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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    Problems I've Had Thus far in the XB1 Vigor Beta.

    Hi Locklear, Many thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated. I understand new players get a little frustrated at the issues that veteran players have become used to. That doesn't mean the issues should be any less important. I've commented in other threads that at some point in the development lifecycle we need a problem database with a ticketing system to provide traceability of bug fixing. I don't know when the development will reach that point, but it shouldn't be too far away. Seeing lots of new players taking up the challenge is great, but quite a few are taking the time to show their frustration. It's great that you took the time to respond. It would be good to hear more from the Devs. I know Bohemia has quite a few projects going on, but the player base for Vigor is growing and it probably needs a little more dedicated attention. Not a complaint, merely a commentary on how things appear to me.
  2. Oldninja

    Please explain

    Hi Rarest, Not sure what you mean by losing stuff at the range. If you enter with just a weapon and no ammo, you get complimentary ammo while your at the range. Once you leave it's gone. If you have taken ammo in with you it should still be in your inventory when you leave. Try changing guns to single, or burst where it's an option. Also crouch or go prone, both give you a lot more control Lots of comments on here re hits not registering. I'm sure the issue is near the top of the Devs 'to do' list.
  3. Oldninja

    Additional Crown Gain Methods

    As there have been a few recent comments re cost of crowns. Thought I would resurrect this thread for any further comment on the rational for cheaper crowns.
  4. Hi Fear, Read the following post and comment if you think it makes sense. 'Additional Crown gain methods'.
  5. Oldninja

    Crowns to expensive for amount given...

    Hi delpol, There is a rational for decreasing the cost of crowns in another post. Have a look and comment if you think it makes sense. The thread is called 'Additional Crown gain methods'.
  6. Oldninja

    Team kill are trash

    Just witnessed a team kill at Viktorsen. As soon as the game started the miscreant outlander' was marked as a threat and left at the nearest exit. I still think a different colour would be handy, as if it was later in the encounter you could not be sure if he had 3 kills or had just killed his partner for loot. Clearly it wasn't planned as no one in the encounter selected insurance!
  7. Oldninja

    Lost loot on game crash

    Read the thread - Lost crowns, guns in general discussion. Let's try and identify problem areas.
  8. Oldninja

    Anyone looking to play?

    Whats your gamer tag Frodo? If I go for a team game I'll see if your around.
  9. Oldninja

    Lost crowns/guns/

    Valid points PureMarksman, I've read a lot about disconnects and have not had the same problems as others by any means. Maybe outlanders could add their country/region when reporting the problem to help localise the problem areas. My location is in my profile, but the save time :- England, UK and no problems for weeks now. For the record. I do not support another reset thanks! The Devs can provide lost crowns in gifted crates over a period of time.
  10. Oldninja

    "Dropping" Items

    Hi LyrikaID, Your explanation seems logical and probably doable. In defence of the Devs, I believe the game was originally conceived as single player, therefore no need for rendered items or the exchanging of items. Would you want to see the principle applied game wide. By this I mean as the default method, even in the solo game. Exchanging what you need from crates, boxes, etc would leave items for other outlanders as well as making the outlander' more vunerable and adding more risk when exchanging. To be honest I'm happy with the current system in solo. It's quick and if I need to manage my inventory, I find a quiet place and destroy what I don't want. I can however see the benefit for teaming. Any other views out there?
  11. Oldninja

    Random Teaming

    Just tried random Teaming. Very difficult to communicate anything. We got the safe contents, but I wanted my partner to have them, but couldn't get the message across. So before other pairs turned up took them myself. Made for the signal tower but we got separated, so left the map. Overall an odd experience. Is there any way a headset can be utilised in teaming? What methods of communication do seasoned team players use. A glossary would be useful.
  12. Oldninja

    people camping at exit spots

    Send me your gamer tag and I'll drop you an invite.
  13. Oldninja

    Food reward system

    I wish to be associated with the comments of Whosbest24. . Might even make me save an inventory slot for food, and focus on upgrading food producers at my shelter.
  14. Oldninja

    Additions and Issues

    Hi Sykrid, All valid comments, but I get the overall impression your overriding concern is to make killing other outlanders easier. I have commented in other threads on my thoughts re ease of dispatching other outlanders, so won't repeat myself. Have also just commented on team kills, if the richocet option is not doable. Agree with the prone, crouch, stand issue. In some circumstances when trying to go prone it looks like I'm trying out star jumps instead of hiding. I personally like the varied visibility and weapon accuracy for reasons I have mentioned elsewhere, but I do agree with the higher frame rate comment.
  15. Oldninja

    Team kill are trash

    That maybe doable, but how about marking the miscreant as a threat with a different colour (maybe blue), that indicates the outlander' marked has killed his team mate. I admit the marked outlander' can just leave the encounter at the nearest exit, but could then have to wait for set period before being permitted to enter another encounter. Solo, team or otherwise. Just thinking out loud.
  16. Oldninja

    Bullet dmg

    Should not be too easy to kill other outlanders. Read the rational in other threads.
  17. Oldninja

    3's?? Quads???

    As long as a dedicated solo mode is maintained, I'm fine with team gaming.
  18. Oldninja


    Used the ppsh all the time. Great weapon, but I wonder how it would work with the current aiming and recoil mechanics?
  19. Oldninja

    Recoil inconsistent

    I would tend to support your comments. I always switch to single when starting an encounter. But.... I don't want the game mechanics to provide players with easy kills. For me it should be hard to kill other outlanders. Before 'reset day', it was too easy, the cheapest weapon available at that time was the Suomi, and on full auto you could take other outlanders out with a relatively short burst to the body. I'm in favour of a little less recoil, but not much, as I've mentioned in other threads, gun fights are rarely equal as one outlander' generally comes across another and has an immediate advantage. I want to be able to survive an initial onslaught, and either escape or return fire.
  20. Oldninja

    Shelter Customization Options

    Since 'Reset' day, there has been a lot more loot available in encounters. Whilst I'm really in favour of it, I agree with most of the comments regarding what's the point of looting if my shelter is fully upgraded and I have all the plans I need. To keep outlanders interested, there needs to be some guidance on what's on the development roadmap re upgrading shelter and the surrounding area. If you (the Devs) recall, this was part of the issue prior to 'reset day'. Outlanders thought that continuing to acquire loot, weapon plans etc was a waste of time, until a reward scheme was muted. I think we have reached a similar point in the current game. Give us some ideas of what we can expect to be spending our loot on in future updates.
  21. Oldninja

    Phenomenal Game - A Few Ideas

    Good suggestions overall Paddre. Rational for the cost of crowns appears in another Crown related thread.
  22. Water crossing is fine. Cross where there are rocks and other debris to help you. Running in waste deep water is realistically slow in my opinion.
  23. I would be supportive of a short duration smoke grenade (maybe), to help get out of the barred building with the safe contents. But nothing else by way of throwables. If you want to 'stand off' and kill other outlanders, get in cover and use a sniper rifle.
  24. Your suggestions worked Gargantucon. Finally got the silver I needed. Thanks.
  25. Oldninja

    Additional Crown Gain Methods

    Valid point Bryon. The game is pretty generous in providing free crowns. I pointed out the cost verses income issue as a way of encouraging more outlanders to boost, while potentially providing more income for development. But I accept your point of view, if your patient, a couple of outlanders boosting per encounter provides plenty of loot.