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About Melody_Mike

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  1. Melody_Mike

    JSRS Soundmod - A new version?

    Hello sir, Great to read you're also still playing this hilarious boytoy trainset as well! First of all: I like your chaotic triggerhappy playstyle. Looks surprisingly realistic. Seeing as I my major exposure to firearms is via media, I don't feel comfortable commenting on the weapon sounds. It's great that I can easily distinguish individual BluFor vs OpFor weaponry, in a way that doesn't seem artificial/Hollywood, but I don't think that feature is necessarily new to your mod. Increased directionality of the audio is also nice. I have however witnessed various demolitions in my life, and am enjoying the variety in the explosion impact sounds. The truth of it is; you eventually filter out these noises after so many hours of play. So I greatly appreciate your continuous effort to surprise people in their audio feedback. As I understand, terrains also define the walking noises per surface, but I didn't notice you walking on many different ones. I am noticing you removed at least one loud "brush" noise from the default soundset. I get the impression not a lot of attention was given to human "pain" noises: good. Those drive me nuts and deserve as little attention as possible, immersion be damned. Also have a question: will you be splitting up this new version into several (configuration) mods as previously?
  2. Addition (feel free to delete this message): Stuartfield, Scotland. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3135855138
  3. Melody_Mike

    JBOY Boat Waypoints script

    See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDriveOnPath .
  4. I can't replicate your issue. So difficult for me to guess what caused it. I think you are probably correct, that at some point a mod was active, and changed the behavior of the Zeus skip time module. You can of course use the skipTime command as admin. It's pretty straightforward.
  5. Melody_Mike

    Assassin scipt

    Sir you are not explaining your problem, except by saying, "there is a problem". Please add comments to your script, explaining the function, what each variable is in the mission, and what you think is wrong with it. It's working from where (where do you run it? Server? Local? On all machines? Once? Repeating?)? Click on what? What exactly do you *want* the script to do, versus what it is doing now? You may get more answers if you submit a more exact question.
  6. Melody_Mike

    Removing smoke from campfire

    I do not use Eden Enhanced to make missions. But I know you can simply move the fire module to any location you like, including up and down. Either change to 'move' mode (press 2) when you've got the module selected, or just change the xyz position under the 'transformation' tab in the object's properties (double click). The link above certainly works, but involves some scripting knowledge.
  7. Melody_Mike


    Search box on the top right corner of this page. "Defuse bomb" Result: PS have used (and modified) this script myself for missions. Can guarantee it works.
  8. Melody_Mike

    Masking a teleport

    Firstly thanks for the reply. But I should have said this is a more a design question. Because I know how basic teleports are scripted. I just want to "hide" the transition in a more plausible way then people standing in front of a wall then having fade effects. My ladder for example used a trigger halfway the first ladder to place units on the second.
  9. There are a lot of teleportation scripts in the forums, the workshop compositions, and missions. Usually they involve an action added to the scroll menu of the player, triggered by distance or cursorObject, and a setPosATL. It's usually masked to the player with a fade out. Although the mission example cleverly copies animation of the door and your relative position, these details only convince in singleplayer. I'd like a method that doesn't involve the player stopping at a dead end, scrolling to an action, then instantly having their view switched to the destination. Preferably one that is somewhat multiplayer friendly. It doesn't have to be 100% convincing. Of course the way to do this is by making the player use their 'verbs': running/climbing/jumping, et cetera. I tried to create a ladder setup. See sketch (and try not to think of colonoscopy): The players climbed a ladder down a deep hole and when they got halfway, were teleported halfway to another ladder. But the code: player action ["ladderUp", ladder_1, 0, 1]; Will not execute when the player is already on a ladder. It will wait until the player gets off. The 2.18 devbranch has " actionNow ", but we'll have to wait to see if that works. Perhaps have a long tunnel with multiple ladders, where players must get off the first, and then the second ladder is a simple object with an addAction to the destination. I can already see this is not a very robust solution for more than 2 players: Also considered having players fall into a hole in the ground. But how to make them get back? I don't mind awkward. Just looking for something that involves the player doing something, other than a scroll action, that's slightly more convincing than a "clap and disappear" smash video cut. Any ideas?
  10. Since both Chenarus and Thirsk have been ported to Arma 3; do you think these missions are worth porting as well? Asking for a friend...
  11. Melody_Mike

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Will this mission include a billionaire manhunt?
  12. Melody_Mike

    "Dynamic" map display on TV

    On the phone right now, so will just copy and paste some links. Couldn't you adapt this UI to texture script for producing map images: https://github.com/expung3d/A3-LiveMaps https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3018683365 And then use some UI commands to zoom/color it as you see fit, as in this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2480263219 ?
  13. Thank you for the recommendation IceBreakr! Easy to see that the author gave a lot of attention to both the visual and gameplay elements. I didn't recognize the music, so it worked well for me. Fun to play as *anything* other than Blufor/PMC/"John Matrix" commandos for a change. Also nice that there's a fun little preview video based on a playthrough with effects. It all helps make this mission stand out. A fun hour with 3 friends that's tense but not frustrating.
  14. Melody_Mike

    Glowing particles?

    Hi @dupa1, welcome to the forums! So what was your result? Script, or screenshot-wise?
  15. Awkwardly responding to my own post here. If there are other users on Mac who want to unpack PBO files, you can wrap PBO Decryptor (by Amalfi) into a Mac OS executable through Wine. Works well enough for me. Would love to read more elegant alternatives.