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Everything posted by Fanatic72

  1. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Great work guys! Loving the new helmets, optics and vehicles!
  2. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Nice to see gref getting some jet love as well :)
  3. Fanatic72

    German Armed Forces Mod

    Absolutely amazing work there. Looking forward to some good old cold war battles. However I dont understand the "escape" mission concern. Its a map for a game where people play as suicide bombers or nazi germans or whatever fictional scenario they come up with. I find this a little bit too PC (kinda like banning swastikas from WW2 games). But its your map so whatever you dont like ...its all up to you. Keep up the great work!
  4. Cheers man. I was hoping there was some "one click in Eden" method but ill use the documentation you provided. Thx :)
  5. Could someone help me set up the ACE3 spectator for my MP mission please? :) I was under the impression that i can easily set it up through the multiplayer tab in Eden but i dont see the ACE spectator option there. Any help would be appreciated...i could not find any documentation for the current version im afraid.
  6. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Man...the attitude of some responses here is so toxic... I understand if you get mad at people for asking when is the stuff gonna be ready but telling people off for coming here probably for the first time and asking if something new is being worked on because they apparently enjoy your mod and dont know about your overly aggressive attitude to these questions seems wrong to me. For someone who goes through this topic often it might be clear but how is a guy like him with barely 20 posts supposed to know that you hate these kinds of questions unless he goes through all the 400 pages in this topic? I get it...its annoying when people keep asking but thats to be expected when so many people enjoy your mod. Its not like they want to upset you by asking...
  7. Fanatic72

    Malden DLC 2035 - Official Feedback Post

    So far Im really impressed. I like the newly painted buildings - it makes a difference. Also some of the new objects like the sandbags and barricades are nice. Hoping to see some official Showcase scenario after release (something along the lines of "Ambush 2035"). And seeing that beautiful desert texture in the northern part that was used on Altis only for that tiny desert area made me realize how nice it would be to have an official middle-eastern/desert map for A3.
  8. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I was wondering about the MTVR trucks that were teased about a year ago. Are they still on the way from the RHS factory or did they get lost on their way? :) If this question is considered a request then disregard it.
  9. Oh ok...that sucks..thank you.
  10. Hey there, I was wondering if it would be possible to configure at least the Middle-eastern maps like Zargabad, Takistan, Desert and Shapur to have dust kick up effects from vehicles and moving infantry. It just doesnt look right to me when there are tanks storming through the desert with virtually no dust being kicked up. IceBreakrs Isla Duala has this configured nicely and i think some of the BI maps have or had this effect as well. Or is there a specific reason why this has been left out?
  11. Fanatic72

    RHS: M1 Abrams vs. T-55A

    Best mod ever!
  12. Fanatic72

    Alpha Lens Flare

    Why was this actually removed? It looked amazing. Thank u.
  13. Fanatic72

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Rgr that. Thank you for answering.
  14. Fanatic72

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Hey there, now that the CUP terrains replaced their takistan buildings with jbad buildings would you consider changing the requirement to CUP terrains instead of JBAD?
  15. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Those helmets have been replaced with Altyn helmets as far as i know.
  16. Fanatic72

    [WIP] Terrain "Benzopila"

    He probably can only work with stuff that ArmA offers anyway.
  17. Fanatic72

    CH-46 Knight

    I understand the choice to keep the addon standalone. I was actually hinting more at the approach of MELB for instance. They keep their mod standalone and as a part of RHS as well. My idea was that maybe if RHS were interested in including this helicopter, they would be willing to help with some of the problems the author might be having due to his lack of knowledge as he said. Just wanted to clear out what I meant exactly. Im pretty sure that this has crossed the authors mind already anyway. :) peace
  18. Fanatic72

    CH-46 Knight

    My apologies if this had been asked, but have you considered donating this to RHS? It would fit their scope and perhaps they could offer some help? Perhaps not...just asking. :)
  19. Fanatic72

    [WIP] Terrain "Benzopila"

    Looks absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work!
  20. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey there. A quick question. Do the american helicopters support advanced flight model?
  21. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    pls stahp...i cant take this tease anymore
  22. Fanatic72

    Lost the ArmA 3 hype

    Multiplayer is the way Im afraid. Cant imagine still playing this game or any other ArmA without multiplayer... The only one where I stayed hooked on the single-player was OFP. Guess why :)
  23. Fanatic72

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes, the upcoming version is supposed to be on workshop as well.