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Everything posted by law-giver

  1. law-giver

    GF Headshot + Killfeed Script

    Hi George just posting the issue and your fix that we discussed via PM so others can see what didn't work originally and also see that you took the time out to fix it. So i had this issue below when playing my edit of Warlord on my personal server and I sent it to George. He replied quickly with this fix which worked a charm, also adding []execVM "GF_Killfeed\GF_Killfeed.sqf"; to initPlayerLocal.sqf instead of init.sqf. So I just wish to thank George for taking the time on a Sunday to fix this issue. Top man! //________________ Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR] ___________ 30.07.19 ___________ /* ________________ GF Killfeed Script ________________ https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/206593-headshot-killfeed-script/ Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5P7gp3x90 and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ BI Forum Ravage Club Owner : https://forums.bohemia.net/clubs/73-bi-forum-ravage-club/ */ diag_log "//________________ GF Killfeed Script _____________"; if(hasInterface)then{ addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",{ params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if(isNull _instigator)then{_instigator = _killer}; // player driven vehicle road kill if(isPlayer _killer)then{ if( _killed isKindOf "CAManBase" /* //________________ You can filter the side here ________________ && {((side group _killed) == west or (side group _killed) == east or (side group _killed) == independent or (side group _killed) == civilian)} */ )then{ _killed_Name = ""; _kill_HUD = ""; _killed_Color = "#99D5FF"; if(!(isplayer _killed))then{ _killed_Name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1",typeOf _killed] >> "Displayname"); }else{_killed_Name = name _killed}; private _distance = _killer distance2D _killed; private _weapon = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon (vehicle _killer) >> "displayname"); _killed_Color = (side group _killed call BIS_fnc_sideColor) call BIS_fnc_colorRGBtoHTML; _weapon = currentWeapon _killer; _pictureweapon = gettext (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "picture"); if(_pictureweapon == "")then{ _weapon = typeOf (vehicle _killer); _pictureweapon = (getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _weapon >> "picture")); }; //________________ 1. Player HUD Notification ________________ // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_dynamicText _kill_HUD = format["<t size='0.5'>Killed <t size='0.8'> <t color='%1'> %2 <t color='#FFD700'> %3 m</t>",_killed_Color,_killed_Name,floor _distance]; [_kill_HUD,0,0.3,2,0,0,7017] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; //________________ 2. systemChat Notification ________________ // runs on every PC showing kills on global , * You can disable the default arma [[format["%1 Killed %2 from %3 m with %4", name player,_killed_Name,floor _distance,_weapon]]remoteExec["systemChat"]]; //________________ 3. 2 Different notification types ________________ _kill_info = format["<img size='1' shadow='1' image='%1'/> %2 Killed <t color='%3'> %4 <t color='#FFD700'> from %5 m with <t color='#FF0000'> %6 </t>",_pictureweapon,name _killer,_killed_Color,_killed_Name,floor _distance,_weapon]; //________________ 1. Hint parsetext ________________ // hintsilent parsetext _kill_info; //________________ 2. Left Corner up display ________________ _Spawn_kill_info=[["<t size='0.6' align='left' with %4 >" + _kill_info + "</t>",safeZoneX,safeZoneY,10,0,0,7016] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_dynamicText"]]; //________________ playSound notification ________________ playSound "Killfeed_notification"; }; }; }]; }; Also love the headshot script with audio, very amusing! 😉
  2. law-giver

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    Hi genesis92x I've been away from ArmA3 for quite a while and started playing recently literally a couple of days as well as updating my warfare, warlord edits. Anyway i fired up dissension on my home server and on respawn the main concrete bunker was on top of a wall and other structures constructed on the roads. I remember Kastenbier crcti would remove walls, trees and other obstructions with a cool and hilarious chainsaw sound. Any chance a similar kind of script/scripts which could remove such obstructions without a chainsaw sound obviously and a script to check for roads when building structures for example? 😉 Loving dissension otherwise genesis92x. Regards, LG 😉
  3. law-giver

