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Everything posted by kremator

  1. Hey guys, Anyone crashing with this error. Happens randomly with vanilla plus CBA. 21:42:53 Error in expression <1 * INT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI> 21:42:53 Error position: <INT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI> 21:42:53 Error Undefined variable in expression: int_drive_dirt_volume Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 453EDA26 cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz graphics: D3D11, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 resolution: 2400x1350x32 Kicks me back to desktop everytime. Arma3 checked on steam for consistency - no issues.
  2. Yup .. crashing again .... since last patch ! Interestingly I also have Steel-series Arctis 7 wireless headset however, the game has NOT crashed in around 2 years. So last patch has royally screwed something up ! @Dwarden could you have a look into this please ?
  3. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Testing that bad boy later on!
  4. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Hmmm. Going to do more testing of my server and main machine. Not sure if this is a memory issue or something CBA related. Will keep you informed.
  5. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Unfortunately the latest mission is crashing my arma3 client .. not server however. ONLY running CBA on both. RPT errors below... 18:14:07 Sound: Error: File: a3\sounds_f\vehicles2\armor\shared\add_layers\rattling_03_ext.wss not found !!! 18:14:07 Error in expression <0.7 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI> 18:14:07 Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI> 18:14:07 Error Undefined variable in expression: ext_drive_dirt_volume 18:16:07 Unknown attribute g125 **** (thousands of these !) Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 711010E4
  6. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Testing it out now xeno when ready.
  7. The vanilla AI are ridiculous when it comes to driving ! They do actually swerve TOWARDS you!
  8. Thanks Gunter/Rydygier - I just wondered if the mod version had been updated to 1.5 Cheers chaps
  9. kremator

    GF Auto Population Script - Mod

    Thanks George .... looking forward to the civ version 🙂
  10. kremator

    Simple GAIA interface

    I've still got the mission that strider42 created. It is still very impressive. Have also asked spirit6 to see if he's still working on GAIA.
  11. kremator

    GF Auto Population Script - Mod

    Excellent George. Thanks. Will try it out later... It has always annoyed me that no civs are around.
  12. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Will try it out now mate.
  13. Hey @spirit6, Having seen snkman make TCL for Arma3, I decided to fire up GAIA version HETMAN mission that I'd downloaded a while ago. Every single time GAIA wasted HETMAN. I'm sure I've asked this in the past, but is there an addon version that will pick up all AI (either at the start or throughout a mission) ?
  14. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    The one that wouldnt die seemed to be a little below the ground !
  15. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Gunners are becoming fixated on dead enemies and putting a serious amount of rounds into them. Also I've trying to run madcheese's C2 but waypoints are disappearing ... is there something that cgCTI is doing to player WPs ??
  16. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

  17. kremator

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Will wait for next version ... RPT spam is filling up 🙂
  18. You just need toe defib in your inventory .... you dont wear it. As long as you have one you will respawn.
  19. Going to try skirmish with snkman's TCL AI addon 🙂 Should be fun !
  20. I found that the ALL vs ALL eventually ended with some groups not respawning ... not sure if they were meant to spawn for ever. @snkman does that pushback addition to the init.sqf work for all AI freshly spawned or only AI present at start of the misson?
  21. It is only used when you die. Die without a defib and you lose everything you hold (and respawn somewhere else!) - die WITH a defib and you wake back up exactly where you were.