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About Messiah

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    Second Lieutenant

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  1. Beautiful texture work as ever Sabre :)
  2. Depends what readily available means - if it means the creators have Mass Effect have released them out into the community and have granted permission for them to be used in other engines, then that's fine. If readily available means that a series of people have ripped the models from the game and thrown their ill gotten gains onto the internet? No, that's not ok.
  3. There's very little BIS can or will do in this situation, it has nothing to do with them in the slightest - your dispute is with a private individual and their private server - your only course of action if he refuses to stop using those textures you produced is a legal route, but as ever, unless his 'infringement' affects you financially, rather than 'personally', then it's money and time best spent elsewhere.
  4. Messiah

    Clan logo on units?

    The BIKI and searching is truly your friend: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/squad.xml ;)
  5. The interior is still regarded as secret squirrel as far as I'm aware. Last time I went to a convention they were certainly less than keen about me taking me camera with me inside. They did once have a 360 panoramic interactive picture on the army's website, but that has seemingly disappeared - there are pictures available, but you have to do a fair bit of stitching together to get an idea of the layout.
  6. Messiah

    Partial screen NV/Thermal

    As a onboard monitor it should be simple - just layer two RTT screens/planes with the same render target, one above the other, and set the one above to be smaller with a zoom adjustment to make it appear seamless, and of course the NV or infrared mode applied - the actual gunner view, I doubt you can.
  7. I'd personally just replace Bornholm - no one is going to miss them, and it sets Astoria quite nicely between the Scandinavian states it's meant to be a part of, and Estonia which (if I've not misunderstood the thinking behind this) it takes some element of inspiration from (colour wise at least)
  8. It's not as if the Nordmen are that unique in their flag design amongst Nordic countries: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Nordic-cross_Flags.png seems a fitting choice
  9. Messiah

    open Helikopter doors?

    On some models I believe there were clipping and model issues, and beyond that I suspect that whole opening/closing doors syncing (or not for that matter) with get in and out may caused them to opt to remove the feature. It can be added again via scripts, the animations are still in the models, just not the actions.
  10. Fantastic concept, and well researched too - look forward to following this.
  11. Messiah

    open Helikopter doors?

    nothing, they removed it
  12. Messiah

    A Complete Arma 3 - Not That Far Away

    People don't seem that readily aware that the offroad and other vehicles can be animated too have different looks and attachments - there's even a police version...
  13. Dejavu? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176326-Custom-made-gun-won-t-shoot-and-not-correct-in-direction The direction issue got answered there, for the other we're going to need to see your config.cpp.
  14. Messiah

    50 cal proxy

    So, as used to digging through mountains of official PBOs as I am, I've yet to stumble across the venerable 50 cal proxy we all knew and loved from previous titles. I've found the relevant textures and rvmats lurking away in some pbo, but had no luck what-so-ever with finding an actual proxy. I'm aware that there aren't quite as many vehicles that 'visually' use the 50cal model (the armed offroad is one of the few that spring to mind), and given the high level of animation going on with that 50cal, I assume the proxy system has been dropped due to animation limitations? Are people reusing the A2 model instead, and referencing the A3 textures? Or have I overlooked some goodie bag somewhere where the updated 50cal model and anim was given out for ref and reuse?
  15. Messiah

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    They'll just have to ask BISim nicely then