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Azza FHI

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Everything posted by Azza FHI

  1. hmm, well thats not good. used that script in a coop tonight and the frequencies were not set the same each side like they used to be. The frequencies were set the same for each individual group, but they were random freqs. Seems all the settings worked correctly, but setting the freqs to 311, 312 etc did not work...
  2. how would i go about setting the lower half of the following code using the cba system? ["tf_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier", true, true] call CBA_settings_fnc_set; ["tf_no_auto_long_range_radio", true, true] call CBA_settings_fnc_set; ["tf_give_microdagr_to_soldier", false, true] call CBA_settings_fnc_set; ["tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side", true, true] call CBA_settings_fnc_set; ["tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side", true, true] call CBA_settings_fnc_set; private _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings; _settingsSwWest set [2, ["311", "312", "313", "314", "315", "316", "317", "318"]]; tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest; private _settingsLrWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLRSettings; _settingsLrWest set [2, ["50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58"]]; tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLrWest;
  3. its an installer file. Run it, set the path if needed and then it will install the plugins
  4. In that case ill update my squad with the latest version and let you know if everything is normal Will report back after game night (3 days from now)
  5. 2 updates ago this feature was removed (it didnt give SLs an LR by default anymore) maybe its done a backflip in the latest version? We havent bothered updating yet coz of the reports of the frequencies not being synced.
  6. Sorry for being vague, but it was during the version that did not change for about a year, which raises the point that i dont think it was a version change that instigated the problem. I remember being forced to set the SW additional channel because of a specific mission setup, and it probably sounds wierd but after i did that i started noticing some strange behaviour like what i posted before. I got rid of the additional channel key but the problem persisted. Maybe it was an arma patch that changed things? BTW while youre taking requests, the only thing ACRE does better than TFR is let you hear players talking in the 3d space when you are spectating them. any plans for that?
  7. effn stoke that this mod is gettin some development love again. we have got a minor issue, hoping it can be resolved. A few versions back we would be able to talk on LR, stop talking and then immediately switch to SW and talk. Now we must wait 3 seconds to switch between radios otherwise the TFR dialog in bottom right sais we are transmitting on SW but the voice is acutaly transmitting on LR still. Very frustrating, any ideas?
  8. Im pretty sure the feature is more the fact that u can talk on the same frequency at the same time, because this was not possible in earlier versions of the mod.
  9. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    We use this in initserver.sqf (ASR is only run on server). Mainly because we are unable to use the CBA menu system for some reason asr_ai3_main_setskills = true; asr_ai3_main_seekcover = true; asr_ai3_main_usebuildings = 0.9; asr_ai3_main_getinweapons = 0.5; asr_ai3_main_rearm = 0; asr_ai3_main_rearm_mags = 0; asr_ai3_main_rearm_fak = 0; asr_ai3_main_radiorange = 800; asr_ai3_main_rrdelaymin = 5; asr_ai3_main_rrdelayplus = 10; asr_ai3_main_packNVG = true; asr_ai3_main_joinlast = 0; asr_ai3_main_removegimps = 300; asr_ai3_main_pgaistamina = false; asr_ai3_main_onteamswitchleader = false; asr_ai3_main_loudrange = 0; asr_ai3_main_debug = false;
  10. Azza FHI