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Here's my edits of ACE Warfare. Link Removed!!
  4. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    11 hours.......Jeez, they were probably tired mate. I'd be tired playing that long. 5 hours give or take a couple of minutes is the longest I've played. Server restart following my exit. Oh and guys I won't be editing this anymore as i'm done with it. Having a break from ArmA 3 as there are too many games released that I've paid for on Steam and haven't even played yet. Plus i just built another PC for my Oculus Rift and it's sat here with a plastic bag over it. My addiction to ArmA 1 + 2 + 3 has to end at some point. Well for a little while. Feel free to edit my edits as I edited Benny Sari Tasty & Onno's. Credits to these wonderful guys!
  5. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Strange never had a crash after playing for hours on my dedi, but must admit not played it since 1.76. Anyway ain't got time to f*ck about with it as got work in a bit and DIY over the weekend. I may have a deeper look into it later as i can't remember half the sh*t i've done because i haven't played ArmA3 in a while. I do tend to get my test edits muddled up with my finished edits. Doh! Just tried on local and no errors opening equipment and factory menu and even respawning. Will test on my dedi when i get home from work later on. Ran it with no mods running. While eating breakfast which is important, i tried it quickly with selective ACE files, latest CBA, Dynasound, ASRAI and a few other mods and again albeit local no errors. Never had a crash as you have mate, or errors on screen and i have played it for 4 hours+ at one point a few weeks back on my dedi with the mods above too. I will as i said above give it a play on my dedi with the latest 1.76 and see what happens. Won't be playing for over 4 hours as my wife would surely remind me of the DIY i should be doing.
  6. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I agree, absolutely stupid and pointless tbh. Anyway here's my Malden version with additional stuff from 0.98 as in my Altis edit. I actually prefer this one as it's closer town wise as opposed to Altis. More fun! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ahhn55saa40pmnl/becti_0097_latest_lg.malden.pbo?dl=0 Again credits to the usual suspects and 0.0000001 % for me
  7. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I recently turned 48 so it comes with age, hehe! I'll have a play over the weekend and if it does indeed halt then i'll let Benny know. I made my own versions on Malden an Altis as didn't like the Stratis version and i'm sure i never had the problems of ai halting. I could be wrong as i'm 48 now.
  8. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    If i remember right Benny told me in an email that some scripting needed the Dev version enabled. But today Arma3 has been updated to 1.76 so i assume it should work now. Not tested myself lately as i'm on an ArmA3 break if such a thing exists. When i ran it on Dev It worked fine, that was several weeks ago mind. Understand though it is WIP and there is a stable version as well. https://github.com/BennyBoy-/BECTI/tree/Benny-Current & https://github.com/BennyBoy-/BECTI/tree/Benny-WIP Here's a link to my personal edit if you have trouble with the above. It's an older version but with some of Benny's new stuff added. I have other versions but i'm a tight ass! This is my personal edit so if you don't like something, TOUGH SHIT!!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/yk7hl1i6l0wi7z1/becti_0097_latest_lg.altis.pbo?dl=0 <======= ALTIS VERSION 0.97 READ POST AT TOP OF PAGE FOR WHAT'S CHANGED!!!!
  9. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    That could be the Peacetime parameter, change it to disabled and see if that works.
  10. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

  11. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    You can command the AI but if you're new to the mission let the AI Commander (Selected by default) take control until you get used to it. And i play alone alongside the AI for hours on end and it's a lot of fun. Playing with a friend or two is much better though. Stick with it and don't give up.
  12. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    It's needs to be played Multiplayer, you can put it in your MPMission folder and play it alone that way hosting your own game but dedicated Multiplayer is the best. Hope that's not too confusing for you. I play it on my own against AI or with a few friends running off my little dedicated server, which is a separate PC running a core i3. I playtest it on my own PC hosting Multiplayer Lan/Internet game and it runs just fine on my core i7.
  13. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Here's my latest personal Sari Malden 0.97 LG Edit. About 30 towns to capture. LINKS REMOVED DUE TO BENNY'S 0.98. It's a no brainer!!!! Here's my latest personal Sari Altis 0.97 LG Edit. About 50+ towns to capture. LINKS REMOVED DUE TO BENNY'S 0.98. It's a no brainer!!!! Apologies for removing LINKS in earlier posts above but I've been tinkering so much that my edits where changing daily. Me and my son have been playing this to death so I'm happy with it so far. If you're not i don't care. All towns markers start green instead of default black to reflect Resistance ownership. Unit cams fixed in Benny's unreleased 0.98 so i moved the fix to my Sari edits with an external view (3rd person needs to be enabled if i remember, i did test it a while back but don't play with third enabled. That's for pussies). Added weather parameter from Benny's 0.98. Added Repair & Unlock Skill from 0.98. Default starting loadouts changed due to my 16 year old son moaning, he wanted even more powerful weapon loadouts but i made a compromise. Fuel & Earplug script added. Plus additional shit i've added, changed and/or fixed. Right I can't be assed to write any more, just download, play and leave me alone. Any towers you can't climb let me know and i'll fix them. They should be fine as i painstakingly placed them carefully, even their directions (You'll see a lot of love went into it. ). But there's always one i guess. Same goes with depot's, which i elevated to 0.4 just in case of uneven ground, objects and shit! Thanks to Benny, a true gentleman. And thanks to Sari, Tasty & Onno. Respect to all you guys. If you downloaded my files before the date below they may have been my p*ss about test files. My dropbox was a bit of a mess so i've tidied up and added new links and newer mission files. DOH!!!!!
  14. law-giver

