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Everything posted by DnA

  1. 08-12-2021 EXE rev. 148593 (game) EXE rev. 148595 (Launcher) Size: ~100 MB DATA Fixed: Function recompile buttons were disabled in Eden Editor preview mode - FT-T162125 Fixed: Challenges without special time defined would show redundant () in their overview ENGINE Tweaked: Improved performance of triggers with Present / Not Present activation
  2. Dear community, On behalf of its primary initiator and developer, Scott Alsworth, we'd like to welcome you to the Arma 3 Art of War DLC. This charity DLC is the result of the Art of War contest we hosted last year. One of its highlights is therefore a showcase of the splendid creative contributions by many of you. Thank you again for your pieces of art! 🎨 As we covered in our most recent SITREP, we decided to add to the content of this DLC by producing a set of assets related to the contest themes. We hope you'll enjoy this mix of premium and platform content! We invite you to buy this DLC and in doing so offer your contribution to the International Committee of the Red Cross (all of our revenue from this DLC will be donated to them). After a fundraising period of about 10-12 months, this DLC will become free to all players. Note: owners of the Supporter Edition of Arma 3 (no longer available) will receive this DLC for free, though they could still consider buying a copy for a friend as gift 👼 How to access the showcases? While spoilers may be less applicable to the showcases in this DLC, please consider using the spoiler widget when discussing the gameplay moments. Main Menu: SINGLEPLAYER > SHOWCASES Art of War (anyone can visit) Cultural Property (owners only) How to access the assets? Main Menu: Shift + P In the DLC Content Browser, select Art of War, and explore its contents. Some assets have a TRY button that will open the asset in … Main Menu: TUTORIALS > VIRTUAL ARSENAL Each asset category shows the appropriate DLC / mod icons behind each asset for easy identification. Use Sort by mod to make it even easier to find them. Note: in this mode you should be able to preview the assets without DLC ownership. Main Menu: EDITOR In the Asset Browser on the right, all assets are marked by the DLC / mod icon. Use the Filter by mods option and select Arma 3 Art of War. What assets are available?
  3. 02-12-2021 EXE rev. 148579 (game) EXE rev. 148580 (Launcher) Size: ~112 MB DATA Added: SQFC Bytecode files for Functions_F and UI_F Fixed: The symbols for fixed / rotary wing aircraft were swapped in a High Command Field Manual record Fixed: Camera transitions (and progress) would break when using the Vehicles Only third-person perspective difficulty option in "Old Man" and "Remnants of War" Fixed: The info signs for the van variants were swapped in Showcase IDAP Tweaked: Added triggerInterval to BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF Fixed: Sirens did not stop when a vehicle is destroyed - FT-T159347 Tweaked: Added an optional parameter to BIS_fnc_deleteTask to also remove the deleted task from the JIP queue Tweaked: Added an optional parameter local to BIS_fnc_createSimpleObject Fixed: CoF: Blue 2 steel plates on a wood stand getting hit would sometimes cause the stand itself to fall down Fixed: Missing distant sounds for some of the mines - FT-T161858 Tweaked: Zafir optics mounting point position - FT-T161680 ENGINE Fixed: A tooltip did not show for a custom listbox created over the inventory display - FT-T162052 Fixed: Modded keybinding category sorting issue if a mod is loaded before the vanilla game - FT-T161263 Tweaked: Added muzzle and firemode optional parameters to the weaponState script command Fixed: Titan would get stuck in top-down mode on the Kamysh Tweaked: Added muzzle and firemode optional parameters to selectWeaponTurret Added: New script command pose Fixed: Character orientation on tilted ladders should be improved - FT-T83397 Fixed: AI hands were shaking in fear after a recent car turn wheel improvement Fixed: Unloading of a specific cargo with setVehicleCargo was not working - FT-T162101 Added: disableBrakes and brakesDisabled script commands - FT-T79066, FT-T161721
