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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Haha. I totally sympathize. I too hate MP scripting, and I'm constantly hounded (pun intended) about making JBOY Dog MP compatible!
  2. johnnyboy

    Random Date help?!

    change "==" to "in". if (_month in [04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09]) then {{deletevehicle _x} forEach (crew slick4)+[slick4];};
  3. johnnyboy

    Help with dialog

    getUnitLoadout could help with this also.
  4. I like it! This is going to be hard for me to choose now from all the suggestions.
  5. I drink a lot of ouzo and eat a lot of dolmas.
  6. Nooooooooooooooo! I can't un-see that. That poor basturd was tea-bagged by a goat. And you guys thought I was twisted...
  7. Sounds like a personal problem bro. Best talk to your shrink.
  8. johnnyboy

    AddAction glitchy

    The above locality related suggestions are good. But you might also solve it by adding a condition parameter within the addAction statement. Maybe a condition of {player == zach} would restrict this action to only the dude named zach (if that is what you are trying to do). See the extended syntax for addAction where you can specify a condition.
  9. I want to be able to detect if a particular AI is being fired at by the enemy. FiredNear eventHandler is not good enough, as the AI may not be the target, and anyone within 70 meters (friend or foe) could be firing. I can put Fired eventHandlers on the enemy AI, but that eventHandler does not tell you who he is shooting at. How can I detect when AI shooting at or near a particular AI? Thanks!
  10. @Vandeanson and @CHICKENLICKEN I have released a new version of JBOY Dog that no longer has constant yelping for AI controlled dogs or dog pack dogs. I also reduced amount of shots it takes to kill AI controlled dogs and dog pack dogs. So you might want to pick up the latest version of JBOY Dog here. Merry Xmas guys!
  11. Version 1.5 Update...Doggy Cam by AZCoder! Hi everybody, thanks to @AZCoder, JBOY Dog now has a doggy cam option! Change Log: Added option to have Doggy Cam display (PIP) Stopped continuous pain yelping for AI controlled dogs and dog pack dogs. It makes sense for player controlled dogs, because that cues player to heal the dog. But it is annoying for dog packs and AI controlled dogs. Thanks to @CHICKENLICKEN for reporting the issue. Made dog pack dogs and AI controlled dogs easier to kill. You can get this latest version 1.5 here on dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gve13fkuzk8j9p4/JBOY_DogV1_5BasicTemplateMission.Tanoa.zip?dl=0
  12. You could also lower the camouflageCoef on the players to lower the chance of them being spotted. I think it was mentioned above, but if you have patrols of more than one AI, then put each AI in a separate group, so killing the last one doesn't alert the others instantly (even when AI are not looking at the one killed).
  13. Sorry for late reply...just saw this. Within an EachFrame eventhandler, I move the unit down with this setVelocityTransformation code. The vectorUp and vectorDown is hardcoded in that statement below. _pos1 = missionNameSpace getVariable "jboyClimbPos1"; _pos2 = missionNameSpace getVariable "jboyClimbPos2"; _dude setVelocityTransformation [ _pos1, _pos2, [0,0,-.0001], // from velocity [0,0,-.0001], // to velocity [0,1,.7], // from VectorDir [0,1,.7], // to VectorDir [0,0,1], // from VectorUp [0,0,1], // to VectorUp moveTime _dude ]; //_pos2 = missionNameSpace getVariable "jboyClimbPos2"; _pos1 = _pos2; _pos2 = _pos2 vectorAdd [0,0,-0.125]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["jboyClimbPos1", _pos1, true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["jboyClimbPos2", _pos2, true]; Your other animation is fine, and may be more realistic (but mine has fun factor of weapon in hand).
  14. Hahahaha, "AI Driving"....that's a good one! Welcome to the forums in general and AI driving hell in particular. You should be able to improve your situation by putting your drivers in a different group as the passengers, and setting the drivers' behavior to "CARELESS". This should increase their ability to drive under fire. Here's a link to a good discussion and a great video for how to get a convoy to keep moving under fire. Good luck man! You can also prevent the passengers fro dismounting under fire with this command: vehicle setUnloadInCombat [FALSE,FALSE]; // passengers and person turrets will stay mounted
  15. johnnyboy

    [Release] MIL_ClearGrass

    Our ruggedly good looking scripter from down undah strikes again! Good on ya mate!
  16. johnnyboy

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    Might be a problem with latest revision of Arma. I noticed a new bug in my Razing Cain mission after latest revision (an invincible gendarme was standing near a burning vehicle, it should have been a hidden unit that player never sees...something weird in latest update caused it).
  17. Here's the animation I'm using: [_dude, "AcinPercMstpSrasWrflDnon"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0]; Looks pretty good:
  18. Libby Dubodd and Jerome Cabra are also excellent suggestions, and have made my short list! And makes me think of legendary ChupaCabras (mythical creatures, or possibly a show you can see in Tiajuana).
  19. That is going to be hard to top, and just made the short list! I'm just glad you didn't say AZZRahmeur (French?). Of course none of this reflects on AZ as these names were randomly generated. Keep the ideas coming gang!
  20. Excellent suggestions! Thanks! :)
  21. johnnyboy

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Damn, gc8, you are a frigging machine! Don't forget to eat and sleep brother. And whats the status on @froggyluv's fruity AI commander behaviour?
  22. johnnyboy

    Make ai say things

    These AWESOME tools are a MUST HAVE if you want to re-use BI in-game sounds.
  23. johnnyboy

    Simple Sound Browser

    Just found this. Thanks Rydgier, this is SUPER useful. Any chance you could add a string search capability to the tool? It would be nice to type in "explosion" or "briefing", etc, and have list of sounds filtered to the matching set. Just an idea man, its awesome as is... Also, people finding this post may be interested in @Larrow 's console based tool for finding sounds. This link finds in-game sounds that seems to include the one's found by @Rydgier's tool, plus many more: And this link finds all the AI radio dialogue sounds ("Return To Formation", "Halt", "Attack", "Roger", etc. for all AI commands and responses): The only drawback with Larrow's utility is it takes minutes to load all the sounds (and I have a new powerful PC). Rydgier's is super fast, but its loading fewer sounds so that is why. It seems to me that Rydgier's and Larrow's tools could be merged. And it could be super fast if Larrow's code was used to export all the links to the sounds to an array one-time, and save that array in a file that is used by this script and demo mission. This would eliminate the time needed to navigate/read all the Configs. If BIS releases new content, then the tool creator could export the array again and release a new tool with the latest sounds. Of course that is easy for me to say, and not do!!! :) Regardless, I am grateful to have both these tools available.
  24. johnnyboy

    Medievac graphics

    I get it now: The invisible object that you set textures to. Thanks.
  25. johnnyboy

    Medievac graphics

    Hey Haz, that was very creative man. Question: In this case, what is the "texture" object that you attached to the helicopter? I understand that this object was set to the icon texture first, but I think your example is missing a step?