like this in the cpp class CfgSounds { class bBoom { name = "bBoom"; sound[] = {"\mig29\snd\tornado_gr4boom.ogg", db-40, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; };
  8. [aps]gnat


    Wow people. Didn't realise the extent of how several generations of people have come to think IP is not really important ...... ! .... Must be all that mp3, PC software and movie ripping over recent years ! The Valve language clearly pushes hard their rights, but does little to clearly articulate a content providers and or authors rights. Certainly the language seeks to nullify an authors prior rights. My background: 15 years as a contracts manager, negotiating, executing and terminating, for a very large international conglomerate with 100s of in-house lawyers.
  9. Huge gun fire echo Man class can now stand on vehicles with floor/deck geometry but a) doesn't move with vehicle b) deck is full of random holes
  10. Do all the other tools work? Was it 2.51 that you installled?
  11. [aps]gnat


    Says the guy who's IP isn't at risk. Bullcrap. This VERY strong community has been around 10 years, without SWS.
  12. [aps]gnat

    [Resources] How to make a Terrain

    Thanks PepinKr, nice effort. But ...... if you're "quite lazy", then Terrain Making is not for you I'd suggest LOL :D (it terrain making, not "map" making btw)
  13. [aps]gnat

    create a mod pack

    Huh? Just copy all those addons (and their bisigns) into your @Mod folder. And no, you can't bisign them yourself.
  14. [aps]gnat

    Magnetic rock formations

    Did you up-scale the rocks? Up-scaled object can become "broken"
  15. [aps]gnat

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    And thats when I got my Vic20 !! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_VIC-20 My first game machine if you ignore a pong machine :D .... and I still have it in the garage!
  16. [aps]gnat


    Agree with the boys. I don't need a lawyer to say these changes are nothing vs. the original concerns here. Sure, rearranged a few words ...... but I hope you're not suggesting that this change was somewhat to address concerns of this community ..... because I'm not buyin' it.
  17. [aps]gnat

    C-5 Galaxy work

    I suggest browsing; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150548-AllInOne-config-from-A3
  18. 4 guns with a total of 1000 rounds .........
  19. MUCH BETTER ! Now exceeds ArmA2 in important ways! Just need Man class to stay on the deck ......
  20. Yep, checked. MUCH BETTER ! Now exceeds ArmA2 in important ways! Just need Man class to stay on the deck ...... Slightly tweaked LCS http://www.gamefront.com/files/23582680/mnk_lcs.7z
  21. [aps]gnat

    How to make a icon for my model

    Nice Tut, but yes, you have to have the front as up.
  22. [aps]gnat

    Take On Mars (Early Access) Released!

    ARH! Thanks mate! ............ loading !! :D
  23. [aps]gnat

    Take On Mars (Early Access) Released!

    Awesome ..... thanks! But I'm lost trying to use my Steam code ..... Can't seem to find anywhere to use it ...... it just wants a credit card :(
  24. [aps]gnat

    Help on mask_LCO please.

    Thats your satellite texture, but wheres your LAYERS texture? You need both and I can not see it in your (challenging! ) video.
  25. [aps]gnat

    Landing gear and propeller

    Sure, post it here inside some PHP tags I'm challenged on good Alpha textures like the normal prop blurs. Suggest you open another thread and ask for specific help. Give them a normal texture with a prop in it. Good texture guys can do one for you in less than a minute !! Most likely. Whats total weight and is the little blue cross (center of all weight) near the middle? Highlight all points in you GEO lod and post a picture from O2 here.