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Everything posted by LSValmont

  1. LSValmont


    Love you Dedmen and we are all Arma fanboys here but there are facts that we cannot deny. 1) I used this thread because I was talking about and comparing work that the Author of this mod did. This thread has been used to discuss Halek's contact content, missions and many other mods as long as they are related to Haleks. This has been done hundreds of times and all those times as long as the comment was aimed at Haleks no warnings about wrong threads had been given. This is in fact the firs time I read something like that here. 2) If you read this interview: https://www.onlysp.com/arma-3-contact-interview/ , at the last question/answer it reads: So you need to do your research a little better before revoking other people's comments as false. Thankfully I did my homework and everything I said was based on evidence I posted as videos and/or links. 3) You don't see the relation? So BI's business and work model does not relate both? That is like saying that you don't see the relation between a senator and a congress man. They both work for the ESTATE and they both ruled by the ESTATE's laws and work guidelines, policies, deadlines etc. The same applies for BI's teams. Another relation is that the DayZ's team worked on the ENFUSION engine for years and ENFUSION will power up Arma 4. If that is not a big relation on itself then I don't know what relation is. DayZ team has been reduced and parity with the mod or even 0.63 has been dropped. (The source of all this information likend below). Previously promised content will not be delivered (like Helicopters, weapons, vehicles etc) And 2019, the so called "year of DayZ" by its devs last year will be relegated to bugfixes for the whole rest of the year and a paid DLC later this year. This sudden change of plans for DayZ at the expense of hundreds of angry DayZ owners and fans can only mean that work on Arma 4 on ENFUSION is they main focus now but its development is clearly not going as expected (and so they had to transfer staff from DayZ to it, otherwise this drastic move would not have been necessary). Most BI's recent projects have actually showed this "not going as expected" behavior (both in speed and quality). Perhaps BI is facing the Blizzard/Bethesda size issue: It has become too big and too "heavy" so projects move too slow compared to the market and its competition. These facts might make me look rude but I cannot deny them and I won't lie about my thoughts on the matter. Source on everything commented about DayZ. And I suggest not reading the comments as they are slaughtering BI.
  2. LSValmont


    Yeah but the amount of alien content, scripted or not, is incredibly small considering the whole DLC is "Alien" themed. My whole point was that the Aliens got like 4 different vehicles/drones and that's it, and 2 of them are the size of a watermelon. There are also giant roots that are just decorative assets. Compared to the already existing and free modding content found on the workshop alone this 2 years old DLC looks amateurish in my book. Worth perhaps 10/15 $$ and not the 25. Just imagine what would Haleks be able to accomplish with a team of 5 other devs, 2 years and 100K in budget! I can assure you it would be 10 times the size of this. In fact for the GM third party DLC, two modders did a whole lot more than the entire Contact DLC team, and that was with no budget and on their free time!
  3. LSValmont


    Hey @haleks, your Contact mod is A LOT better than the official Contact DLC!!! 😂👏 Can you imagine a whole team was working on this for over 2 years??? No wonders DayZ development has stopped... At this pace Arma 4 will be released in 2026 sadly...
  4. LSValmont

    Pook ARTY Pack

    This should be in CUP too! Amazing Cold War era assets!
  5. I guess we will have to wait for Arma 4 then...
  6. Would dynamic light and shadows be too hard to implement in Arma 3 at this point? It was added to DayZ SA back in 2016 and would be great for immersion in the Contacts DLC and/or any horror themed mission. Also creates the same amazing immersion that the STALKER games have. Here are some sources and examples: https://trello.com/c/GSZoLFyL/122-dynamic-shadows https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/547c4a954dad7ad76b9cb6a1/57c0b25c3f2de7ff0dbedcdb/60e4ce88a2b98d10f607ee302161ec34/Shadows.mp4
  7. LSValmont

