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Everything posted by Muecke

  1. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Hi there is actually no plan. There is no terrain released yet. We dont use A3MP or AIA. We wait for old OFP islands from Hotzenplotz but he is struggling with the A3 tools atm. Anyway there is allot to explore on altis so far...
  2. Thats cool ! We played it even with bugged box as its an awesome DM arena. Thx for updating....
  3. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Update: New version v1.2 Changelog: added new ComCenter Building added new Field Hospital Building added Military Walls added Layered Walls changed Price for UGV RCWS Drones (x2) tweaks & fixes Download: Hit Me
  4. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Proman version ist allways based on the latest build from KB Edition. Mostly all changes are flowing into every version KB, Proman Mod & Public. Its up to you which one you prefer, depends on taste.
  5. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Updated version is available crCTI_24_Proman_Public_v1.1 Changelog: -New Gear System / Equipment Dialog -Civ vehicle placement improved -AI Movement tweaked -Reenable Transport Duty Paradrop / Cargo parachutes -AI Commander: Build structures on clear ground -Improved civilian vehicle placement -tweaks & fixes Download:Hit Me Thanks to Kastenbier for the hard work on it. :ok:
  6. Muecke

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Dont be that lazy mazza. Andiamo andiamo... Look, its like you do in the supermarket. You put your stuff in the trolley and after you paid you sort it into your bags. Just as easy as that.
  7. That would be awesome !!!
  8. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Yes implemented and there is exactly 23 glasses/goggles to choose.
  9. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Expect this and more in the next update. New Gear Menue
  10. Some of my Team-members have noticed this too.
  11. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    psyrixx something wrong with your server !
  12. Ok not much to say so we played it 3vs3. I jumped infront the box and it didnt want to move. I shot it and it started to move and stopped and dont moved anymore. Once it was at our flag and nothing happened. Once it moved complete alone the whole way to the flag. So I dont know how it has to be right.
  13. Push the box is a great idea. It works all fine but box behaves mainly weird. Sometimes it wont move sometimes it moves alone. Not sure but could depend on the last A3 Patch where the sync is not working well. Anyone else have this ?
  14. Muecke

    CRcti Proman

    Hi folks my team (AngryInsects) are old OFP fanatics and we all played mostly the crCTI (by CleanRock) Mission for years. So why dont play it in ArmA ? No reason to do not.:q: We have done a great version for ArmA wich is 99% same as OFP. With a lot of help from the community and well known scripters and addonmakers. We have now a perfect playable crCTI. So we want to give it back and share this project with you. We added some new features of ArmA II and OA aimed on balancing and fairplay to increase the fun. You can even play vs AI if you got a server. See how the AI attacks you. Raise your skills by using this simular to a strategy tactic game. some features of crCTI: [size=4]-full AI command (take&hold/Patrol/Transport...) -Civilians in towns (if you kill = penalty) -Build bases freestyle (how you like) -Resistance + Resistancepatrols -Aircraftradar and Artilleryradar (full working) -Infanterie/light&heavy/aircrafts/boats/radarstations -Large Battles -alot of weapons -win by destruction or townwin -win by economic on timelimit -ACE compatible (special ACE missions will follow soon) -ACRE autodetect [/size] Included: -USEC MAULE M7 By Rocket ++ Usecforce -CTI Walls by DVD -Logistic by the [R3F] Crew -edited configs for most of all units -and much more... Screenshots: Here we go,download the CRcti Pack and follow the readme. Inside is: Modfolder/Mission/Manuals/Serverkeys and readmefile. Mirrors appreciated >>DOWNLOAD<11.01.2012 >> Or use Yoma with *Auto Config URL: New Version We have overworked the Mod and Mission completly.Near all vehicles from A2 has got new configs wich make them smooth to OA. Now this crCTI has a much better balance.We have included some of the best community tweaks and releases wich fits perfectly. For example many PvPscene tweaks or Truemods parts. All changes are listed in a pdf file inside the download. Its in 3 languages german, english and czech. If you want to play with ACRE you dont need to build it in the Mission its allready done and will start with autodetect. Note: You will need a dedicated server to play this. Credits: Cleanrock,DVD,Dr.Eyball,Zyklone,Jack Hammer,Squeeze,Sarmat Studio,Usec,Christian.1987,Gnat,Mondkalb,Myke,Cyborg11,Kju,Bon,Madbull,[R3F],Mandoble,Krieger,KASTENBIER,koyaanisqatsi,Vilas and all that i forgot plus the whole Commutiy and for sure BIS..... 1.sorry for my english 2.visit us at http://www.angryinsects.de
  15. Muecke

    CRcti Proman

    Its not made for saving. Saving is not possible in ArmA MP. This mission is a MP mission and will only work proper on a dedicated server. Sorry...
  16. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    @mazza Its based on the KB Edition just simpler and more compact. @BL1P You should it will bring you memories ;).
  17. Muecke

    Arma III Fishing

    Good to hear that Max75.
  18. I would like to have a worker like this "C_man_w_worker_F" for the Bluefor and Opforside. With different languages speaking. Using the civilian one for Opfor which is talking english makes me often frighten as I think its enemy. The civilian one is the only worker i can see so far.
  19. Muecke

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    oukej I dont think its caused by lag. Server had around 20fps and me almost 25+. As I said I cant reproduce it cause it happens suddenly, in the last 2 weeks. Same mission played before never brought that strange behaviour. And we play DEV since first day. I could give the Varsuk as target to my AT specialist (AI) also I could lock it with AT launcher.
  20. Muecke

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes Iam 100% sure. I saw this tank before ive started to record. Ive fired a AT rocket on him and got score for that. Tank and had no interest to attack/defend same as his bluefor enemies. Also a few Tigris behaved just like the Varsuk.
  21. Muecke

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    http://youtu.be/UAnkMzzTx_c Since one of the latest dev version the AI sometimes don´t fight back. It happened in heavy fights but only with tanks. Ifrits and infantry fights. Even bluefor infantry wont shoot at this enemy tanks for any reason. Seems like tanks change their side or appear as friendly anyhow. I can´t reproduce this as it happens suddenly while playing. This video was recorded with having around 200 AI on Map. Bug ?:confused:
  22. Muecke

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Empty folders !!!:386:
  23. This is a good idea. But removing the action menu completely is not the best solution imo. I wish to have just a few actions removed like open/close doors and get in/out vehicles. That would reduce the actions and make it easier to access other actions which are needed for most missions.
  24. Muecke

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    +1 I think the reaction of the AI while been shot is problematic. It should not just shake a second and able to shoot back like nothing happen. I would like to see that AI falls down after been hit and need to stand up or something similar. But shooting back in that precision is very unlucky.
  25. Muecke

    Status Hud

    This was a great idea. What about a small one for stances ? Just a Question on this code ive used with the A2 version wich wont work in A3. It used to be an on/off switch with the h key but it only blinks for a sec and nothing happens. Maybe someone has an idea ? [] call compile preProcessFile "UI\HUD.sqf"; sleep 0.005; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", "pr = player getvariable ['press',true]; keyp=(_this select 1); if (keyp==35 and pr) then { cutRsc ['default','PLAIN']; player setvariable ['press',False]; } else { if (keyp==35) then { [] spawn ICE_HUD; player setvariable ['press',True]; }; } "]; Anyway very cool work same as in A2. Playing with it for a very long time now.:D