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Everything posted by Variable

  1. Variable

    Arma3 Videos

    I can't belive we all survive that. A very short but intense video:
  2. Variable

    [COOP12-13] Diary Trilogy

    Excellent! We will let you know how it was for us.
  3. Variable

    [COOP12-13] Diary Trilogy

    Sounds fascinating! Will upload to the CiA coop server. Any way to remove the mission's name tags? We use the mk4 HUD mod for that.
  4. Variable

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Re-uploaded. This includes Both Podagorsk and Lingor GR Campaigns.
  5. Variable

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    Yeah, that fixes the problem. Kimi, I strongly recommend moving the HMDs_Kimi_METRIC_MELB.pbo into an "optional" folder. People that don't have the MELB addon won't understand why their game (or server) won't launch, and might not be aware of the option to remove said pbo to use your mod. People might not want to use the MELB addon and that is especially true to players that use addon sync profiles being used to play on dedicated servers that don't have the MELB addon.
  6. Variable

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    I'm getting 10:02:04 Warning Message: Addon 'HMDs_Kimi_METRIC_MELB' requires addon 'MELB' As far as I can tell, the addon is installed properly, I even copied into the addons folder to optional metrics (I suppose that's the default, anyway). Am I doing anything wrong?
  7. Checked. It worked just fine on another mission. Why should the sea waves height affect the underwater radio? Is that on purpose?
  8. Variable

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Reading this discussion might lead someone to think that vehicle only convoys are all fine and dandy. It's not.
  9. Variable

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Check this post Gwyn.
  10. This list has been going on for a while on the Audio Tweaking guide. It's practically a combined list of request from multiple people. I gave up asking BIS for these sounds, so I'm glad you are open to suggestions :) List of missing sounds Infantry Going into boresight view. Turning on and off rifle flashlight/IR pointer Turning on GPS Sounds of turning on and off NVGs - for god's sake, Zeus even has one! Sound of falling bodies. Screams when getting hit No sound during parachuting (wind, parachute fabric) No sound for turning (volume should grow louder according to turn speed) Armour, Aircraft and VehiclesSounds for switching on and off view modes in weapon sights Sounds for switching between optics modes and zoom levels in gunner and commander sights No sound for entering and exiting tanks, vehicles and aircrafts Sound for knocked down trees Sound for squashed bushes Sound for impacting humans Sound for impacting walls Sound for impacting rocks Sound for moving tank tracks and their friction with the ground (there's only the engine sound). Turning headlights on and off Splash sound when wheels impact a waterline (it was in OFP) Sound for movement of fixed MG/GMG No voice notification of events during the flight. e.g.: Low fuel, Over G, Altitude, Pull up, low speed etc.
  11. Isn't there a vanilla "shake" feature now? If so, what is the difference?
  12. I just wanted to stop by and say that last night we played a 19 player combined arms coop that involved tank firing and choppers buzzing in the distance. Dynasound added so much to feeling, thanks Laxmann! I think this mission is a great showcase for Dynasound, I recommend everybody to check it out: [FHQ] Plant Your Fields [COOP 19]
  13. Variable

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Redphoenix thank you! Could you please let us server admins know what files were updated so we could upload only those files to our servers? That will spare us from uploading the whole packs again.
  14. There are problems with the underwater transducer. Some of the transmissions have very low volume and/or hard to understand. When playing the same mission several times different guys were not-understandable, the behavior was inconsistent. On one attempt a guy can be heard underwater clearly, and on the other attempt, the same guy sounds very low and not understandable.
  15. Variable


    Lost pilot is an exciting mission! We gonna play it multiple times even if we complete it :)
  16. Variable

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Impressive release guys! Looking forward use the new hardware. We had many problems with RHS armor before the update. I too was expecting to see fixes for it. What comes to mind are the following: A10 Mavericks didn't kill T72 even after two direct hits, Shilka wasn't killed by multiple RPG hits (both RPG-18 and RPG-7VL). To be honest I was certain these bugs are are obvious so I didn't bother to report them... Was there any work done on this? Thanks for this great mod.
  17. For me it's not about the added difficulty, it's more about that it doesn't feel realistic, and takes away from enjoyment.
  18. I have a feeling that sway increase was introduced as a "compensation" for the horrendous new stamina system, as in - we made the game "easier" here, let's make it harder "there", and the result is even worse. Sway was always badly implemented, mainly because it feels as if the weapon fights against you when you try to correct, making the main activity of this shooter game, frustrating instead of gratifying. It became a nightmare to lase targets now with an LD. If the target is far away, sway makes it next to impossible to keep it painted for a GBU strike.
  19. Variable

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I don't look for a sound effect of capacitors charging up like on Splinter Cell or anything of that sort. What I am interested in (like in a lot of other items on the list, like GPS, somehow these replies only stick to the NVG) should be some gentle audio indication mainly meant to replace the lack of tactile feedback you have in real life.
  20. Variable

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Thanks for sharing your progress LJ. I was wondering, maybe you would like to add some of the missing sounds if that is even possible?I think that it could make the mod even more awesome than it is. It's a list I maintained for a while on the Audio Tweaking thread. List of missing sounds: Infantry Going into boresight view. Turning on and off rifle flashlight/IR pointer Turning on GPS Sounds of turning on and off NVGs - for god's sake, Zeus even has one! Sound of falling bodies. Screams when getting hit No sound during parachuting (wind, parachute fabric) No sound for turning (volume should grow louder according to turn speed) Armour, Aircraft and Vehicles Sounds for switching on and off view modes in weapon sights Sounds for switching between optics modes and zoom levels in gunner and commander sights No sound for entering and exiting tanks, vehicles and aircrafts Sound for knocked down trees Sound for squashed bushes Sound for impacting humans Sound for impacting walls Sound for impacting rocks Sound for moving tank tracks and their friction with the ground (there's only the engine sound). Turning headlights on and off Splash sound when wheels impact a waterline (it was in OFP) Sound for movement of fixed MG/GMG No voice notification of events during the flight. e.g.: Low fuel, Over G, Altitude, Pull up, low speed etc.
  21. I'm afraid saved games cannot live through game update.
  22. Variable

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    If that will be implemented, I'd like to see respawn (yes/no) option. Whether respawn is allowed or not tells a lot about the game mentality of the group.
  23. If just the jumping could be removed, that would be great. All the players on our server perceive this as a bug... If you guys need any testing, let me know!
  24. Variable

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I really don't want to make this discussion about this icon or the other, since I think the system as a whole is flawed, but since you asked I am always in favor of natural indications as opposed to HUD elements. I think that the mountain icon should be removed completely, the player can deduct from the (rather visible) hill in front of him that he can't sprint, there's no need for a granularity in the level of the 17 degrees barrier. It's just too much information that can be provided by interacting with the environment rather with a HUD element. same goes for a health indicator. It's ridiculous to indicate with an icon something that is so obvious as an injury, some aching sounds would do.
  25. Variable

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I should have seen that coming... the point of my post was not to request an explanation, the point was to convey my confusion regarding an element that its soul purpose was "transparency" and that achieves the opposite. But the fact that you required so many sentences to describe a single UI element proves my point - the thing is over-engineered to the point of a disturbance (a "17 degrees elevation" indicator, really??), and I think many players will find it confusing.