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Everything posted by snoops_213

  1. snoops_213

    Stationary weapon

    Lol my bad was a bit drunk and sleep deprived when i read this lol. But question is why? They are fucking heavy and why they have a base to mount the weapon on in the first place.
  2. snoops_213

    Stationary weapon

    They are already portable. Stand near one and bring up the actions menu. You should see get in and disassemble. They will auto split into 2 bags that you and a team mate can move. To reassemble have the person(ai) with the base drop their bag and then the person(ai) with the the gun/launcher stands near the bag. Then bring up action menu again and you should see assemble gun/launcher. With scripting this can be automated for the ai to use as well, check out vcom ai, this does this for statics as well as uavs plus a shit load of other things.
  3. Well after some playing around with different sensors here are some things that I have come up with. As someone said a couple of pages back there seems to be a locking range limit around 15+km no matter what the lock range is set to, can we get a fix for this or is this an engine limitation? Data linked weapons need the launcher vehicle to have send datalink active for the missiles to work(duh). Adding the Man sensor component to the blackfish is fucking awesome! I did it and made the sensor tied to one of the gun turrets, so it can't see infront of itself and make the pilot want to strafe instead, and now it's the deadly battle wagon it's supposed to be(and made the 105 round be used by AI against infantry) . AI attack profile is still screwed under certain conditions but at loiter 500m height and 800m radius its (usually if AI plays nice) deadly to all it comes across lol. I still believe that ground vehicles with the report postion datalink enabled should be shown on the map/gps like it is with extended markers on and not on the sensor display especially for ground vehicles such aa units. The problem is rwr and radar and data link info are all sharing the 1 display. RWR/EW should be a seperate screen from the radar screen. And show only radar emitters. And the way air/ground radar works in game shown in one screen i believe should be changed. Contacts shown should be based on either selected weapon ie macer/bombs rockets select ground radar and amraam 9x show a2a radar or have a keybind to select different radar modes manually. Second way would let the gun be used in either role easier too.
  4. After trying out todays update, all i can say is what an awesome step in the right direction with the data link. Is there any chance of making the mk-49s missiles data linked like chortles had done with his test config? The titians dont need this since they are ir missiles, but a version with radar/data link/longer range missiles would also be a welcome thing. Then all we need is a radar and some anit radiation missiles. One thing i have noticed is when im in the mk49, radar contacts(and data link i think need to double check) are shown in the hud with white boxes, but the cheetah/tigris do not, any chance of getting that into their huds? And with all this great new tech planes are really starting to struggle especially with the static/stationary vehicle not being targetable by longer range missiles, i think now would be a great time to introduce an anti radiation missile into the game. As i have previously said it should be able to take out the radar but not kill the vehicle( maybe the static ones but not armored ones). And an ECM. Ecm should "create" lots of targets that need to be identified first(maybe lock it up for a few seconds then the fake gets discarded) and the amount of targets should diminish as the jammer gets closer to the radar to simulate radar burn through. This could also create another class of sensor, homing on jam, that could be added to the ARH missiles( air to air ones, not sams). Then the problem arises on game play/balance vs reality. On this front the ECM should be in a pod form that takes up pylon space. And the number of pods caried should also determine the effectiveness of said ecm. 1 pod puts out say 5-10 fake target at max range and very quickly reduces that number the closer it gets to the radar where 4 will do say 20-25 but reduces slower the closer it gets to simulate the strenght of dedicated wild weasel platform. Man you guys really did open a can of worms with the sensor overhaul and adding jets to the game huh? Now i know that this is a shit ton more work for you and with so many dlc still to come i doubt this wil happen anytime soon, but at the very least an ARM and/or a EO version of the macer would be helpful for aircraft in the short term.
  5. So the weapon its self needs the data link sensor. Can i grab a copy of the configs you used please?
  6. @chortles is that custom missiles? Cant quite read what the missile name is on my phone. But that does look promising. Hopefully they release radar asset(s) for us in the near future.
  7. Added: Template for Data Link targeting system (sensor) Anything setup for this yet? Any plans for a radar vehicle with a long range radar for us to play with? Even if its just a static object for us to test out? The way this is panning out the need for at least a basic ECM and anti radiation missiles is starting to become stronger. Coupled with some more reloads for the current AA vehicles (theres enough room in the back for at least 1 maybe 2 reloads for the missiles plus 5-6 reloads for the cannons) and a version with radar guided missiles with 6-8km range to take advantage for the new Data Link feature.
  8. This is good news. Does any sensor info that is data linked become targetable or is limited to radar only? Are both ground and air targets targetable?
  9. You fucking beauty! How deep is this? Will this let us data link to arty units from say a scout vehicle? Will you look at setting data link to radios for vehicles/infantry? This could add an few extra game play elements to the game. And is there a way to set a physical presence for the data link hq, so if it was destroyed data linking would go offline or at least seriously limited to say line of sight to friendlies.
  10. Kind of. It will shown known targets if the right data links are applied. It wont show them if you dont have a radar/rwr screen to see them on, and AI have no knowledge of targets that are shown so its really for players at the moment. It does work with vehicles aswell but without radar screen, as i said before, you wont see anything being reveal, try making the tank an AA vehicle instead and you will see it show up on the radar screen. Hopefully they make ground vehicles show on the map/gps, at least by the time Tanks DLC comes out, that would simulate the digital maps that are in use by armys around the world now.
  11. The tigris/cheetah should heat up just enough with active radars so that at least some of the agms work against them if they havent moved in a mission. As it is im finding CSAT planes (havent really tested nato but results should be similar considering the sensors in the weapons) will not engage with missiles but will use thier guns instead leading to failer. This is where an ARM of some sort would be handy. It should not be strong enough to destroy the vehicle but destroy the radar so it can only use optical sensors.
  12. snoops_213

