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Status Updates posted by topas

  1. I am sorry to say that I have no solution to that problem with infantry models... In fact, we have suffered the same for as long as I can remember. Those stretched necks and fingers occured at a reload of every weapon... The only solution was to scrap the models and make new from scratch; unfortunately the new ones are not ingame yet.........

  2. Some inspiration for you guys ;) A reenactment that took place here this month... Unfortunatelly I couldn't make it there....

  3. dzięki za wizytę i super wieści ;) każdy samolot z szachownicą mile widziany - nie ma teraz żadnego!

    Gdyby była potrzebna pomoc - feel free ;)

  4. topas

    Hey Mr. Long time no see :)

    Are you still in the island-making business?

  5. Rest In Peace...

  6. welcome back!

  7. Hey hetsar, got my little delivery?

  8. Hi, hope this finds you well. If you have the opportunity, please check your Skype and make some room in your PM inbox ;) Nothing important, just wanted to ask about the bus and the train (especially now, that there's a working train script released) ;)

    Take care

  9. topas

    Damn, I am SO sorry... man, I come back to your PM tommorow, ok? again, really sorry

  10. Wielkie dzięki! Z takim wyborem będzie teraz jeszcze trudniej się zdecydować na jakiś konkretny rejon...

  11. welcome back again :D

  12. Hey NZX,

    I just found these by accident, some ripped content used for a BF mod.

    Labeled as originated from A2OA but the M-ATV is yours right?


  13. Hi, I learned texturing mainly by myself, just by looking at reference materials, trying to mimic the appearance by experimenting with different methods so I don't have any tutorials... but maybe you should check out what Sebastian Mueller published long time ago for OFP? The basic rules are still the same


    Hope this helps

  14. topas

    For sevaral various reasons the AVP's status is kinda 'on hold' - but your reference shall come in handy when I pick it up again!

    Thank you very much

    [i shall mention you in a readme once its out] :D

  15. Dziękuję!

    Również za dobre słowa pod adresem W39. Próbujemy dawać z siebie tyle, na ile nas w danym momencie stać, ale jak wiadomo ze zobowiązaniami w pracy, domu i życiu osobistym bywa różnie... Nie mniej na pewno się nie poddajemy. Dziękujemy za motywujące wsparcie. Pozdrawiam