    DUI - Squad Radar

    Here is the script I am talking about, perhaps it can serve you at least as an example 😉:
  8. I can see your tin hat protects your forum avatar from global channel communication so it is truly in line with your AFAR policies! Nice! Anyways, thank you for your continue work on this!
  9. Guys, are you considering updating some of the old arma 2 buildings found currently in your CUP Terrains Core/Maps with their newer Contact DLC counterparts? It seems players are not required to own the DLC to use the new buildings so modders can use them freely on their mods/maps/missions etc. I know CUP has been looking forward to improve buildings with interiors and this perhaps is a good chance to do so without doing all the hard work from scratch. PS: These are all the Contact DLC assets:
  10. Thanks 0YO, would be great if only the server needed the mod (pure server side mod)... Keep it up!
  11. But if the server has it enabled then it forces itself into clients and clients don't need to download the mod separately or they do?
  12. LSValmont

    DUI - Squad Radar

    Exactly! I've seen some implementations that even show nearby friendlies functioning almost like a radar. Would be an awesome option to have even as a stand alone mod. Besides the coding (scripting) won't be much different. I've got a script version but it is too heavy on resources so I am just using yours now.
  13. LSValmont

    DUI - Squad Radar

    I just cannot play Arma 3 without this mod anymore! Quick question, can we get a flat compass (ala Squad/PUBG) option? I know this is a Squad Radar but It would be also very nice to have and diwako's modding skills are far above the task. Keep up with this Must Have tool!
  14. Is this mod serverside or clientside?
  15. How about making it configurable (toggle able) but disabled by default? Mission makers can enable it at their own missions' immersion expense. There are scenarios where global might be useful for some missions (alien telepathic communications anyone?). 😅
  16. vSuppress Script by Valmont and George Floros is the first script based Audio-Visual Suppression effects for Arma 3. vSuppress Main Features: - Easily add Suppression effects to your missions. These audio visual effects will trigger on players when Ai Units' bullets land or pass near them simulating the "Fear Effect" of being shot, the anxiety caused by being pinned down or just general combat stress. - Fully Multiplayer Compatible! - Extremely lightweight. The script was conceived with performance in mind and on testings with 60+ Ai units shooting at a single player resulted in a meagerly 2 FPS negative impact. - The Suppression effects are purely cosmetic and will not cause any other effects on players such as decreased stamina, stats etc. - The sounds and the visual effects can be easily tweaked and disabled inside the script. - Players cannot suppress other players, only Ai Units who have the script/EH running will be able to suppress players. - The suppression effects are quite minimalist and fast in nature to keep Arma 3's gameplay unchanged while adding an additional layer of immersion to the game. Requirements: Usage: vSuppress version 1.1 DEMO MISSION DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NLZx5lH_G5p6ubcK73xvwwgYVqCWpdvL Notes:
  17. I've been experimenting a bit with optimization and I found out I could spawn this script for 65 markers (that means 65 times) without even loosing 1 FPSs. Here is the script: So waitUntils with simple conditions and Ai units with dynamic simulation seem to be very optimized currently. In fact in all my latest experiments it is the objects spawned by these scripts the reason behind the big negative FPS impacts. Even more so than even the most demanding scripts. For example Ravage, with all modules placed and running and its default settings it is using (taking away) barely 8 fps. And for all the things that Ravage does under the hood having just an 8 fps impact is quite low for the +300 in immersion that you get from it! Specially considering that switching from Altis to Malden hurts my FPSs far more (-20). So far I am inclined to say that it is up to BI to finally fix the way objects are rendered in Arma 3. You can clearly see that the issue is fixed in DayZ where I get 120 FPS while I get 80 on Altis and 60 on Malden. Another example. I just recently switched all my scripts into functions format, took me quite a long time and it netted me perhaps +2 FPSs at most. Then I reduced the objects being spawned by the functions and even on EDEN by 50% and I got 20+ FPSs back! So my final conclusion: I know that you spawn many objects and units with your scritps, and that is probably hurting performance A LOT more than any scripting/coding inefficiency you might have.
  18. Altis vs. Malden FPS direct comparison. (decrease % impact reproducible on any system). PC Spects: Doesn't matter as it is the same PC under the same conditions for both maps. (But pretty beefy PC). Settings: Everything High. Arma 3 version: 1.92 Scenario steps: 1) Add 1 Nato playerUnit at the center of the both Altis and Malden maps. (No Ai or anything, just one unit). 2) Join the game (Using MP host for this test). Results: 1) FPS in Altis = 80. 2) FPS in Malden = 60. Now... I understand that Malden, even thou smaller than Altis, has far more objects and assets and far more condensed but come on... 20 FPS difference?? Look... I could accept this level of "unoptimization" or performance difference between an official map versus a modded/community one but two maps from Bohemia offering such HUGE difference in terms of performance? Really? The funny thing is that as an experiment I removed all the "big" rock assets and objects from Malden and you know what the result was? Well I gained those 20 FPS that I had lost compared to Altis. So it all boils down to ONE type of asset/object (rocks) being bugged or unoptimized or having their configs/physics wrong (don't know exactly) and just happening on MALDEN for some reason and the worst part is that its been like that since the release of MALDEN years ago... PS: Some players will of course say: "Oh man you are complaining even thou you are getting 60 FPS! 60 FPS in Arma is a dream come true for me etc etc etc... But that is with just ONE unit on the whole map, no Ai, no vehicles no nothing and that is not even the point. The point is that NO other game releases maps that have such huge differences in performance. So big in fact that once I load a full mission on Malden my FPSs can get down to 20 while I am getting 40 on the same mission on Altis. You know the difference between 20 and 40 fps? Well it is a WHOLE WORLD different. Of course the end result is quite sad: You see almost no server running missions on Malden. And the ones that do have to reduce their player counts, ai units etc. just to get playable levels of performance.
  19. Please replace your current script with this one and let me know if it works now:
  20. I am glad you are enjoying the vDogs scripts! Was your issue with the Patrol Dogs or the Feral Dogs? Because Patrol Dogs cannot kill players only hurt their legs. Are the enemies falling unconscious or not even that?
  21. Ok so I see I need: ace_main ace_common ace_modules I will try it like that and see if it works correctly and doesn't require too much config meddling from my players.
  22. Agreed! attachto is a great immersion creating command that should really be optimized by BI so we can get its full potential without any regrets in our missions. PS: I love have you've done with your civilian long boats script!
  23. LSValmont