  4. 25-11-2021 EXE rev. 148538 (game) EXE rev. 148538 (Launcher) Size: ~70 MB ENGINE Fixed: Config entity Event Handlers were ignoring their return value Fixed: Music Event Handlers were not saved in savegames Added: Error messages when trying to add / remove a Music Event Handler and providing an invalid event name Added: Scripting command inputMouse - FT-T83382 Tweaked: Improved Vehicle-in-Vehicle loading / unloading performance Fixed: allowedHTMLLoadURIs was not working if the provided URI was not lowercased - FT-T161958 Added: inputController script command Tweaked: Added alternative syntax to actionKeys that returns an array of strings - FT-T79203 Tweaked: Added alternative syntax for keyName and keyImage commands which accepts a string Tweaked: It is no longer possible to load mines into Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo in Eden Editor Tweaked: Potential performance optimization when attaching static objects Fixed: Sound simulation did not stop when entity simulation was disabled - FT-T161266 Fixed: forceWeaponFire was not firing the smoke launcher on Marid - FT-T80829 LAUNCHER Fixed: Potential crash related to mod thumbnails - FT-T161495
  5. 17-11-2021 EXE rev. 148493 (game) EXE rev. 148493 (Launcher) Size: ~96 MB ENGINE Added: Missing getter for allowCrewInImmobile - isAllowedCrewInImmobile - FT-T161783 Fixed: Mission / 3DEN / Music / UserAction Event Handlers possibly skipping some handlers when handlers are deleted while executing - FT-T161871 Added: _thisEventHandler and _thisEvent variables to Display / Control / Music / 3DEN Event Handlers Added: Missing getter for disableCollisionWith - collisionDisabledWith - FT-T161479 Fixed: Mission Event Handler arguments were not stored in saves Fixed: Control / Display Event Handlers possibly executing their handler code twice when handlers are deleted while executing - FT-T161871 Tweaked: objectParent now returns the unit or WeaponHolder when checking uniform / vest / backpack containers LAUNCHER Fixed: Launcher now does not try to open and crash when running inside Proton
  6. DnA


    Full changelog and SPOTREP
  7. 28-10-2021 EXE rev. 148387 (game) EXE rev. 148387 (Launcher) Size: ~304.2MB DATA Fixed: Typo in the black variant of the MX rifle with pre-attached accessories - FT-T156832 Fixed: Incorrect tooltip for AKM 75 round drum magazine Fixed: Contact's blank rounds were producing fly by sounds Fixed: One of the doors in Land_Cargo_Tower_V3_F not working - FT-T127458 Fixed: postInit on vehicles with randomization overwriting setObjectTexture in an editor object's init Fixed: Clan selection was mirrored on the right side of the T-140 Angara Fixed: Small visual glitch on the Nyx Recon & Autocannon variants when the SLAT cage was visible Fixed: Bullets not all hiding on static M2 HMG - FT-T161143 ENGINE Fixed: Mines being instantly armed if the closest vehicle to it is another mine Fixed: Editor init script boxes not always displaying errors correctly Tweaked: Do not render the volumetric flashlight cone in first-person Added: "yearTime", "ambientTemp", "snow" Environment Sound Controllers Added: "snow" parameter to RainParticles config (default false - this is for mods; there will not be snow implemented for vanilla) Tweaked: getAllEnvSoundControlers and getEnvSoundController are now supporting the new sound controllers LAUNCHER Fixed: Potential crash at startup when subscribed to many mods Added: Western Sahara CDLC support
  8. Hi fellow scripters, Initially we had hoped to release the major upgrade to our scripting technology with Patch 1.03, but we were not able to get it fully implemented in time. Therefore we're pushing the ability to use Java to the next patch Java is available since beta patch rev. 89707 (documentation) Why is this awesomeâ„¢? Using a widespread, proven and robust language with loads of documentation and tutorials. Using IDEs such as NetBeans and Eclipse for development and debugging. Using Object-Oriented programming architecture and design. Using generally much higher performance script execution. Using many standard Java libraries instead of reinventing the wheel. Note: this will not replace SQF scripting, so the transition should be smooth.