    Proman Public crCTI

    You just beat me as i was typing. Will have to type faster.
  15. law-giver

    Proman Public crCTI

    Open the mission pbo and look for the folder "hpp" and inside edit the file "Parameters.hpp".
  16. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    He's currently working on Becti 0.98. I've been emailing him pretty much daily giving him feedback, error reports etc. Cuz i quit my job what else am i to do? It's still WIP which is why i removed my Altis link above, anyway here's the link to his latest WIP https://github.com/BennyBoy-/BECTI/tree/Benny-WIP I think this may be his last one though sadly if i read his email correctly.
  17. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    While playing Benny's latest Current & WIP i liked the fact you can change the weather and turn rain on and off. But while it's still WIP and probably a while before it's released into the wild i decided while the wife was asleep to implement it into my own Sari edit. So a few script edits later here it is for anyone who wants to play while it's pissing down. I played a few times on a local as couldn't be f*cked to fire up my dedi, first time it started sunny but second time it was absolutely chucking it down. I actually love playing it when it rains, kinda relaxing. And I didn't see any errors in my RPT, well i had one when i implemented it but fixed it straight away. These are the parameters at the bottom of the parameters list: class CTI_WEATHER_ALLOWRAIN { title = "WEATHER: Allow Rain"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"False","True"}; default = 1; }; class CTI_WEATHER_INITIAL { title = "WEATHER: Inital Time"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,10}; texts[] = {"Morning","Noon","Evening","Midnight","Random"}; default = 0; }; class CTI_WEATHER_FAST { title = "WEATHER: Day Duration"; values[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; texts[] = {"1 hour","2 hours","3 hours","4 hours","5 hours","6 hours","7 hours","8 hours","9 hours","10 hours","11 hours","12 hours"}; default = 5; }; class CTI_WEATHER_FAST_NIGHT { title = "WEATHER: Night Duration"; values[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; texts[] = {"1 hour","2 hours","3 hours","4 hours","5 hours","6 hours","7 hours","8 hours","9 hours","10 hours","11 hours","12 hours"}; default = 1; LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE - FILES DELETED!! Benny fixed the unit cam so i transferred to my SARI edit. Works a charm! Any problems then play minecraft, i don't give a sh*t! Credits to Benny, Sari, Tasty & Onno. And a teeny weeny bit for me, like 0.0000000001 %.
  18. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Take no notice buddy. Just carry on doing what you're doing, plenty of people appreciate what you've done so far. That's all that matters and nothing else.
  19. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I've updated Benny's latest Becti WIP with my Altis version linked above. I was having respawn issues so got in touch with Benny and he fixed it bless him. Apparently due to a respawn bug. Will update as he does. Oh and if there's any problems it's Benny's fault. Hehe Will finish the remaining towns tomorrow and then it's a case of keep updating as Benny does.
  20. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Done. Thx ;) EDIT: I've since removed the above after going on the Halo script forum page and reading through. It's not for me but anyone can add it since you posted a howto, although they need to download the script and follow the instructions. Just don't ask me for help. I'll be posting an update sometime later on as Benny has released an updated WIP plus i've added more towns. Did a quick playtest on local server as couldn't be *ssed to fire up my dedi. Getting older goes together with laziness very well. I've done about 25 ish towns now and will do more later on after me and my young son finish our workout. Getting older and fitness don't go together very well. But spending time with my son makes it all worth it.
  21. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I don't know if anyone is doing an Altis version of Benny's Becti Current WIP, but i have. It's only got 16 towns currently but adding more every day. Probably double that by tomorrow. I've also implemented start time and start month parameters as well as earplug and fuel consumption script as in my previous Sari edits. This is my personal edit but willing to share and to do with as you wish. Sorry but i won't be taking requests as I can't be bothered to do any more than what i wish to do. I'll update as Benny updates and pinch as much as I can be bothered from my Sari edits. I'm getting old and grumpy. LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE - FILES DELETED!! Towns completed so far (25+) Forgot to count them, doh!
  22. law-giver

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    @genesis92x I implemented your vcom_ai into Warfare and i'd just started playing again after a break from ArmA3 and noticed my AI instead of using the road decided to swim instead, probably because it was the shortest route. Is there a chance you can make them avoid water unless they have a boat in a future update or whatever magic you can come up with? I was wondering why i seemed to be taking the towns on my own until checking the map, the AI where taking a dip. I will test again without your vcom_ai mod as i have a version without it, but it's kinda sh*t playing without your AI mod. It could be a recent update or just bad luck that this happened, but in all the time I've played I've never noticed them avoiding a road and taking a dip instead. I might try ASR_AI and see if that does it as well. Sorry for the blasphemy in mentioning another AI mod. And thanks for creating such an excellent addon/script. And apologies for even thinking it has anything to do with your addon/script.
  23. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    @Sari Are these the one's from your server? After firing them up the old errors that have been removed in my edited versions which i pinched from your server are still there? I'm going through it today with a file compare program just to make sure. Either way, thanks for sharing. It's what i like about you guys, the sharing. I still play cRCTI and Sari's version of Warfare. Played both this week after a break from ArmA3 and got my *ss spanked! I'm a little rusty. @-ToR-TheCapulet Nice to see you still working on Becti. I've been reading the updates regularly on steam. I'm kinda stalking you i guess.
  24. law-giver

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I've since sent my love to Dwarden for fixing it. I have also given myself 100 lashes for my tantrum above. May BI forgive my sins!
  25. @dwarden After my tantrum on the becti forum i am now feeling the love again. Thanks for fixing the server issue, using performance_168_141269_v14. Works a charm, really appreciate it mate!