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Everything posted by terox

  1. Roger, all paths that should be assigned on my rig are correct and all is good I cant test the P Drive path because i don't have it set up on this rig
  2. There is no player object on a dedicated server or headless client. To stop any issues with this, always precede any call for player only code with if(HasInterface)then{Do some code for a player object}; or if !(HasInterface)exitwith{}; This will stop the code running if the node is either a headless client or a dedicated server
  3. Missing "}" use this _type = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; systemChat "TEST"; switch (ToUpper _type) do { case "DEPOSIT": { if (("money" call INV_getItemAmount) < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; Bankbalance = Bankbalance + _amount; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Deposited", _amount]; }; case "WITHDRAW": { if (Bankbalance < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; ['money', _amount] call INV_AddInvItem; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Withdrawn", _amount]; }; Default {Systemchat format ["ERROR: %1 << Scriptname here >> not seen as an option",_type]}; };
  4. : This one fixed it for me, installed with no errors. Thanks a lot :cheers:
  5. I too had the same installation issue. I then copied the 3 files in the hotfix download to the install folder and rerun the installer.exe Result Following image has 3 screenshots. 1st Bug: Occurs on initial attempt at a clean install, eg manually deleted the poseidon install folder and copy in the unpacked new posidon folder 2nd Bug occurs when selecting "Continue" 3rd bug occurs when selecting "Register" Hope that helps www.zeus-community.net/temp/poseidonbug1.png
  6. terox

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I also would like to see some consistency with the names of vehicles compared to the A3 vanilla names. Renaming them to something other than the Vanilla names is just going to cause confusion when you are basically looking at the same object or using the same item and what real ingame benefit will this have. I dont see one.
  7. Where's the Bikey m8, its not in the Armaholic download? It could also do with a readme, just a list of classnames for the vehicles, weapons, mags etc
  8. terox

    Reporting Server IP

    nothing, there is no address to put in your config, it does this automatically. There are countless threads that already explain this m8. It reports via default port 2303 or if you are running non default game ports via configged port + 1. e.g if your command line states -port=2502 server will be reporting to steam query browser on 2503 It is just very very slow and at the moment and pretty useless at best. Check that your server is reporting by viewing it in the STEAM CLIENT server browser, not the ingame browser
  9. servers uses steam.cmd and command line arguments in batch files
  10. I only just found this out today, Kudos to Sancron I dont believe it's documented anywhere. (Thanks B.I) Open up your game and get into the Mp server browser At the top right there are 2 fields, by default they are listed as GAMESPY | ADDRESS: INTERNET Left click on gamespy, it will be replaced by STEAM job done For server admins: It would appear the ability for the server to report to steam is automatic, as in I haven't configged the server to report to steam at all, it seems to be doing it anyway even when reportingIP is pointed to gamespy
  11. terox

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi devs, thanks for bringing us this mod. I hope you manage to stay focused on your end goals and arent manipulated by too many requests for obscure uneeded content like "In air refueling" and a lot of additional clutter that ACE had. WGL got it right ACE got it wrong imho. No "end aim, no real structure or focus on what they wanted to accomplish Good luck with it and looking forward to playing it as it develops
  12. Bug Report for the latest RC1 version -mod=@CBA_A3 (No other mods running) Key installed: cba_a3_rc1.bikey Server doesnt fully load. As in....... Server does not appear in Gamespy/Steam Server browser Cannot connect to the server with RCON tool Client unable to connect Redownloaded and reinstalled twice from DEV heaven cleaned out latest uploaded missions Once the key is removed the server loads Funny thing is, we host the key on our Non addon server so that clients can connect with it and it doesnt cause any issues. We proved it was a combo of both the @CBA_A3 RC1 pack and the use of the RC1 key. (With or without the CBA_Beta5 key in the keys folder) There is nothing in the .RPT file that indicates an issue. I have reverted to the beta 5 version for now
  13. Correct, you dont have to do anything
  14. 1) get rid of all the mods and try with a clean vanilla server (That should be obvious) 2) Make sure you comment out the missions cycle classes in your config file (A wrongly named mission will stop the server from starting up fully) 3) failing that we need rpt file (In full) posted in pastebin and your config file, less the passwords
  15. If your server is already reporting to Gamespy, then it is also already reporting to Steam. (This is automatic and there is nothing else to config for this not even the reporting IP) The ingame steam browser is poor and slow by comparison, almost unuseable in it's present state. It reports to steam on the same port it reports to Gamespy (By default 2303 (port + 1)) To verify that your server is reporting (Which it will be) check your Steam client's server listing
  16. We play a full server with patrol ops, the UAV download intel is by far the best of all the tasks, please leave it exactly as it is or at the most, have perhaps a dynamic download time based on a percentage of the number of players taking playable unit slots. Having max time for full slots exactly as it is now. I may be wrong, but I would imagine that Emton doesnt play this with 42 players every day
  17. terox

    Where to start? - new player

    Depends on the type of missions you want to play. If you want coop come try us on Thursday night, we run a public coop session, which is well organised, not your run of the mill public mayhem server. If you really want to get into milsim, there are plenty of clans to join
  18. terox

    New Altis Life Server

    Could the admin for this community stop using our community Teamspeak server to recruit players. Please use the appropriate channels for recruitment e.g this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?168-ARMA-3-SQUADS-AND-FANPAGES
  19. terox

    Zeus gaming Nights

    In my 10 + years of running this community I have only needed to remove privileges and or ban a member approximately 4 times. Only 1 member has been removed in the last 4 years. I think that should speak for itself. Could you please refrain from personal insults and good luck with your new gaming community. I wish you all the best with it. I would appreciate it, if you could remove the Zeus logo from your profile picture and use your newly founded communities logo
  20. then its mission specific. Use a "benchmark" mission from your collection, no point in trying to debug when swapping missions
  21. terox

    New Player friendly hardcore servers?

    Try Comrades in Arms server, they run 2 weekly sessions for coop http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175245-CiA-Hardcore-Coop-Nights
  22. The server is headless, so no sounds or graphics are run on it. what mission are you running, please dont say Altis Life
  23. The rpt shows a good startup and the user profile is set correctly. If you are seeing D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\Users\Yourcomputername It most likely suggests you are not running under an administrator account. (This is a dedicated server at a datacentre somewhere isnt it not a local windows client machine that you also play Arma3 on ?)
  24. MaxMsgSend=700; MaxSizeGuaranteed=600; reduce this to around about 3/4 MaxSizeNonguaranteed=300; try these values and play around from there, starting with maxmessage alterations then Maxsize