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sorry if this has been posted already. Im assuming the RHS team is aware of the bug with the UAZs and other vehicles that rely on similar scripts. Not sure if its due to the latest arma patch or not, but there is a game breaking bug with a script that is spawned whenever the UAZ changes gears. We monitored how many scripts were running after approx 10 minutes and it was about 6000 lol. At that point it started interfering with general functionality of the game. Thought i would check here before opening a ticket.
  11. Cheers man! I learnt heaps when editing your original mod and thanks again for bein cool with this remake. Ive become snowed under with work so i probs wont be able to expand on it any further. If you want the mod files let me know...
  12. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    Cheers Robalo! Hey one question - Our group cant use the in game options on the server. ive put it down to a mod conflict somewhere. Its all good but i was just wondering if everything would work properly if I put the following in asr_ai3_settings_ss.sqf Or will these setting load too early and be overwritten by defaults? Also can you confirm that 0 will disable those features, or will the AI freak out because they think it means 0 meters? asr_ai3_main_setskills = true; asr_ai3_main_seekcover = true; asr_ai3_main_usebuildings = 0.9; asr_ai3_main_getinweapons = 0.5; asr_ai3_main_rearm = 0; asr_ai3_main_rearm_mags = 0; asr_ai3_main_rearm_fak = 0; asr_ai3_main_radiorange = 800; asr_ai3_main_rrdelaymin = 5; asr_ai3_main_rrdelayplus = 10; asr_ai3_main_packNVG = true; asr_ai3_main_joinlast = 0; asr_ai3_main_removegimps = 300; asr_ai3_main_pgaistamina = false; asr_ai3_main_onteamswitchleader = false; asr_ai3_main_loudrange = 0; asr_ai3_main_debug = false;
  13. Friday the 16th of September we are participating in a 100+ player join op with multiple Australian clans. We are also still running missions 2 nights a week which are always custom made and never recycled. If you are interested in joining then head over to our recruitment page as per the original post.
  14. Looking for something more? You dont have to be an Arma veteran or milsim enthusiast to enjoy Arma 3... Website: www.foxhound.international Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo4SxE-taj06l1a3vquZnbA Teamspeak: ts.foxhound.international About Foxhound Based in Australia, we are a tactical coop squad for Arma 3. Our mission styles vary from special forces to under-equipped militia, and also TVT events. Game nights are Sunday and Thursday kicking off at 2000hrs AEST. Casual Environment, Serious Gameplay Foxhound is a squad that focuses on top quality missions that are played in a serious manner. We dont have ranks or attendance rules, so the environment is pretty relaxed. We do have a few golden rules though, two of which are: 1) Games faces on at briefing screen 2) Players must be mature in game, regardless of age Custom Mod Sync/Game Launcher Never have mod troubles again! Introducing our custom built mod sync/ game launcher. At the click of a button you will sync up with our server's mods and be ready to play. You can connect straight into our server via Fulminate. Fulminate also signs all our mods with custom .bikeys. This way players cannot run any mods on the server that are not signed, which results in minimal bugs and higher fps in game. We Know Our Stuff Not much else says 'we know what we are doing' than being mentioned in the Arma 3 official SITREPS on multiple occasions. Cheers BIS! Keen? Head over to our recruiting page.
  15. There are 2 files in the mod. Bloodsplatter.pbo is the original and to activate it you must place down a module in the mission. There is now a second pbo called bloodlustLITE_auto.pbo. If you put this file in the same addons folder as the first file, the mod will be activated as soon as the game starts (no need to place module) In the steam workshop, there are limitation when uploading files, so in that version i could not put it in the optional folder so it is in the main folder by default, meaning the mod is active as soon as you download it from workshop. This might not be what some ppl want so they need to remove the optional file...
  16. Updated first post. Unfortunately still no luck on the gloves
  17. the new optional pbo replaced any need for mission side init code
  18. The mod needs to be installed on client and server. Updated first post with new version
  19. Azza FHI

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hey just wondering if anyone else is getting artifacts when operating the m240 from the commander seat of the coyote? when you get down to the last couple of rounds it starts producing artifacts and is at its worst when the gun is empty...
  20. Workshop link is http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753617266 Ill also look at doing an optional pbo so that it is automatically activated, then it can be used in any scenario
  21. This will work in mission init.sqf Activate the mod: BloodLust_InitUnit = { _unit = _this select 0; [_unit] call BloodLust_AddUnitEventHandlers; }; BloodLust_OnUnitRespawn = { _unit = _this select 0; _corpse = _this select 1; [_unit] remoteExec ["BloodLust_AddUnitEventHandlers"]; }; BloodLust_AddUnitEventHandlers = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit addEventHandler ["Fired", { _this call BloodLust_OnUnitFired; }]; _unit addEventHandler ["HitPart", { _this remoteExec ["BloodLust_OnUnitHitPart"]; }]; _unit addEventHandler ["Explosion", { _this remoteExec ["BloodLust_OnUnitExplosion"]; }]; }; The module has level of gore. you can change the multiplier without the module by change this variable. default is 1 bloodlustLITE_bloodmultiplier = 4; to enable cleanup execVM "BloodSplatter\Scripts\Cleanup.sqf";
  22. nah it should be fine, there wont be much blood effects from each unit as i fixed the issue above. but if you do it to 100 AI in one spot, the effects will compound and you will probably see and FPS drop. just trial and error it to find the balance.
  23. Explosions are handled differently, its based off the amount of damage taken from an explosion. This is what used to happen if a unit was killed by a demo charge or bigger, which had massive fps loss when looking straight at the crime seen. Now there is a maximum value so this should not happen.
  24. Azza FHI

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I have a light version of this mod which is suited to a dedicated MP environment. Zooloo gave me permission to upload but it needs a few tweaks. Stay tuned!