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Everything posted by terox

  1. You only need a steam account to install and /or update the dedicated server package. It is not needed to run the server. If you install it with your account and then update it with another at a later point, it will not have any negative effect and will run as expected. The tutorial stickied at the top of this forum explains Steam.cmd installation
  2. Can I have a pastebin link to your .rpt file please as per the troubleshooting guide in this tutorial that you have followed
  3. use the userlist number for the player that works, or install an Rcon tool and use that
  4. The game server automatically reports to steam. It reports on the same port as Gamespy. You dont need to do anything for this to work. If it works for gamespy, it's already working for steam. Only issue is the ingame steam browser is very slow and very well useless at the moment. To verify you are reporting, check the server list in the steam client server browser.
  5. You may find the following thread useful Debugging Tutorial It also has a foundation template which may also be of use and links to some tools you will need
  6. Everything you need to know about ports is detailed in Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  7. terox

    "Hacked" by [Ha.De]

    Most of them connect via a proxy so you cant trace the IP to anywhere that an ISP would be interested in If they didnt and you had some proof, e.g wireshark logs then that would end badly for them
  8. terox

    A3ST - ArmA 3 Server Tools

    Ability run batch commands on the server via the web interface would also be a good idea. E.g run any cmd file remotely without RDP access
  9. Roy mentioned this in an earlier post on this thread and linked to a ticket he had opened. I believe this can only be fixed when the issue the ticket raised has been resolved.
  10. terox

    FFS let us filter out Altis life

    Filter for coop
  11. terox

    View distance options

    The following is the priority for setting viewdistance The higher priority, if defined overwrites the lower priority 1) Players profile difficulty settings 2) Server viewdistance setting 3) Mission code viewdistance setting (e.g TAW viewdistance)
  12. I understand that, if possible though, this would be very much appreciated. I don't particular want to support the use of two apps, your tool is pretty much complete for us apart from this feature and it would mean having to give user support to our game admins for 2 apps instead of 1. Either way, great tool and keep up the very much appreciated work you do for us.
  13. I think that he needs a version of the mission recompiling so that all functions and scripts have no line breaks. He would feel more comfortable that way :)
  14. -profile is a command line option example "-profiles=d:\Games\A3\A3ServerNo1" Further reading, see this thread: Tutorial ArmA3 dedicated server specifically the first post: LOCATION OF FILES (When setting parameters) Your line appears to be pointing to a folder called config inside your ArmA3 install also encapsulate it in quotation marks (good practice as this cures any issues with spaces in the profile path) try "-profiles=C:\games\173_199_80_71_2322\984101\arma3" this will then use C:\games\173_199_80_71_2322\984101\arma3\MpMissions and create a user folder C:\games\173_199_80_71_2322\984101\arma3\Users\Administrator inside that you will have 3 files, .vars completely ignore this file, nothing you can do with it arma3.cfg your bandwidth setting config file Administrator.arma3profile this is your difficulty settings file
  15. I believe I read about another Rcon type tool out there that allows an Rcon admin to assign an ingame admin (at a voted in permission level). This would be a great addition to this tool
  16. The mission list should show up automatically. It loads the missions listed in the MpMissions folder in the root folder defined by the -profile switch So you have either cleaned out the MpMissions folder or redefined the -profile
  17. terox

    global variable fail

    one line of code isnt going to help us answer this. You must be using a switch somewhere like ! hasinterface IsDedicated
  18. terox

    !alive Condition Not Working?

    at the moment the line is run it will evaluate. maybe your not checking at the correct point in time. e.g your only running the condition query once. Try this instead waituntil {sleep 1; ! alive Sniper}; hint "Sniper is dead"; Try to work through this debugging tutorial. It will help you to solve these problems Zeu Debugging Tutorial
  19. seems I cant see your signature in some of your posts ? #post 128 has it #post 130 doesnt have it
  20. Made an error on the DL link for the benchmark pack, it should work as intended now
  21. @Tom, you don't make use of a signature in your profile. I was suggesting that you add a link to this thread in your profile signature to help to publicise your tool. That way wherever you post, you advertise it. I had wondered why you hadn't already done it and thought it may have been some forum policy that BI enforce for non official content. I don't know if this is possible, but being able to read the game config via the tool would be very nice, with search and copy ability. Even if this means having to run a seperate exe each time there is a game patch to update some cache file
  22. if the script that spawns the tank is not on the same node as the script that also uses the tank variable, then you will need to pv "tank" or pv "obj1" also code like waituntil {! Isnil "Tank"}; could be used. As far ans the undefined variable issues are concerned, you are doing something wrong, making a logical assumption that is incorrect.
  23. Not quite clear on where we have got with this. Did wrapping quotes around the -profile switch get you anywhere? and what setup do you have here, it sounds like your connecting via lan ? If that is the case try setting up non default ports for the server The tutorial doesnt take into consideration a client connecting on LAN Headless clients can connect okay on local networks but they require additional entries in the config for the server localClient[]={}; Maybe a derivative on this would help and make sure you start the server before you start the local client Also the 118 patch did cause issues for servers especially Virtual ware servers, where they used a different IP to the main root IP. I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but a lot of servers have failed to report correctly to the server browsers because of this
  24. I noted poseidon (as the only script editor) in the following debugging tutorial i made. It might be worth someone bumping it to publicise this great tool more http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176096-Zeu-Debugging-Tutorial-amp-Foundation-Template Also Tom, if B.I permits it, i would add it to your signature file