  9. 20-10-2021 EXE rev. 148374 (game) EXE rev. 148374 (Launcher) Size: ~68 MB ENGINE Fixed: Weapons of the same kind but with a different ammo count would get counted as the same weapon within a container (using getUnitLoadout) - FT-T127850 Fixed: Crash when creating rope between a vehicle and itself - FT-T161256 Tweaked: Removed getVariable null debug logging if a default value was provided or if unscheduled Tweaked: Potential performance Improvement (non-local AI targeting) Fixed: Weapon firing mode reset on weapon change - FT-T160471
  10. 14-10-2021 EXE rev. 148350 (game) EXE rev. 148350 (Launcher) Size: ~68 MB DATA Fixed: The edit vehicle appearance function in Eden Editor was not always working as expected Fixed: The disableRandomization scenario parameter was not stopping randomization of vehicle animations ENGINE Fixed: AI could see units emitting IR flashlights even without nightvision (thanks Steve) Fixed: The irLight property was not working in CfgLights (thanks Steve) Fixed: The 2D map outside color was dark blue on terrains that have outside terrain synthesis disabled Fixed: Picture-in-Picture textures not always properly updating their resolution when PiP quality is changed (thanks Rosd6) Fixed: Scripted Laser impact dots sometimes flickering white Added: ctrlMapPosition command to complement existing ctrlMapSetPosition - FT-T161243 Fixed: turretOwner command did not support a [-1] driver turret - FT-T160825 Fixed: Crash when getSensorTargets is performed on an empty vehicle - FT-T161282 Fixed: magazinesAllTurrets returning a person's magazines when turned out, resolved via alternative syntax to preserve backward compatibility - FT-T160485 Fixed: Potentially wrong return type of the airportSide command - FT-T161288 Fixed: TrackIR head movement Tweaked: The game will now not generate freeze dumps when a debugger is attached Tweaked: Enabled debug log context for when the group limit is reached - FT-T153041 Added: Debug log with context if getVariable is called on a null object or group - FT-T153041 Tweaked: Potential performance improvement (sound positions) Tweaked: Potential performance improvement (clutter flattening) Tweaked: Potential performance improvement (AI flashlight checking) Tweaked: Potential performance improvement (AI sensor updating) Fixed Steam Rich Presence disable flag did not work in mod configs
  11. 06-10-2021 EXE rev. 148232 (game) EXE rev. 148232 (Launcher) Size: ~93.4 MB ENGINE Fixed: Game freeze caused by changing Picture-in-Picture settings in combination with using a IGUI drone feed - FT-T160949 Added: Log context for trigger scripts (a script error in a trigger will tell you which trigger it was) Tweaked: The selectWeapon script command can now take weapon, muzzle and firemode as array argument Fixed: In some cases weapon selection was not working over network Fixed: The MDMP file was sometimes not written to disk when the game crashes LAUNCHER Fixed: Potential crash at startup when mod downloads are queued - FT-T160425
  12. DnA


    Full changelog and SPOTREP
  13. Do you know if this already exists as ticket on Feedback Tracker, or would you mind posting it also there?
  14. Hi, thanks for the feedback. These toggles should exist. By default they are Ctrl and Alt (not sure what action bindings those are).
  15. 30-09-2021 EXE rev. 148219 (game) EXE rev. 148219 (Launcher) Size: ~67.8 MB ENGINE Added: Server config option to dump logs when a player has an excessively large message queue size Fixed: Game not properly generating freeze reports on freezing Tweaked: Set more reasonable Steam Workshop download priorities to hopefully avoid some immediate download aborts (for Compositions f.e.) Added: Separate dotColor and maxBeamLength parameters to scripted lasers Tweaked: AI no longer check if units have their weapon flashlights enabled (for visibility checks) during bright daytime Fixed: Terrain SVG export tree ellipses could have negative width/height
  16. 22-09-2021 EXE rev. 148209 (game) EXE rev. 148209 (Launcher) Size: ~68.3 MB DATA Fixed: Civilian Presence module script error on mod terrains (thanks Lelik) ENGINE Fixed: MFD on the Mora was showing vision mode incorrectly - FT-T127823 Fixed: Various audio-related game crashes and glitches Fixed: -debug start parameter was not setting its preprocessor macro Tweaked: Mission / Object Event Handlers are no longer recompiled when added
  17. 15-09-2021 EXE rev. 148196 (game) EXE rev. 148196 (Launcher) Size: ~67.8 MB ENGINE Fixed: "Apex Protocol" lobby was not loading properly Tweaked: currentVisionMode script command was extended to include TI index Fixed: Vision modes were not returned correctly for a unit controlling a UAV - FT-T127335 Fixed: VisionModeChanged Event Handler was not triggered for a unit controlling a UAV - FT-T127335 Added: getConnectedUAVUnit scripting command Fixed: All magazinesDetailXYZ commands returned the same result - FT-T151895 Tweaked: Added an optional parameter to magazinesDetailXYZ commands to include loaded magazines Tweaked: magazinesAmmoFull command has been extended with magazine ID and creator information
  18. Weapon flashlights now have a volumetric light cone, in addition to just the flare and light source. It's what already was seen on vehicle headlights.
