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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Using one of the vanilla snake textures can make for an interesting shirt. No Mods necessary. Put this in the unit's init: this setObjectTextureGlobal [ 0, "\A3\Animals_F\Snakes\data\Snake_Leopard_CO.paa"];
  2. johnnyboy

    [Release] ExplosiveBreaching

    Great job mate. Thanks much!
  3. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Holy crap, the Chernobyl mission is a masterpiece! I'm super impressed with the whole package dude.
  4. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    BTW, a Porto Pirate fired an RPG at me, which was great. I don't think I've ever seen vanilla Arma 3 AI fire on a foot soldier. Was that you scripting? Or one of the Mods?
  5. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Pirates of Porto: Favorite mission so far. Very fun action and CQB. Plus I dig pirates. You've put so much work into this, and it shows. Thanks for the great entertainment. My progress will slow now, as I'm going to be busy again. Nice to have some play time and time off mission building (I couldn't face the Editor for a few weeks, too burnt).
  6. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Mission 2 was big fun! Barely started Mission 3: Off to sleep now. p.s. I also get this error popping up in the missions occasionally. I think it happens when shooting starts. I'm guessing its a mod problem, not a mission problem. Not bothering me really.
  7. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Man, this campaign is really good. Cutscenes are awesome. Voice acting really good. Good and interesting music choices depending on what is going on. Really enjoying the plot, and not knowing where its going. Mission 1: MIssion 2:
  8. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    That ain't no fun bro. I mixed wine and vicodin at my local bar/restaurant once after a root canal, thought I was fine until bill came and I paniced because I could do no math and needed to get home pronto. Gave the hugest tip ever and split. Still a big joke between me and that bartender. You still got numb lips so everyhing you drink dribbles down your face? Quit bothering me man, I got to find a doctor, as only a doctor can heal my leg.
  9. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    OK, OK, so I've had a couple of margaritas...quit judging me man! Clicked on wrong mission...couldn't find your bloody mission until I realized you hid it under campaigns to make it difficult for me. I'm gonna a pound a few more drinks and play this sucker, and comment here every 5 minutes whilst playing, to capture all my tequila fueled impressions about it...stay tuned. Impressive opening graphics, dramatic music, and diffuse shots...this is gonna be good...
  10. johnnyboy

    [sp_camp] Shadow Fall

    Hey buddy, I'm finally getting around to trying this mission, but can't get it to load. I'm pretty sure I have all the mods loaded (including Chernobyl Zone), but when I go to play the mission I get this error: Any ideas?
  11. johnnyboy


    If you want weaapon to not be on its side, then use setVectorDirandUp to orient the weaponHolder the way you want. I don't think its possible to deploy the bipod if its not in a unit's hands, but it would be nice to be proven wrong.
  12. @CptStampede, @AZCoder reminded me that he found this problem beta testing my Last Tango mission, so we do have a fix for this. In your init.sqf you need to replace the current call to JBOY_fnc_DogDisplayEH with these lines: // ************************************************************************** // Add dog menu to player. In this example mission, the player unit is named valdez in the editor. // ************************************************************************** _dogMenu = [valdez] spawn {params["_handler"];sleep 2; _d=[_handler] call JBOY_fnc_DogDisplayEH;}; saveLoad = addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded",{ [valdez] spawn {params["_handler"];sleep 2; _d=[_handler] call JBOY_fnc_DogDisplayEH;} }]; Be sure to change to change all occurrences of "valdez" to be the name of your player unit.
  13. johnnyboy

    AI convoy. Best practices?

    Hey Grump, no doubt the AI can be seriously retarded. I decided to try this too, and show rank not affecting the order of the convoy in a similar test. And it all worked fine for me. Note that I didn't use any commands to limitSpeed or anything. I wonder why AI in your test went full retard...maybe because there were nearby bushes or something...who knows.
  14. johnnyboy

    AI convoy. Best practices?

    I'm not sure if rank affects it. In Dayz Medic's video he placed the 9 vehicles without grouping. He then manually grouped each vehicle (as a separate indvidual step) to lead vehicle in the proper order. And that worked for him (all nine vehicles moved in the proper sequence using Column formation).
  15. johnnyboy

    Ravage - A Man and his Dog

    Wow! Hey I'm really excited to see this mission, and eager to play it. Thanks for including the pic of the real Boomer (very cool). I've improved the scripts since the last release while working on my Last Tango in Tanoa mission. I can send you the latest version if you want (it may fix some of the errors you mention). Just ask.
  16. johnnyboy

    AI convoy. Best practices?

    @JD Wang, @Tankbuster: JD's link above is to a large collection of videos, the specific one you want is the one below. I watched most of it and learned alot (Thanks JD!). Dayz Medic succeeded in getting a convoy to do the following: - 9 Vehicle Convoy - Convoy drove through a town successfully making at least 5 turns before getting to main highway. - Convoy drivers kept driving when under fire from multiple enemies. Vehicles did not stop unless disabled or driver killed. - When lead vehicle destroyed, 2nd vehicle became leader and detoured a bit, and resumed driving to next waypoint, and the convoy followed. As JD said, its a long video, but I definitely learned some good stuff (like using Layers for caching units, and triggers for activating units in Layer).
  17. You've definitely learned alot man. Your mission looks very professional. The briefing is slick and the "How to play" part is very effective at explaining the many options available to the player. I have a short attention span (and little time), so if I get stuck in a mission, or I can't figure out how to use a feature or complete the next task, I will just abandon the mission. So its important to me (and probably others) that "how to play" is very clear...so great job on that! This is my first winter mission in Arma also, and it was beautiful (cool sunrise in winter when I took down a camp). I have a feeling this is going to be my new "go to" mission whenever I need some fun unpredictable trigger time. :) I will play this in short spurts over time, trying all the different options and locations. Question: In the ammo crate on the carrier, which weapon is the shotgun? I don't recognize the weapon names from that mod.
  18. Hey Zagor, just tried this mission and having a blast! Very impressed with the huge array of options and replayability. No errors encountered. Great job. My GR team loves me, as they are totally willing to be a Meat Shield to protect me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967305437/screenshot/913547176850602995
  19. johnnyboy

    Fog layer

    Thanks much @dr death jm. That last code snippet using the setFog command...was that in addition to the other fogernizer script? Or was that an alternative approach to try?
  20. johnnyboy

    WIP Lava

    Very cool. You might consider adding a little smoke, and possibly spawining new chunks of lava within existing chunks, then moving them slowy (small increments) to positions outside original chunks (that could smooth out the growth of the lava flow).
  21. Goopta?! No way buddy, my Dr. Sanjay is a skilled surgeon, not a TV hack doctor!! He may lose more than his fair share of patients on the operating table, but he would never shill for CNN! "Payback"....hmmm...good title candidate for upcoming mission....
  22. "This might hurt a little..." No mods. From mission Last Tango in Tanoa - Episode 1.
  23. Should Dr. Sanjay return in episode 2? "This might hurt a little..."
  24. Those are interesting ideas @sirhc221. I like the pyschological effect idea @AZCoder. The dog packs should bark aggressively once they pick up the scent and start chasing human units. I think the distance was alot less than 300 meters though. I'll have to take a look if that is still working, as someone else reported the dog packs not barking.