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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I really don't want a big explosion, so mines and grenades are too big. I''m hoping I don't have to experiment with particle effects, as that is time consuming. I'm hoping for a pre-defined particled flash effect. A hand gun muzzle flash might be good enough. Is there a way to re-create an in-game pistol muzzle flash effect at a position?
  2. johnnyboy

    Helicopter Strafing Run

    Haha. that base rape is pretty brutal KK! Can you post a script for that?
  3. Congrats on 4 Stars and 64 ratings in Steam. That's really good for only 6 days. 5 stars is on the way mate!
  4. I hear you, but did you try setVelocityTransformation loop? You could potentially maintain vehicle's current velocity, vectorDir and vectorUp, and modify only the height in toPosASL parameter (your desired flyInHeight). You would need to control when this loop is active or not (distance to waypoint completion? Next flyInHeight higher than 50?). It sucks to have to work so hard to accomplish something realistic... Good luck. You might have to disable animation simulation on the pilot while this loop is in control...not sure. I remember seeing a cruise missile script where missile hugged terrain on its flight, so it should be doable.
  5. Nice work. Here's another minor odd thing. When any AI is killed a small white antibiotics box is spawned near the dead AI. It can't be picked up. This doesn't change game play at all, but is a very minor distraction and immersion breaker. Also if playing an existing mission with this mod (one where mod wasn't included while editing mission, so default mod parameters are used), original uniform and loadout of player is changed by the mod. Maybe default should not change uniform and load out. I don't know if that's a good idea or not, but I was surprised while trying my Property of Mabunga mission with this mod, and I was given a ghillie suit and a .45 only, when I was supposed to be leader of a CSAT team.
  6. johnnyboy

    Ravage - A Man and his Dog

    Hey I'm giving this a go again and running VanDeansons Apocalypse at the same time. Its still great!
  7. Thanks man. No hurry on my account though. I soldiered on, and had a pack of wild dogs attack me at night. That got my blood pumping. Almost shot my own dog Boomer while fighting them off!
  8. Ok, I'm running the Acopalypse mod with the A Man and his Dog Ravage mission. Its been real fun so far. Since I am not very familiar with Ravage, I am not sure what features are Apocalypse and what are Ravage. But I did come across a burning truck wreck, and multiple bandit patrols. And one problematic plane wreck. I heard an explosion and went to the smoke and there were 4 planes (2 burning wrecks, and 2 non-burning cessnas) and a ship wreck in the middle of an Altis Malden town. I was grateful for all the medical supplies at the crash site, but I think its likely a bug and you did not intend for 4 planes and a ship to be there. This is SP, so it should not be a locality issue causing multiple objects to spawn. I haven't found a bandit camp yet or seen wild dogs, so I am still looking forward to that. Questions: How would I know if a bandit patrol is Ravage or Apocalypse? Just curious. I heard some cool chatter from the bandit patrols like "There are f***ing snakes everywhere". Is that a Ravage or Apocalypse feature? How likely am I to run into a bandit camp on Malden? Haven't found one yet.
  9. Good on ya VD. Can someone suggest a Ravage mission I can run this mod with?
  10. Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure you have saves disabled. When in SP, and you hit escape, the Save option is disabled. In any other SP mission I am playing the Save option is not disabled. It seems likely you have turned of saving using the enableSaving command in a script somewhere. If so, it would be simple enough for you to change that to allow saves.
  11. Have you tested the kwowsAbout values for for AI? As grump says, they won't fire if they haven't spotted the enemy yet. If that is your case, then you can write triggers to reveal units to AI at further distances (if they have line of sight, and are watching that direction).
  12. johnnyboy