  19. 08-09-2021 EXE rev. 148176 (game) EXE rev. 148176 (Launcher) Size: ~83.7 MB DATA Added: Translations of new (mostly UI) texts ENGINE Added: Steam Rich Presence (shows Steam Friends what you're doing in the game / can be disabled via the existing Stream Friendly UI toggle) Tweaked: regexFind now does not print an error when startOffset is bigger than string length; it will now fail silently Fixed: When a UAV was disassembled with its rotors spinning, the engine sound would remain FT-T79617, FT-T80507 Fixed: Helicopter sounds could get stuck in some cases Added: Scripted Lasers via drawLaser Fixed: sliderSpeed script command did not return an optional step parameter value Fixed: Missing separator between the missing addons message and the missing addons list Added: "VisionModeChanged" entity Event Handler - FT-T160442 Added: maxLoad and setMaxLoad scripting commands Fixed: createDialog was not working on briefing screens - FT-T160422 Fixed: It was not possible to assemble static weapons
  20. 01-09-2021 EXE rev. 148140 (game) EXE rev. 148140 (Launcher) Size: ~67.9 MB ENGINE Fixed: Eden Editor Shift + Left Click would sometimes not rotate entities towards the mouse position - FT-T159275 Fixed: IDC syntax for lbText was not working properly - FT-T160396 Fixed: Potential crash on listbox drag-and-drop operations Tweaked: load and loadAbs script commands can now take uniform / vest / backpack containers, vehicles, ammo boxes and weapon holders in addition to units as an argument - FT-T152952
  21. 18-08-2021 EXE rev. 148076 (game) EXE rev. 148073 (Launcher) Size: ~67.9 MB DATA Fixed: The color of the selected Kart in Virtual Garage was inconsistent ENGINE Added: CargoLoaded / CargoUnloaded object Event Handlers for Vehicle-in-Vehicle - FT-T155799 Fixed: Number plate font was set incorrectly - FT-T159583 Tweaked: Number plate format handling is improved - FT-T159583 Fixed: Crash when moving Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo back into a vehicle and when its position is not available anymore Fixed: Corrected return types of some of the script commands in the in-game help Fixed: Color returned by scripting commands on error or null Control was inconsistent Added: Alternative syntax for lockCameraTo that works for non-directionally-stabilized turrets Added: lockedCameraTo script command Fixed: Corrupt Config entry was causing a crash - FT-T160224 Added: Instigator parameter to setHit / setHitIndex script commands Added: Instigator parameter to setHitPointDamage script command Fixed: Debriefing stats not rendering if they are on the first visible debriefing page
  22. RC testing of update 2.06 has commenced ended - thank you! Steam branch access code: Arma3Update206RC Arma 3: ~1 GB / Arma 3 Server: ~212.9 MB Areas of focus (pseudo-changelog) Added: Modded keybinding Added: Eden Editor compositions (local and Steam Workshop) can now be used in Zeus Added: Loading more object types in Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo in Eden Editor Added: Weapon flashlight cones Added: Picture-in-Picture visibility range option Added: More options for IR light sources (for use by mods - not applied to vanilla assets) Added: Scripted support for vehicle speed limiters / cruise control / towing (for use by mods - not as vanilla game mechanics) Added: Many useful script commands and Event Handlers
  23. 12-08-2021 EXE rev. 148052 (game) EXE rev. 148022 (Launcher) Size: ~154.6 MB KNOWN ISSUES The game may crash when adding / removing objects from Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo in Eden Editor DATA Added: Missing Chinese font characters 0x5F7F, 0x2015, 0x8B14 and 0x52DB Added: New Picture-in-Picture visibility range slider to the video options UI ENGINE Fixed: It was possible to assemble static weapons inside a vehicle inventory - FT-T159943 Tweaked: Backpacks cannot be loaded into Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo inside Eden Editor anymore Tweaked: Weapon Holders (Equipment) cannot be loaded into Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo inside Eden Editor anymore Fixed: Eden Editor was randomly reordering vehicle crew and Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo on scenario load Tweaked: Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo