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Everything posted by slatts

  1. slatts

    EricJ Release thread

    This Slatts guy, first the M32 and now his IAF mod. Always causing trouble for poor EricJ!
  2. Really? God sake, I didn't see anything like that on my end but I'll upload something tomorrow or Tuesday to fix it. Tonight isn't the night if you get me ;)
  3. Whoops! here's the right download! https://www.mediafire.com/?chqnb17mbsu86kz
  4. Hey guys. Here's a hotfix for the latest version of the mod. Somehow the muzzle flash on the AUGs got screwed so I've fixed that, along with fixing the armor values of the RBH303 helmets. Also the two DMRs are able to use the new Marksman DLC bipods. The GPMG and Minimi will be looked in the next full release for bipod features. To install make sure you have installed version 1.8 and then copy/paste the 3 PBOs in the hot fix to the 1.8 folder :) See 1st post
  5. slatts

    M27 IAR + basic HK416's

    Am looking at doing it in the next few days :)
  6. slatts

    British Ridgback PPV

    Looking great Cleggy! :)
  7. slatts

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm sure the mod will be 9.5/10 when he's finished! :cool:
  8. slatts

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I can't wait to see the tank interiors from Bluedrake42. Considering what he thinks is such a valuable asset that improves a score in a mod review(Since if you add a tank in an Alpha build and it doesn't have an interior you may as well not released it). He should really know what he's doing...
  9. slatts

    SAGE camo

    There's also the khaki carrier lite texture that wasn't added. And don't forget the alien textures!
  10. slatts

    Irish Armed forces Mod

    Update should come in the next few days with a fix for permanent muzzle flash on the AUGs and Marksman updates :)
  11. Will the password be lifted?
  12. slatts

    Marksmen DLC evening release date

    Oh who really fecking cares? Seriously, is having it in the evening time when most people actually sit down and play Arma at that time such a big deal? Christ on a bike. Next thing we'll hear is how terrible it is of BIS to release it on a Tuesday when those lucky enough to have a job have to sit in work and not on the weekend so they like us lucky unemployed fuckers can sit there and play it all day.
  13. Will the Taranice (Think I spelled that wrong) be a shoulder launcher or a placeable static?
  14. slatts

    Marksmen DLC: Concerns regarding suppressors

    The only thing you are paying for in the new DLC is the new weapons. The rest, which would include these suppressors if they were to be added, is free. Regardless of weather they should be in are not, fact is you aren't paying for them if they exist. Case closed. :)
  15. Aye but still, closest thing to a 135 (pretty much is) for the Irish mod there is yet ;)
  16. :eek: you're owed a pint or two after saying that!
  17. slatts


    Good to hear from you Bink :) Speedy recovery
  18. slatts

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Well, there is a certain day we will hear more about the expansion. We may not know the exact day. But when BIS have the info they wish to share with us they will release it. That will be the certain day ;)
  19. Yeah, I'd go for the hold the top animation https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/t31.0-8/11060987_947222668642459_541386110502432364_o.jpg
  20. slatts

    Euro 2015 Qualifiers

    He was grand. Besides. Poland were diving and play acting all night. McClean gave them a reason to go down "injured".
  21. slatts

    Euro 2015 Qualifiers

    And this kids. Is how you make a no nonsense tackle. http://gfycat.com/LikelyFinishedEasternglasslizard
  22. slatts

    Euro 2015 Qualifiers

    We're back on tonight Vs Poland! How do you guys feel about your own teams matches that are on tonight or the previous nights?
  23. Belated thanks for the mirrors. Just a small FYI. When the Marksman DLC comes out there'll be a small update to better implement the bipod features :)
  24. Hey Evan. A few weeks back I was goofing around and came up with an idea to merge the idea behind the BMO-T and BTR-T with a T-90 chassis for CSAT to have a heavy APC. http://prntscr.com/6m0p77 Over time I'll doing some more work to it. If you want to add it as part of the mod I'd be more than happy to contribute it :)