    Wow, Haleks is a renaissance man!
  13. Hi Stoasha. Welcome to the forums! I didn't get very far, but it looks really good so far. Here is some initial feedback. This is all good and makes me want to keep playing: I like the unique plot set up Briefing very clear and well done Night and snow in Chernarus sets up a nice atmosphere (and its not too dark to see which is important to me). World feels lived in (well placed AI, road traffic, objects, etc.). But a big problem for me is no Saves. I know you state you want this to be "maximum difficulty settings", but that doesn't work for me personally. Its a five minute or more drive to the first objective. I would really like to be able to save before moving close. Otherwise when I am killed I have to repeat that 5 minute drive. I have limited time to devote to ARMA, so that is a deal breaker for me. Please consider allowing saves, or at least including auto-saves before nearing each major objective. Edit: I just realized this is a Coop mission with respawn, so I restarted under MP and am enjoying it. Will provide more feedback later. Question: If playing solo, is it possible to re-spawn? If not this is too hard for one player. If you changed the mission to Respawn To Group, then it would be friendlier to a single player (where player would command empty AI Player slots, and respawn to next live AI when killed). Or maybe add saves when near objective and player count = 1. Thanks again, and congratulations on releasing your first mission (as a fellow mission designer, I know you put a lot of hard work in this!). JBOY
  14. johnnyboy

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Just finished this great mission. Everything works perfectly. Thanks for the fun mission, and thanks for adding the non-DLC sniper rifle.
  15. Sweet! Thanks man. I've been wanting to simply rotate by degrees forever.
  16. johnnyboy

    JBOY Longboat [Release]

    Cool, that's exactly how to do it. You can attach extra stuff to dress it up. Fuel Cans, Backpacks, whatever. Too bad there isn't a static outboard motor object to attach to the back. Maybe someone knows of one. Post a screenshot and your modified script to share! Edit: One other thing you can do is attach more units who are using sitting passenger animations. You can really fill up your boats that way. But these units will not be able to shoot. Good for civilians, troop transport, prisoners, etc.
  17. johnnyboy

    JBOY Longboat [Release]

    I used this technique to make the Trawler move, but boat is hidden inside trawler object, so not good for player or passenger shooters (only good for an ambient moving ai driven trawler with waypoints). Since zodiac is invisible, you can attach any object to it. But for drive and passenger seats to look good, you need a small boat object that is close to size of zodiac (which is why it works well for the Tanoan longboats). Pick another boat/wreck object you like and see if works for you.
  18. Hah, Tankbuster is a myth buster! Good job!
  19. johnnyboy

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Thanks WIKI, the mission is playable for non-DLC owners now. I'll give you some feedback after I play it.
  20. Way to be persistent Rydgier. Please post your final solution (when you get it) as I can see this being very useful for others (helis defending an LZ, a cutscene, etc.).
  21. johnnyboy

    [SP] Ragnarok'44

    Good video Gunter. I've never played a Ragnorak mission, so I didn't know how sophisticated this game mode is. When switching to SP, it reminds me of my Red Orchestra days (my favorite MP game). My hat is off to you and Rydgier. Wish I had more time to try all the cool stuff out there.
  22. johnnyboy

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Hi Wiki. The mission requires the marksman DLC. Any chance you can provide an alternate sniper rifle or uniform that does not require the DLC? I do something similar in my Razing Cane mission, where if player has Laws of War, then gendarmes gets Blue helmet from LOW DLC. If player does not have LOW, then they get a vanilla arma green helmet. Here's the code: PLAYER_HAS_LOW = true; publicVariable "PLAYER_HAS_LOW"; if (hasInterface and !(571710 in (getDLCs 1))) then // if player does not have LOW, then set global { PLAYER_HAS_LOW = false; publicVariable "PLAYER_HAS_LOW"; }; if (PLAYER_HAS_LOW) then { player addHeadgear "H_PASGT_basic_blue_F"; } else { player addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_tna_F"; };
  23. johnnyboy

    Switch On PC - USB Stick

    You can simulate this yourself using AddAction for each action you want (turn on, log in, launch browser, etc.). In the code executed by each action, you can show a screenshot .jpg to simulate the action, like this: screen1 setObjectTexture [0,"JBOY\Textures\LoginScreen.jpg"]; If you want user to type values into screen, you will need some sort of dialogue for accepting user input, and modifying displayed screen (show new .jpgs) accordingly.
  24. Try putting any object at terrain level of bridge position (below bridge). Then attach your sensor object at bridge height. That might work. Zodiac might be good sensor object. You can make it invisible via setObjectTexture without disabling animation via hideObject. Question: Can you actually hide the bridge object? On this thread people tried hiding and deleting bridge objects and never got it to work for Arma 3.