now uses visual bounding boxes if its size is significantly bigger than the geometry bounding box Tweaked: setDebriefingText was extended with subtitle, picture and pictureBackground parameters - FT-T85682 Added: getDebriefingText script command - FT-T85682 Added: missionEnd script command Added: hashValue script command Added: ambientTemperature script command Fixed: Vehicle-in-Vehicle copy-paste re-spawning previously deleted vehicle crew Fixed: openMap forced flag was made to keep the map closed if false Fixed: Picture-in-Picture not properly re-enabling when enabling right after disabling Fixed: Eden Editor copy-paste issues with Vehicle-in-Vehicle vehicles into a separate layer Tweaked: Increased default network bandwidth settings Tweaked: JIP queue for setUnitLoadout has been optimized - FT-T160059 Tweaked: Map marker text length is now limited to 384 characters Fixed: Extreme memory usage and out-of-memory crashing if clouds are enabled and the camera is too far out of terrain bounds - FT-T160120 Tweaked: setVelocity* script commands are now limited to 5 km/s Fixed: Invalid Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo order when in Eden Editor when removing an object from the middle of multiple cargo objects Fixed: Preprocessor error when using #if after a #else, #endif - FT-T160173
  24. 04-08-2021 EXE rev. 147985 (game) EXE rev. 147985 (Launcher) Size: ~137.5 MB KNOWN ISSUES Respawning in multiplayer is not working correctly DATA Added: Ability to manually select unit types in the Civilian Presence module. The module can now also be expanded with modded units, see the documentation. Tweaked: Disabled minefield marker drawing when placing mines in Zeus (can be manually enabled if desired) - FT-T76466 ENGINE Added: GestureChanged, GestureDone Event Handlers - FT-T151695, FT-T152786 Added: gestureState script command - FT-T152790 Tweaked: Removed ability to place Simple Objects via Zeus compositions Added: Modifier keys to place Zeus compositions following terrain (Ctrl) and at their original position (Alt) Fixed: Zeus could not delete / move backpacks spawned via compositions Added: uniqueUnitItems script command Tweaked: Improved selectBestPlaces command performance Added: enableDirectionStabilization and directionStabilizationEnabled script commands Tweaked: Improved performance of the allMissionObjects script command Tweaked: Disabled object attribute pop-ups when placing Zeus compositions Fixed: Zeus compositions not updating the AI pathfinding grid Tweaked: It is now possible in Eden Editor to load ammo boxes and other generic objects into Vehicle-in-Vehicle cargo Fixed: Zeus side symbols disappearing if search yields no results and when switching placement types Fixed: XListBox Prev / Next buttons staying disabled Fixed: User action Event Handlers not properly serializing in saves Fixed: Detecting joystick disconnects while the game is running and excluding disconnected joysticks from averaging - FT-T119742 Fixed: Weapon flashlights still rendering when a unit is hidden via hideObject - FT-T159924 Fixed: Inability to use local variables in Eden Editor script textboxes Added: allUsers server-side script command Added: getUserInfo server-side script command Added: OnUserConnected server-side mission Event Handler Added: OnUserDisconnected server-side mission Event Handler Added: OnUserClientStateChanged server-side mission Event Handler Added: OnUserAdminStateChanged server-side mission Event Handler Added: OnUserKicked server-side mission Event Handler Added: OnUserPlayerSelected server-side mission Event Handler Tweaked: Removed setServerEventHandler / getServerEventHandler script commands Fixed: UserAction 'shortcut' not working with modded keybinds Tweaked: openMap forced flag was tweaked to keep the map closed if false Added: canDeployWeapon script command - FT-T154254 Tweaked: Added alternative syntax for isWeaponDeployed, allowing optional surface selection
  25. 14-07-2021 EXE rev. 147890 (game) EXE rev. 147890 (Launcher) Size: ~69.3 MB ENGINE Added: Ability to place Eden Editor Compositions in Zeus Added: zeusCompositionScriptLevel server.cfg / description.ext option Added: Alternative syntax to collect3DENHistory to customize the history entry - FT-T159607