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Yeah i've been messing with it since it first hit dev branch. I can say with 110% certainty that the AI don't react in any capacity to data linked targets. I would like to see how your testing it. I did another quick test last night, 3 Cheetahs along the coast, 1 active 2 not, and a centurion 5km away with it facing away and slightly behind cover so that it had no LOS to targets. Aircraft dispatched the active site, but couldn't find the other 2 sites and just loitered at 4000m until it ran out of fuel. They also didn't pick up the centurion radar that was active and pointing away from them either. At no point did the centurion even twitch let alone turn to track and engage the targets. Also tried it with the active radar vehicle set to captive so that it was always on and same result. The data link seems to be good for giving players a heads up warning but thats about all so far, The data link also works for all vehicles that i can see, but only those with a sensor screens ie radar/rwr, can see the data targets. I'd like to see ground vehicles have their positions reported on the map/gps and possibly even the enemy positions too, and the system tied to radios for infantry use, if they can get the AI to use this info in any way. The data link has a lot of potential for not only air operations but ground ones to. Hopefully at some point the data link will get some upgrades to the system to allow target sharing/hand off.
  13. snoops_213

    AA/AT Titans, what are they now?

    it will act the same way as it did before the sensors update, it will get told about its target(s) from its group leader and will visually track and engage its target(s) unless it goes into combat mode then it will use its radar.
  14. Don't ever recall lasers working like that in any of the arma series, in fact i remember the laser spots would stop the AI vehicles from moving if you pointed it at them and they would try to go around it. Im not sure if it is possible but it should be that the laser sensors on the bomb/missile should have an auto target ability that only requires the laser on and not locked, i figure if it can auto see the laser on our sensor screen the tech must be there. And as for the situation where there might be multiple lasers well, maybe they could assign each designator a number (1-x) thats determined by the order of which its placed in the editor (and the ability to set it in the properties) and have an action menu (or a small gui) so we can select what laser number the bomb is to "look" for onced released.
  15. snoops_213

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    I've been trying this since you first mentioned this and i've not had the same results. Nothing else responded in the same way you described either. The data link won't let anything target or even be aware of the shared target(s) that i can see. If the Centurions somehow do though this could be great news for the development of the data link tech.
  16. snoops_213

    AA/AT Titans, what are they now?

    After much testing this is sadly not the case, the AI is not aware at all about data linked targets. Im not sure what his controls were but after many hours of testing the data link its only good for humans and even then in a limited capacity. I would love to see the data link expanded in this respect as the potential for this is not just with radar/awacs/sam but possibly even Forward observers with AI Artillery. For the Tanks DLC data link attached to radios/electronics for vehicle info sharing onto a gps/moving map, maybe realtime enemy/friendly updates, but if radio/electrics hit, no more realtime updates.
  17. snoops_213

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Well at least it was another version of the titan :) It is very possible and other things like shrapnel warheads but it would be very taxing in mp with lots of them going off, not so much arms, just try it will the mrls and fire off a whole heap and see what happens. The devs have said aswell they would like to add more variety of weapons so hopefully sometime after release we might see some new ones sneak in :) Back on topic should the neophron be able to carry so many skapels?
  18. With new sensors coming with the 1.70 update i think it should be, as the is a man sensor that has been added to quad rotor uavs that detect man class. And the devs have said weapons can use the new sensors as well.
  19. snoops_213

    Tigris / Cheetah

    Since these titans are vehicle mounted can you make them a "block 2" version with an extended range of 6km and a dual seeker radar/ir?
  20. snoops_213

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Is its radar on? Either a wp set to combat or in the attributes go to the encom panel and set radar active. if that doesnt work its bugged out, but its working my end i've been using them all afternoon without problems
  21. snoops_213

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    UCAV with ai can take off with its wings folded. Any chance of the ai learning to drop its wings after a few seconds of taxiing?
  22. This sensor info should be displayed in the uav control panel, and then the info should also put onto the operators map/gps unit to be shared with its squad. Otherwise if you display it like vehicles do you could exploit it to much, so forcing the player(s) to only see this info in realtime via the control panel would be better in my opinion. I kind of agree but you can't kill what you cant see. And in warfare nothing is fair. Maybe a solution would be make the titan aa on vehicles dual seeker with radar and ir guidance
  23. snoops_213

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    This has been acknowledged by the devs and they have said they would like to add different versions of missiles with different sensors, which is great news if/when they do! As for ARMs i really hope they add them and ECMs at some point.
  24. This has been acknowledged by the devs, but they dont have any plans as yet to implement one. But I and many many others do agree with you on this and hopefully at some point we do get one, as you said even if its a basic alt + heading hold.
  25. snoops_213

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Would it be possible to project glide slope onto the hmds for landings? Being 2035 and landing a multimillion dollar plane and trained pilot are a huge factor in all aerial operations, this type of technology would feasibly be in operation by then especially so on carriers.