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About LittleAndy

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  1. LittleAndy

    static animation of corpses

    if im not too late, look in the animation viewer in eden. example: Acts_StaticDeath_01 Acts_StaticDeath_02 Acts_StaticDeath_03... etc
  2. not on my PC at the moment (and I'm a noob at SQF) so I can't give any advanced examples but maybe I can help a bit. my code might not be the best but yeah if you want to teleport the player 5-10 metres behind it (warning: if the vehicle isn't on relatively flat ground, it may teleport them in the air) if you want to teleport the player inside of the vehicle (warning: will not teleport them if the vehicle is full) // to teleport 5-10m behind the vehicle // ! warning ! may teleport the player in the air if the vehicle is not on relatively flat ground player setPosWorld (teleportVariableName modelToWorld [0,5,0]); // to teleport inside of the vehicle // ! warning ! may not teleport the player if the vehicle is full player moveInAny (teleportVariableName); ^ they are the parameters of addAction. they're basically the settings for the command "addAction". have a look at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction for more documentation
  3. i am a noob at sqf so please take what i say with a pinch of salt <<< (also just realised that Harzach has a much more clearer and shorter explanation for some stuff that I say here) originally when you put it into init.sqf, the remoteExec is executing it for the SERVER and ALL CLIENTS (all players) ON MISSION START & everytime a player joins, that's probably why it appears twice, and there'd be a lot more actions if you weren't testing solo on the dedicated server (if the below is in initServer.sqf where it is initially executed once on server) the second parameter determines what machines/computers/ it is executed on. (0 = all clients + server; in other words, every player including the server) the third parameter (boolean true/false) determines whether the addaction is given to JIP players (people who hotjoin / join after mission start). true = people who hotjoin after mission start will have the action (as it is executed on their computer upon joining) false = people who hotjoin after mission start will not have the action initServer.sqf should work on dedicated for what Harzach said, so I'm not really sure what the problem is tbh make sure the object that the action is attached to isnt too large because of the distance conditions you can always try something with bis_fnc_holdactionremove (i think that's the name anyways) but i can't check the wiki right now. dont know if it's actually necessary
  4. LittleAndy

    Campaign persistance

    as for "If a member of the squad / a character is dead he won't show to the next mission" this'll probably require you to script your own stuff heh
  5. LittleAndy

    Campaign persistance

    https://github.com/gruppe-adler/grad-persistence there are a few other mods/scripts that allow for persistence, just needs a bit of research and fiddling to get working. e.g. PERSIST (by Rimmy) or whatever it was called.
  6. LittleAndy

    Add shake effects to custom camera

    bumping, i've always been curious in my cutscene scripts how to implement camshake since it seems to never work. only on the player's camera, not the custom camera created. didn't really bother to research much but hopefully someone finds a solution
  7. LittleAndy

    1st time scripting (need help)

    for the scroll wheel menu you could use an addAction https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction but im a noob at scripting myself lol i know for ACE cargo, they sort of use attachTo to put the crate / box underground as some sort of fake inventory
  8. LittleAndy

    Zeus-triggerable triggers?

    personally i'd use CLV Trigger Debugger, I've rarely ever used this tool though https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2585755302 you can also maybe use addaction scripts on your zeus character to execute more scripts, or trigger radio alpha/bravo in the trigger (use til (the downside to addactions is that if you die, you'll probably lose all ur actions, and trigger radio alpha/bravo/etc in the trigger is accessible by all players in the server)
  9. hehe might come as a good last resort whenever I run out of quick improvised mission ideas
  10. LittleAndy

    Dynamic Vehicle Camshake

    hi, just wondering, is this clientside? or do the server and client both require the mod to be loaded?