    NIArms Release Thread

    Guy I love NIArms! (who doesn't?). But I wanted to ask something. I will talk about the G3 weapons pack in particular. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667375637 When the reload animation plays, when the old magazine is removed and a new one is about to be inserted there is like a part of the animation that is missing as if the clip goes from the hands into the gun out of thin air (teleports there). That doesn't happen on all guns but it does happen in many. Most other weapons mods even CUP and RHS also have this issue but it has been fixed on many instances in their latest versions. Also, the new G3 weapons found in the new DLC have the complete animation (you actually see the magazine in hand and then going all the way into the gun). So my question is... is that part of the animation so hard to do in Arma that most mods suffer from the lack of it? Or is it something else? Always wanted to know.
  24. attachto simply destroys in game performance, both in SP and in MP but it is particularly devastating in MP. The problem is that it updates the objects attached position every second and with just more than 2 attached objects it can cause serious delays to other scripts not to mention what it does to network performance. It is also know to mess with the object's physics if the object has complex physics. Adding the attached item to a "virtual inventory" is the way to go for me, even if it doesn't look as realistic (you don't see the object). At least until BI fixes/optimizes the the attachTo command to perhaps allow the object to loose all its physics and position calculations as an optional parameter. There shouldn't be a reason to double calculate the position of a attached item since its position is the same as the unit/object it is attached to minus the offset (Yet this is Arma and it does double/triple checks on things it doesn't need to). So, my suggestion is to stay away from attachto as much as possible 😃
  25. Thank you johnnyboy! Well, actually it is just because of the way the "virtual bullets' impacts positions" are currently calculated by the script rely on the assignedTarget command which does not work for players. Therefore we must find another way to calculate the distance between the target and the unit (which is used for the virtual bullet). So, to make it short, for players vs players the only way for the script to work that I know off is by tracking each bullet, an approach that can already be found on the suppression mods and that this script avoids for being too resource demanding. In fact in my tests when too many players are shooting the bullet tracking gets so delayed that it stops working altogether. There might be other solutions/commands for players vs. player to work instead of assignedTarget, commands like cursorObject and lineIntersectsWith would probably work just as well for players... I am actually adding a new radial blur effect developed by George Floros for the next update as well as a double check for side Arms (Handguns should not cause suppression). George is also looking into vehicles also causing suppression effect as a way to expand the script further. If you wanna add something please be my guess and we will include you as an author 😃 Would be an honor to have code from one of the best script writers out there.